[patch] Bug 11299 - Add a button to the biblio edition page to automatically add authority links in the current biblio record via AJAX. Also adds a button to easily create missing authority records.
Bug-11299---Add-a-button-to-the-biblio-edition-pag.patch (text/plain), 32.82 KB, created by Katrin Fischer on 2017-10-09 06:28:53 UTC
Creator: Katrin Fischer
Created: 2017-10-09 06:28:53 UTC
Size: 32.82 KB
Actions: View | Diff | Splinter Review
Attachments on bug 11299: 23146 | 26715 | 33074 | 37912 | 37913 | 37972 | 38737 | 39477 | 39478 | 39479 | 40831 | 41229 | 45218 | 56440 | 56508 | 56509 | 58307 | 60998 | 63311 | 63312 | 63313 | 64075 | 67162 | 67708 | 67709 | 67710 | 67712 | 67713 | 67714 | 67824 | 67825 | 67826 | 67827 | 67828 | 67829 | 79385 | 79386 | 79387 | 79388 | 79389 | 79390 | 79391 | 79392 | 79393 | 79394 | 79395 | 79396 | 79397 | 79398 | 79399 | 79447 | 79448 | 79449 | 79450 | 79451 | 79452 | 79545 | 94818 | 95126 | 95152 | 98571 | 98572 | 99249 | 108091 | 108309 | 108310 | 108396 | 108552 | 108834 | 108835 | 109062 | 109063 | 109069 | 109181 | 110553 | 110554 | 110555 | 110556 | 110557 | 110568 | 110569 | 110570 | 110571 | 110572 | 111706 | 111707 | 111708 | 111709 | 111710 | 112125 | 112126 | 112127 | 112128 | 112129 | 112130 | 112131 | 112132 | 112133 | 112134 | 112135 | 113562 | 113563 | 113564 | 113565 | 113566 | 113567 | 113568 | 114803 | 114924 | 114925 | 114926 | 114927 | 114928 | 114929 | 114930 | 114931 | 114932