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(-)a/installer/data/mysql/sysprefs.sql (-8 / +7 lines)
Lines 22-39 INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES Link Here
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('BiblioDefaultView','normal','Choose the default detail view in the catalog; choose between normal, marc or isbd','normal|marc|isbd','Choice');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('BiblioDefaultView','normal','Choose the default detail view in the catalog; choose between normal, marc or isbd','normal|marc|isbd','Choice');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('BorrowerMandatoryField','zipcode|surname|cardnumber','Choose the mandatory fields for a patron\'s account',NULL,'free');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('BorrowerMandatoryField','zipcode|surname|cardnumber','Choose the mandatory fields for a patron\'s account',NULL,'free');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('borrowerRelationship','father|mother','Define valid relationships between a guarantor & a guarantee (separated by | or ,)','','free');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('borrowerRelationship','father|mother','Define valid relationships between a guarantor & a guarantee (separated by | or ,)','','free');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('BorrowersLog',1,'If ON, log edit/create/delete actions on patron data',NULL,'YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('BorrowersLog',0,'If ON, log edit/create/delete actions on patron data',NULL,'YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('casAuthentication', '0', 'Enable or disable CAS authentication', '', 'YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('casAuthentication', '0', 'Enable or disable CAS authentication', '', 'YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('casLogout', '0', 'Does a logout from Koha should also log the user out of CAS?', '', 'YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('casLogout', '0', 'Does a logout from Koha should also log the user out of CAS?', '', 'YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('casServerUrl', 'https://localhost:8443/cas', 'URL of the cas server', '', 'Free');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('casServerUrl', 'https://localhost:8443/cas', 'URL of the cas server', '', 'Free');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('CataloguingLog',1,'If ON, log edit/create/delete actions on bibliographic data. WARNING: this feature is very resource consuming.',NULL,'YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('CataloguingLog',0,'If ON, log edit/create/delete actions on bibliographic data. WARNING: this feature is very resource consuming.',NULL,'YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('checkdigit','none','If ON, enable checks on patron cardnumber: none or \"Katipo\" style checks','none|katipo','Choice');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('checkdigit','none','If ON, enable checks on patron cardnumber: none or \"Katipo\" style checks','none|katipo','Choice');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('COinSinOPACResults', 1, 'If ON, use COinS in OPAC search results page.  NOTE: this can slow down search response time significantly','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('COinSinOPACResults', 1, 'If ON, use COinS in OPAC search results page.  NOTE: this can slow down search response time significantly','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('delimiter',';','Define the default separator character for exporting reports',';|tabulation|,|/|\\|#|\|','Choice');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('delimiter',';','Define the default separator character for exporting reports',';|tabulation|,|/|\\|#|\|','Choice');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('EnhancedMessagingPreferences',0,'If ON, allows patrons to select to receive additional messages about items due or nearly due.','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('EnhancedMessagingPreferences',0,'If ON, allows patrons to select to receive additional messages about items due or nearly due.','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('expandedSearchOption',0,'If ON, set advanced search to be expanded by default',NULL,'YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('expandedSearchOption',0,'If ON, set advanced search to be expanded by default',NULL,'YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('FineNotifyAtCheckin',0,'If ON notify librarians of overdue fines on the items they are checking in.',NULL,'YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('FineNotifyAtCheckin',0,'If ON notify librarians of overdue fines on the items they are checking in.',NULL,'YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('FinesLog',1,'If ON, log fines',NULL,'YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('FinesLog',0,'If ON, log fines',NULL,'YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('hidelostitems',0,'If ON, disables display of\"lost\" items in OPAC.','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('hidelostitems',0,'If ON, disables display of\"lost\" items in OPAC.','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('hide_marc',0,'If ON, disables display of MARC fields, subfield codes & indicators (still shows data)',NULL,'YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('hide_marc',0,'If ON, disables display of MARC fields, subfield codes & indicators (still shows data)',NULL,'YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('WaitingNotifyAtCheckin',0,'If ON, notify librarians of waiting holds for the patron whose items they are checking in.',NULL,'YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('WaitingNotifyAtCheckin',0,'If ON, notify librarians of waiting holds for the patron whose items they are checking in.',NULL,'YesNo');
Lines 49-62 INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES Link Here
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('intranetuserjs','','Custom javascript for inclusion in Intranet','70|10','Textarea');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('intranetuserjs','','Custom javascript for inclusion in Intranet','70|10','Textarea');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('intranet_includes','includes','The includes directory you want for specific look of Koha (includes or includes_npl for example)',NULL,'Free');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('intranet_includes','includes','The includes directory you want for specific look of Koha (includes or includes_npl for example)',NULL,'Free');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('ISBD','#100||{ 100a }{ 100b }{ 100c }{ 100d }{ 110a }{ 110b }{ 110c }{ 110d }{ 110e }{ 110f }{ 110g }{ 130a }{ 130d }{ 130f }{ 130g }{ 130h }{ 130k }{ 130l }{ 130m }{ 130n }{ 130o }{ 130p }{ 130r }{ 130s }{ 130t }|<br/><br/>\r\n#245||{ 245a }{ 245b }{245f }{ 245g }{ 245k }{ 245n }{ 245p }{ 245s }{ 245h }|\r\n#246||{ : 246i }{ 246a }{ 246b }{ 246f }{ 246g }{ 246n }{ 246p }{ 246h }|\r\n#242||{ = 242a }{ 242b }{ 242n }{ 242p }{ 242h }|\r\n#245||{ 245c }|\r\n#242||{ = 242c }|\r\n#250| - |{ 250a }{ 250b }|\r\n#254|, |{ 254a }|\r\n#255|, |{ 255a }{ 255b }{ 255c }{ 255d }{ 255e }{ 255f }{ 255g }|\r\n#256|, |{ 256a }|\r\n#257|, |{ 257a }|\r\n#258|, |{ 258a }{ 258b }|\r\n#260| - |{ 260a }{ 260b }{ 260c }|\r\n#300| - |{ 300a }{ 300b }{ 300c }{ 300d }{ 300e }{ 300f }{ 300g }|\r\n#306| - |{ 306a }|\r\n#307| - |{ 307a }{ 307b }|\r\n#310| - |{ 310a }{ 310b }|\r\n#321| - |{ 321a }{ 321b }|\r\n#340| - |{ 3403 }{ 340a }{ 340b }{ 340c }{ 340d }{ 340e }{ 340f }{ 340h }{ 340i }|\r\n#342| - |{ 342a }{ 342b }{ 342c }{ 342d }{ 342e }{ 342f }{ 342g }{ 342h }{ 342i }{ 342j }{ 342k }{ 342l }{ 342m }{ 342n }{ 342o }{ 342p }{ 342q }{ 342r }{ 342s }{ 342t }{ 342u }{ 342v }{ 342w }|\r\n#343| - |{ 343a }{ 343b }{ 343c }{ 343d }{ 343e }{ 343f }{ 343g }{ 343h }{ 343i }|\r\n#351| - |{ 3513 }{ 351a }{ 351b }{ 351c }|\r\n#352| - |{ 352a }{ 352b }{ 352c }{ 352d }{ 352e }{ 352f }{ 352g }{ 352i }{ 352q }|\r\n#362| - |{ 362a }{ 351z }|\r\n#440| - |{ 440a }{ 440n }{ 440p }{ 440v }{ 440x }|.\r\n#490| - |{ 490a }{ 490v }{ 490x }|.\r\n#800| - |{ 800a }{ 800b }{ 800c }{ 800d }{ 800e }{ 800f }{ 800g }{ 800h }{ 800j }{ 800k }{ 800l }{ 800m }{ 800n }{ 800o }{ 800p }{ 800q }{ 800r }{ 800s }{ 800t }{ 800u }{ 800v }|.\r\n#810| - |{ 810a }{ 810b }{ 810c }{ 810d }{ 810e }{ 810f }{ 810g }{ 810h }{ 810k }{ 810l }{ 810m }{ 810n }{ 810o }{ 810p }{ 810r }{ 810s }{ 810t }{ 810u }{ 810v }|.\r\n#811| - |{ 811a }{ 811c }{ 811d }{ 811e }{ 811f }{ 811g }{ 811h }{ 811k }{ 811l }{ 811n }{ 811p }{ 811q }{ 811s }{ 811t }{ 811u }{ 811v }|.\r\n#830| - |{ 830a }{ 830d }{ 830f }{ 830g }{ 830h }{ 830k }{ 830l }{ 830m }{ 830n }{ 830o }{ 830p }{ 830r }{ 830s }{ 830t }{ 830v }|.\r\n#500|<br/><br/>|{ 5003 }{ 500a }|\r\n#501|<br/><br/>|{ 501a }|\r\n#502|<br/><br/>|{ 502a }|\r\n#504|<br/><br/>|{ 504a }|\r\n#505|<br/><br/>|{ 505a }{ 505t }{ 505r }{ 505g }{ 505u }|\r\n#506|<br/><br/>|{ 5063 }{ 506a }{ 506b }{ 506c }{ 506d }{ 506u }|\r\n#507|<br/><br/>|{ 507a }{ 507b }|\r\n#508|<br/><br/>|{ 508a }{ 508a }|\r\n#510|<br/><br/>|{ 5103 }{ 510a }{ 510x }{ 510c }{ 510b }|\r\n#511|<br/><br/>|{ 511a }|\r\n#513|<br/><br/>|{ 513a }{513b }|\r\n#514|<br/><br/>|{ 514z }{ 514a }{ 514b }{ 514c }{ 514d }{ 514e }{ 514f }{ 514g }{ 514h }{ 514i }{ 514j }{ 514k }{ 514m }{ 514u }|\r\n#515|<br/><br/>|{ 515a }|\r\n#516|<br/><br/>|{ 516a }|\r\n#518|<br/><br/>|{ 5183 }{ 518a }|\r\n#520|<br/><br/>|{ 5203 }{ 520a }{ 520b }{ 520u }|\r\n#521|<br/><br/>|{ 5213 }{ 521a }{ 521b }|\r\n#522|<br/><br/>|{ 522a }|\r\n#524|<br/><br/>|{ 524a }|\r\n#525|<br/><br/>|{ 525a }|\r\n#526|<br/><br/>|{\\n510i }{\\n510a }{ 510b }{ 510c }{ 510d }{\\n510x }|\r\n#530|<br/><br/>|{\\n5063 }{\\n506a }{ 506b }{ 506c }{ 506d }{\\n506u }|\r\n#533|<br/><br/>|{\\n5333 }{\\n533a }{\\n533b }{\\n533c }{\\n533d }{\\n533e }{\\n533f }{\\n533m }{\\n533n }|\r\n#534|<br/><br/>|{\\n533p }{\\n533a }{\\n533b }{\\n533c }{\\n533d }{\\n533e }{\\n533f }{\\n533m }{\\n533n }{\\n533t }{\\n533x }{\\n533z }|\r\n#535|<br/><br/>|{\\n5353 }{\\n535a }{\\n535b }{\\n535c }{\\n535d }|\r\n#538|<br/><br/>|{\\n5383 }{\\n538a }{\\n538i }{\\n538u }|\r\n#540|<br/><br/>|{\\n5403 }{\\n540a }{ 540b }{ 540c }{ 540d }{\\n520u }|\r\n#544|<br/><br/>|{\\n5443 }{\\n544a }{\\n544b }{\\n544c }{\\n544d }{\\n544e }{\\n544n }|\r\n#545|<br/><br/>|{\\n545a }{ 545b }{\\n545u }|\r\n#546|<br/><br/>|{\\n5463 }{\\n546a }{ 546b }|\r\n#547|<br/><br/>|{\\n547a }|\r\n#550|<br/><br/>|{ 550a }|\r\n#552|<br/><br/>|{ 552z }{ 552a }{ 552b }{ 552c }{ 552d }{ 552e }{ 552f }{ 552g }{ 552h }{ 552i }{ 552j }{ 552k }{ 552l }{ 552m }{ 552n }{ 562o }{ 552p }{ 552u }|\r\n#555|<br/><br/>|{ 5553 }{ 555a }{ 555b }{ 555c }{ 555d }{ 555u }|\r\n#556|<br/><br/>|{ 556a }{ 506z }|\r\n#563|<br/><br/>|{ 5633 }{ 563a }{ 563u }|\r\n#565|<br/><br/>|{ 5653 }{ 565a }{ 565b }{ 565c }{ 565d }{ 565e }|\r\n#567|<br/><br/>|{ 567a }|\r\n#580|<br/><br/>|{ 580a }|\r\n#581|<br/><br/>|{ 5633 }{ 581a }{ 581z }|\r\n#584|<br/><br/>|{ 5843 }{ 584a }{ 584b }|\r\n#585|<br/><br/>|{ 5853 }{ 585a }|\r\n#586|<br/><br/>|{ 5863 }{ 586a }|\r\n#020|<br/><br/><label>ISBN: </label>|{ 020a }{ 020c }|\r\n#022|<br/><br/><label>ISSN: </label>|{ 022a }|\r\n#222| = |{ 222a }{ 222b }|\r\n#210| = |{ 210a }{ 210b }|\r\n#024|<br/><br/><label>Standard No.: </label>|{ 024a }{ 024c }{ 024d }{ 0242 }|\r\n#027|<br/><br/><label>Standard Tech. Report. No.: </label>|{ 027a }|\r\n#028|<br/><br/><label>Publisher. No.: </label>|{ 028a }{ 028b }|\r\n#013|<br/><br/><label>Patent No.: </label>|{ 013a }{ 013b }{ 013c }{ 013d }{ 013e }{ 013f }|\r\n#030|<br/><br/><label>CODEN: </label>|{ 030a }|\r\n#037|<br/><br/><label>Source: </label>|{ 037a }{ 037b }{ 037c }{ 037f }{ 037g }{ 037n }|\r\n#010|<br/><br/><label>LCCN: </label>|{ 010a }|\r\n#015|<br/><br/><label>Nat. Bib. No.: </label>|{ 015a }{ 0152 }|\r\n#016|<br/><br/><label>Nat. Bib. Agency Control No.: </label>|{ 016a }{ 0162 }|\r\n#600|<br/><br/><label>Subjects--Personal Names: </label>|{\\n6003 }{\\n600a}{ 600b }{ 600c }{ 600d }{ 600e }{ 600f }{ 600g }{ 600h }{--600k}{ 600l }{ 600m }{ 600n }{ 600o }{--600p}{ 600r }{ 600s }{ 600t }{ 600u }{--600x}{--600z}{--600y}{--600v}|\r\n#610|<br/><br/><label>Subjects--Corporate Names: </label>|{\\n6103 }{\\n610a}{ 610b }{ 610c }{ 610d }{ 610e }{ 610f }{ 610g }{ 610h }{--610k}{ 610l }{ 610m }{ 610n }{ 610o }{--610p}{ 610r }{ 610s }{ 610t }{ 610u }{--610x}{--610z}{--610y}{--610v}|\r\n#611|<br/><br/><label>Subjects--Meeting Names: </label>|{\\n6113 }{\\n611a}{ 611b }{ 611c }{ 611d }{ 611e }{ 611f }{ 611g }{ 611h }{--611k}{ 611l }{ 611m }{ 611n }{ 611o }{--611p}{ 611r }{ 611s }{ 611t }{ 611u }{--611x}{--611z}{--611y}{--611v}|\r\n#630|<br/><br/><label>Subjects--Uniform Titles: </label>|{\\n630a}{ 630b }{ 630c }{ 630d }{ 630e }{ 630f }{ 630g }{ 630h }{--630k }{ 630l }{ 630m }{ 630n }{ 630o }{--630p}{ 630r }{ 630s }{ 630t }{--630x}{--630z}{--630y}{--630v}|\r\n#648|<br/><br/><label>Subjects--Chronological Terms: </label>|{\\n6483 }{\\n648a }{--648x}{--648z}{--648y}{--648v}|\r\n#650|<br/><br/><label>Subjects--Topical Terms: </label>|{\\n6503 }{\\n650a}{ 650b }{ 650c }{ 650d }{ 650e }{--650x}{--650z}{--650y}{--650v}|\r\n#651|<br/><br/><label>Subjects--Geographic Terms: </label>|{\\n6513 }{\\n651a}{ 651b }{ 651c }{ 651d }{ 651e }{--651x}{--651z}{--651y}{--651v}|\r\n#653|<br/><br/><label>Subjects--Index Terms: </label>|{ 653a }|\r\n#654|<br/><br/><label>Subjects--Facted Index Terms: </label>|{\\n6543 }{\\n654a}{--654b}{--654x}{--654z}{--654y}{--654v}|\r\n#655|<br/><br/><label>Index Terms--Genre/Form: </label>|{\\n6553 }{\\n655a}{--655b}{--655x }{--655z}{--655y}{--655v}|\r\n#656|<br/><br/><label>Index Terms--Occupation: </label>|{\\n6563 }{\\n656a}{--656k}{--656x}{--656z}{--656y}{--656v}|\r\n#657|<br/><br/><label>Index Terms--Function: </label>|{\\n6573 }{\\n657a}{--657x}{--657z}{--657y}{--657v}|\r\n#658|<br/><br/><label>Index Terms--Curriculum Objective: </label>|{\\n658a}{--658b}{--658c}{--658d}{--658v}|\r\n#050|<br/><br/><label>LC Class. No.: </label>|{ 050a }{ / 050b }|\r\n#082|<br/><br/><label>Dewey Class. No.: </label>|{ 082a }{ / 082b }|\r\n#080|<br/><br/><label>Universal Decimal Class. No.: </label>|{ 080a }{ 080x }{ / 080b }|\r\n#070|<br/><br/><label>National Agricultural Library Call No.: </label>|{ 070a }{ / 070b }|\r\n#060|<br/><br/><label>National Library of Medicine Call No.: </label>|{ 060a }{ / 060b }|\r\n#074|<br/><br/><label>GPO Item No.: </label>|{ 074a }|\r\n#086|<br/><br/><label>Gov. Doc. Class. No.: </label>|{ 086a }|\r\n#088|<br/><br/><label>Report. No.: </label>|{ 088a }|','ISBD','70|10','Textarea');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('ISBD','#100||{ 100a }{ 100b }{ 100c }{ 100d }{ 110a }{ 110b }{ 110c }{ 110d }{ 110e }{ 110f }{ 110g }{ 130a }{ 130d }{ 130f }{ 130g }{ 130h }{ 130k }{ 130l }{ 130m }{ 130n }{ 130o }{ 130p }{ 130r }{ 130s }{ 130t }|<br/><br/>\r\n#245||{ 245a }{ 245b }{245f }{ 245g }{ 245k }{ 245n }{ 245p }{ 245s }{ 245h }|\r\n#246||{ : 246i }{ 246a }{ 246b }{ 246f }{ 246g }{ 246n }{ 246p }{ 246h }|\r\n#242||{ = 242a }{ 242b }{ 242n }{ 242p }{ 242h }|\r\n#245||{ 245c }|\r\n#242||{ = 242c }|\r\n#250| - |{ 250a }{ 250b }|\r\n#254|, |{ 254a }|\r\n#255|, |{ 255a }{ 255b }{ 255c }{ 255d }{ 255e }{ 255f }{ 255g }|\r\n#256|, |{ 256a }|\r\n#257|, |{ 257a }|\r\n#258|, |{ 258a }{ 258b }|\r\n#260| - |{ 260a }{ 260b }{ 260c }|\r\n#300| - |{ 300a }{ 300b }{ 300c }{ 300d }{ 300e }{ 300f }{ 300g }|\r\n#306| - |{ 306a }|\r\n#307| - |{ 307a }{ 307b }|\r\n#310| - |{ 310a }{ 310b }|\r\n#321| - |{ 321a }{ 321b }|\r\n#340| - |{ 3403 }{ 340a }{ 340b }{ 340c }{ 340d }{ 340e }{ 340f }{ 340h }{ 340i }|\r\n#342| - |{ 342a }{ 342b }{ 342c }{ 342d }{ 342e }{ 342f }{ 342g }{ 342h }{ 342i }{ 342j }{ 342k }{ 342l }{ 342m }{ 342n }{ 342o }{ 342p }{ 342q }{ 342r }{ 342s }{ 342t }{ 342u }{ 342v }{ 342w }|\r\n#343| - |{ 343a }{ 343b }{ 343c }{ 343d }{ 343e }{ 343f }{ 343g }{ 343h }{ 343i }|\r\n#351| - |{ 3513 }{ 351a }{ 351b }{ 351c }|\r\n#352| - |{ 352a }{ 352b }{ 352c }{ 352d }{ 352e }{ 352f }{ 352g }{ 352i }{ 352q }|\r\n#362| - |{ 362a }{ 351z }|\r\n#440| - |{ 440a }{ 440n }{ 440p }{ 440v }{ 440x }|.\r\n#490| - |{ 490a }{ 490v }{ 490x }|.\r\n#800| - |{ 800a }{ 800b }{ 800c }{ 800d }{ 800e }{ 800f }{ 800g }{ 800h }{ 800j }{ 800k }{ 800l }{ 800m }{ 800n }{ 800o }{ 800p }{ 800q }{ 800r }{ 800s }{ 800t }{ 800u }{ 800v }|.\r\n#810| - |{ 810a }{ 810b }{ 810c }{ 810d }{ 810e }{ 810f }{ 810g }{ 810h }{ 810k }{ 810l }{ 810m }{ 810n }{ 810o }{ 810p }{ 810r }{ 810s }{ 810t }{ 810u }{ 810v }|.\r\n#811| - |{ 811a }{ 811c }{ 811d }{ 811e }{ 811f }{ 811g }{ 811h }{ 811k }{ 811l }{ 811n }{ 811p }{ 811q }{ 811s }{ 811t }{ 811u }{ 811v }|.\r\n#830| - |{ 830a }{ 830d }{ 830f }{ 830g }{ 830h }{ 830k }{ 830l }{ 830m }{ 830n }{ 830o }{ 830p }{ 830r }{ 830s }{ 830t }{ 830v }|.\r\n#500|<br/><br/>|{ 5003 }{ 500a }|\r\n#501|<br/><br/>|{ 501a }|\r\n#502|<br/><br/>|{ 502a }|\r\n#504|<br/><br/>|{ 504a }|\r\n#505|<br/><br/>|{ 505a }{ 505t }{ 505r }{ 505g }{ 505u }|\r\n#506|<br/><br/>|{ 5063 }{ 506a }{ 506b }{ 506c }{ 506d }{ 506u }|\r\n#507|<br/><br/>|{ 507a }{ 507b }|\r\n#508|<br/><br/>|{ 508a }{ 508a }|\r\n#510|<br/><br/>|{ 5103 }{ 510a }{ 510x }{ 510c }{ 510b }|\r\n#511|<br/><br/>|{ 511a }|\r\n#513|<br/><br/>|{ 513a }{513b }|\r\n#514|<br/><br/>|{ 514z }{ 514a }{ 514b }{ 514c }{ 514d }{ 514e }{ 514f }{ 514g }{ 514h }{ 514i }{ 514j }{ 514k }{ 514m }{ 514u }|\r\n#515|<br/><br/>|{ 515a }|\r\n#516|<br/><br/>|{ 516a }|\r\n#518|<br/><br/>|{ 5183 }{ 518a }|\r\n#520|<br/><br/>|{ 5203 }{ 520a }{ 520b }{ 520u }|\r\n#521|<br/><br/>|{ 5213 }{ 521a }{ 521b }|\r\n#522|<br/><br/>|{ 522a }|\r\n#524|<br/><br/>|{ 524a }|\r\n#525|<br/><br/>|{ 525a }|\r\n#526|<br/><br/>|{\\n510i }{\\n510a }{ 510b }{ 510c }{ 510d }{\\n510x }|\r\n#530|<br/><br/>|{\\n5063 }{\\n506a }{ 506b }{ 506c }{ 506d }{\\n506u }|\r\n#533|<br/><br/>|{\\n5333 }{\\n533a }{\\n533b }{\\n533c }{\\n533d }{\\n533e }{\\n533f }{\\n533m }{\\n533n }|\r\n#534|<br/><br/>|{\\n533p }{\\n533a }{\\n533b }{\\n533c }{\\n533d }{\\n533e }{\\n533f }{\\n533m }{\\n533n }{\\n533t }{\\n533x }{\\n533z }|\r\n#535|<br/><br/>|{\\n5353 }{\\n535a }{\\n535b }{\\n535c }{\\n535d }|\r\n#538|<br/><br/>|{\\n5383 }{\\n538a }{\\n538i }{\\n538u }|\r\n#540|<br/><br/>|{\\n5403 }{\\n540a }{ 540b }{ 540c }{ 540d }{\\n520u }|\r\n#544|<br/><br/>|{\\n5443 }{\\n544a }{\\n544b }{\\n544c }{\\n544d }{\\n544e }{\\n544n }|\r\n#545|<br/><br/>|{\\n545a }{ 545b }{\\n545u }|\r\n#546|<br/><br/>|{\\n5463 }{\\n546a }{ 546b }|\r\n#547|<br/><br/>|{\\n547a }|\r\n#550|<br/><br/>|{ 550a }|\r\n#552|<br/><br/>|{ 552z }{ 552a }{ 552b }{ 552c }{ 552d }{ 552e }{ 552f }{ 552g }{ 552h }{ 552i }{ 552j }{ 552k }{ 552l }{ 552m }{ 552n }{ 562o }{ 552p }{ 552u }|\r\n#555|<br/><br/>|{ 5553 }{ 555a }{ 555b }{ 555c }{ 555d }{ 555u }|\r\n#556|<br/><br/>|{ 556a }{ 506z }|\r\n#563|<br/><br/>|{ 5633 }{ 563a }{ 563u }|\r\n#565|<br/><br/>|{ 5653 }{ 565a }{ 565b }{ 565c }{ 565d }{ 565e }|\r\n#567|<br/><br/>|{ 567a }|\r\n#580|<br/><br/>|{ 580a }|\r\n#581|<br/><br/>|{ 5633 }{ 581a }{ 581z }|\r\n#584|<br/><br/>|{ 5843 }{ 584a }{ 584b }|\r\n#585|<br/><br/>|{ 5853 }{ 585a }|\r\n#586|<br/><br/>|{ 5863 }{ 586a }|\r\n#020|<br/><br/><label>ISBN: </label>|{ 020a }{ 020c }|\r\n#022|<br/><br/><label>ISSN: </label>|{ 022a }|\r\n#222| = |{ 222a }{ 222b }|\r\n#210| = |{ 210a }{ 210b }|\r\n#024|<br/><br/><label>Standard No.: </label>|{ 024a }{ 024c }{ 024d }{ 0242 }|\r\n#027|<br/><br/><label>Standard Tech. Report. No.: </label>|{ 027a }|\r\n#028|<br/><br/><label>Publisher. No.: </label>|{ 028a }{ 028b }|\r\n#013|<br/><br/><label>Patent No.: </label>|{ 013a }{ 013b }{ 013c }{ 013d }{ 013e }{ 013f }|\r\n#030|<br/><br/><label>CODEN: </label>|{ 030a }|\r\n#037|<br/><br/><label>Source: </label>|{ 037a }{ 037b }{ 037c }{ 037f }{ 037g }{ 037n }|\r\n#010|<br/><br/><label>LCCN: </label>|{ 010a }|\r\n#015|<br/><br/><label>Nat. Bib. No.: </label>|{ 015a }{ 0152 }|\r\n#016|<br/><br/><label>Nat. Bib. Agency Control No.: </label>|{ 016a }{ 0162 }|\r\n#600|<br/><br/><label>Subjects--Personal Names: </label>|{\\n6003 }{\\n600a}{ 600b }{ 600c }{ 600d }{ 600e }{ 600f }{ 600g }{ 600h }{--600k}{ 600l }{ 600m }{ 600n }{ 600o }{--600p}{ 600r }{ 600s }{ 600t }{ 600u }{--600x}{--600z}{--600y}{--600v}|\r\n#610|<br/><br/><label>Subjects--Corporate Names: </label>|{\\n6103 }{\\n610a}{ 610b }{ 610c }{ 610d }{ 610e }{ 610f }{ 610g }{ 610h }{--610k}{ 610l }{ 610m }{ 610n }{ 610o }{--610p}{ 610r }{ 610s }{ 610t }{ 610u }{--610x}{--610z}{--610y}{--610v}|\r\n#611|<br/><br/><label>Subjects--Meeting Names: </label>|{\\n6113 }{\\n611a}{ 611b }{ 611c }{ 611d }{ 611e }{ 611f }{ 611g }{ 611h }{--611k}{ 611l }{ 611m }{ 611n }{ 611o }{--611p}{ 611r }{ 611s }{ 611t }{ 611u }{--611x}{--611z}{--611y}{--611v}|\r\n#630|<br/><br/><label>Subjects--Uniform Titles: </label>|{\\n630a}{ 630b }{ 630c }{ 630d }{ 630e }{ 630f }{ 630g }{ 630h }{--630k }{ 630l }{ 630m }{ 630n }{ 630o }{--630p}{ 630r }{ 630s }{ 630t }{--630x}{--630z}{--630y}{--630v}|\r\n#648|<br/><br/><label>Subjects--Chronological Terms: </label>|{\\n6483 }{\\n648a }{--648x}{--648z}{--648y}{--648v}|\r\n#650|<br/><br/><label>Subjects--Topical Terms: </label>|{\\n6503 }{\\n650a}{ 650b }{ 650c }{ 650d }{ 650e }{--650x}{--650z}{--650y}{--650v}|\r\n#651|<br/><br/><label>Subjects--Geographic Terms: </label>|{\\n6513 }{\\n651a}{ 651b }{ 651c }{ 651d }{ 651e }{--651x}{--651z}{--651y}{--651v}|\r\n#653|<br/><br/><label>Subjects--Index Terms: </label>|{ 653a }|\r\n#654|<br/><br/><label>Subjects--Facted Index Terms: </label>|{\\n6543 }{\\n654a}{--654b}{--654x}{--654z}{--654y}{--654v}|\r\n#655|<br/><br/><label>Index Terms--Genre/Form: </label>|{\\n6553 }{\\n655a}{--655b}{--655x }{--655z}{--655y}{--655v}|\r\n#656|<br/><br/><label>Index Terms--Occupation: </label>|{\\n6563 }{\\n656a}{--656k}{--656x}{--656z}{--656y}{--656v}|\r\n#657|<br/><br/><label>Index Terms--Function: </label>|{\\n6573 }{\\n657a}{--657x}{--657z}{--657y}{--657v}|\r\n#658|<br/><br/><label>Index Terms--Curriculum Objective: </label>|{\\n658a}{--658b}{--658c}{--658d}{--658v}|\r\n#050|<br/><br/><label>LC Class. No.: </label>|{ 050a }{ / 050b }|\r\n#082|<br/><br/><label>Dewey Class. No.: </label>|{ 082a }{ / 082b }|\r\n#080|<br/><br/><label>Universal Decimal Class. No.: </label>|{ 080a }{ 080x }{ / 080b }|\r\n#070|<br/><br/><label>National Agricultural Library Call No.: </label>|{ 070a }{ / 070b }|\r\n#060|<br/><br/><label>National Library of Medicine Call No.: </label>|{ 060a }{ / 060b }|\r\n#074|<br/><br/><label>GPO Item No.: </label>|{ 074a }|\r\n#086|<br/><br/><label>Gov. Doc. Class. No.: </label>|{ 086a }|\r\n#088|<br/><br/><label>Report. No.: </label>|{ 088a }|','ISBD','70|10','Textarea');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('IssueLog',1,'If ON, log checkout activity',NULL,'YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('IssueLog',0,'If ON, log checkout activity',NULL,'YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('IssuingInProcess',0,'If ON, disables fines if the patron is issuing item that accumulate debt',NULL,'YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('IssuingInProcess',0,'If ON, disables fines if the patron is issuing item that accumulate debt',NULL,'YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('item-level_itypes',1,'If ON, enables Item-level Itemtype / Issuing Rules','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('item-level_itypes',1,'If ON, enables Item-level Itemtype / Issuing Rules','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('itemcallnumber','082ab','The MARC field/subfield that is used to calculate the itemcallnumber (Dewey would be 082ab or 092ab; LOC would be 050ab or 090ab) could be 852hi from an item record',NULL,'free');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('itemcallnumber','082ab','The MARC field/subfield that is used to calculate the itemcallnumber (Dewey would be 082ab or 092ab; LOC would be 050ab or 090ab) could be 852hi from an item record',NULL,'free');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('DefaultClassificationSource','ddc','Default classification scheme used by the collection. E.g., Dewey, LCC, etc.', NULL,'ClassSources');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('DefaultClassificationSource','ddc','Default classification scheme used by the collection. E.g., Dewey, LCC, etc.', NULL,'ClassSources');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('KohaAdminEmailAddress','root@localhost','Define the email address where patron modification requests are sent','','free');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('KohaAdminEmailAddress','root@localhost','Define the email address where patron modification requests are sent','','free');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('LabelMARCView','standard','Define how a MARC record will display','standard|economical','Choice');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('LabelMARCView','standard','Define how a MARC record will display','standard|economical','Choice');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('LetterLog',1,'If ON, log all notices sent',NULL,'YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('LetterLog',0,'If ON, log all notices sent',NULL,'YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('LibraryName','','Define the library name as displayed on the OPAC','','');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('LibraryName','','Define the library name as displayed on the OPAC','','');
-- this is selected by the web installer now
-- this is selected by the web installer now
Lines 102-114 INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES Link Here
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('RequestOnOpac',1,'If ON, globally enables patron holds on OPAC',NULL,'YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('RequestOnOpac',1,'If ON, globally enables patron holds on OPAC',NULL,'YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('ReservesMaxPickUpDelay',7,'Define the Maximum delay to pick up an item on hold','','Integer');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('ReservesMaxPickUpDelay',7,'Define the Maximum delay to pick up an item on hold','','Integer');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('ReturnBeforeExpiry',0,'If ON, checkout will be prevented if returndate is after patron card expiry',NULL,'YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('ReturnBeforeExpiry',0,'If ON, checkout will be prevented if returndate is after patron card expiry',NULL,'YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('ReturnLog',1,'If ON, enables the circulation (returns) log',NULL,'YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('ReturnLog',0,'If ON, enables the circulation (returns) log',NULL,'YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('reviewson',1,'If ON, enables patron reviews of bibliographic records in the OPAC','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('reviewson',1,'If ON, enables patron reviews of bibliographic records in the OPAC','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('ShowReviewer','full','Choose how a commenter''s identity is presented alongside comments in the OPAC','none|full|first|surname|firstandinitial|username','Choice');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('ShowReviewer','full','Choose how a commenter''s identity is presented alongside comments in the OPAC','none|full|first|surname|firstandinitial|username','Choice');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('ShowReviewerPhoto',1,'If ON, photo of reviewer will be shown beside comments in OPAC','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('ShowReviewerPhoto',1,'If ON, photo of reviewer will be shown beside comments in OPAC','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('SpecifyDueDate',1,'Define whether to display \"Specify Due Date\" form in Circulation','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('SpecifyDueDate',1,'Define whether to display \"Specify Due Date\" form in Circulation','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('SubscriptionHistory','simplified','Define the display preference for serials issue history in OPAC','simplified|full','Choice');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('SubscriptionHistory','simplified','Define the display preference for serials issue history in OPAC','simplified|full','Choice');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('SubscriptionLog',1,'If ON, enables subscriptions log',NULL,'YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('SubscriptionLog',0,'If ON, enables subscriptions log',NULL,'YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('suggestion',1,'If ON, enables patron suggestions feature in OPAC','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('suggestion',1,'If ON, enables patron suggestions feature in OPAC','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('template','prog','Define the preferred staff interface template','','Themes');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('template','prog','Define the preferred staff interface template','','Themes');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('timeout',12000000,'Inactivity timeout for cookies authentication (in seconds)',NULL,'Integer');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('timeout',12000000,'Inactivity timeout for cookies authentication (in seconds)',NULL,'Integer');

Return to bug 8066