Password recovery
+Forgotten password recovery
[% IF (hasError) %]An error occurred
[% IF (sendmailError) %]
An error has occurred while sending you the password recovery link.
Please try again later.
[% ELSIF (errNoBorrowerFound) %]
No account was found with the provided information.
Check if you typed it correctly.
- [% ELSIF (errBadEmail) %]
- The provided email address is not tied to this account.
- [% ELSIF (errTooManyEmailFound) %]
- More than one account has been found for the email address: "[% email %]"
Try to use your username or an alternative email if you have one.
- [% ELSIF (errNoBorrowerEmail) %]
- This account has no email address we can send the email to.
[% ELSIF (errAlreadyStartRecovery) %]
- The process of password recovery has already started for this account ("[% username %]")
Check your emails; you should receive the link to reset your password.
If you did not receive it, click here to get a new password recovery link.
+ The process of password recovery has already been started for this account ("[% username %]")
You should have received an email with a link to reset your password.
If you did not receive this email, you can request a new password recovery link.
[% ELSIF (errPassNotMatch) %]
- The passwords entered does not match.
Please try again.
+ Oops! The passwords must match.
[% ELSIF (errPassTooShort) %]
- The password is too short.
+ Your chosen password is too short.
The password must contain at least [% minPassLength %] characters.
[% ELSIF (errLinkNotValid) %]
- We could not authenticate you as the account owner.
Be sure to use the link you received in your email.
+ The link you clicked is either invalid, or expired.
Be sure you used the link from the email, or contact library staff for assistance.
[% END %]
Please contact the staff if you need further assistance.
+Please contact the library if you need further assistance.