[patch] Bug 14757 [QA Followup] - Change all references to Koha::Borrower to Koha::Patron
Bug-14757-QA-Followup---Change-all-references-to-K.patch (text/plain), 3.20 KB, created by Nicole C. Engard on 2016-03-08 19:33:17 UTC
Creator: Nicole C. Engard
Created: 2016-03-08 19:33:17 UTC
Size: 3.20 KB
Actions: View | Diff | Splinter Review
Attachments on bug 14757: 45325 | 45884 | 47123 | 47131 | 47176 | 47177 | 47865 | 47866 | 48498 | 48499 | 48500 | 48619 | 48620 | 48621 | 48622 | 48805 | 48806 | 48807 | 48808 | 48809 | 48810 | 52758 | 52759 | 52760 | 52761 | 52805 | 52806 | 52807 | 52895 | 52924 | 52925 | 52926 | 52927 | 52928