[patch] [SIGNED OFF] Bug 11584 - Add wysiwyg editor to system preferences dealing with HTML
SIGNED-OFF-Bug-11584---Add-wysiwyg-editor-to-syste.patch (text/plain), 46.31 KB, created by Nick Clemens on 2015-06-26 19:44:57 UTC
Creator: Nick Clemens
Created: 2015-06-26 19:44:57 UTC
Size: 46.31 KB
Actions: View | Diff | Splinter Review
Attachments on bug 11584: 40509 | 40694 | 40959 | 40980 | 40981 | 40982 | 41515 | 41516 | 41517 | 41518 | 41519 | 41520 | 41521 | 41671 | 41672 | 41673 | 41674 | 42124