Lines 647-652
INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `
Link Here
647 |
('UNIMARCField100Language','fre',NULL,'UNIMARC field 100 default language','short'), |
647 |
('UNIMARCField100Language','fre',NULL,'UNIMARC field 100 default language','short'), |
648 |
('UpdateItemWhenLostFromHoldList','',NULL,'This is a list of values to update an item when it is marked as lost from the holds to pull screen','Free'), |
648 |
('UpdateItemWhenLostFromHoldList','',NULL,'This is a list of values to update an item when it is marked as lost from the holds to pull screen','Free'), |
649 |
('UniqueItemFields','barcode','','Pipe-separated list of fields that should be unique (used in acquisition module for item creation). Fields must be valid SQL column names of items table','Free'), |
649 |
('UniqueItemFields','barcode','','Pipe-separated list of fields that should be unique (used in acquisition module for item creation). Fields must be valid SQL column names of items table','Free'), |
650 |
('UnseenRenewals','0','','Allow renewals to be recorded as "unseen" by the library, and count against the borrowers unseen renewals limit','YesNo'), |
650 |
('UnsubscribeReflectionDelay','',NULL,'Delay for locking unsubscribers', 'Integer'), |
651 |
('UnsubscribeReflectionDelay','',NULL,'Delay for locking unsubscribers', 'Integer'), |
651 |
('UpdateItemLocationOnCheckin', '', 'NULL', 'This is a list of value pairs.\n Examples:\n\nPROC: FIC - causes an item in the Processing Center location to be updated into the Fiction location on check in.\nFIC: GEN - causes an item in the Fiction location to be updated into the General stacks location on check in.\n_BLANK_:FIC - causes an item that has no location to be updated into the Fiction location on check in.\nFIC: _BLANK_ - causes an item in location FIC to be updated to a blank location on check in.\n_ALL_:FIC - causes all items to be updated into the Fiction location on check in.\nPROC: _PERM_ - causes an item that is in the Processing Center to be updated to it''s permanent location.\n\nGeneral rule: if the location value on the left matches the item''s current location, it will be updated to match the location value on the right.\nNote: PROC and CART are special values, for these locations only can location and permanent_location differ, in all other cases an update will affect both. Items in the CART location will be returned to their permanent location on checkout.\n\nThe special term _BLANK_ may be used on either side of a value pair to update or remove the location from items with no location assigned.\nThe special term _ALL_ is used on the left side of the colon (:) to affect all items.\nThe special term _PERM_ is used on the right side of the colon (:) to return items to their permanent location.', 'Free'), |
652 |
('UpdateItemLocationOnCheckin', '', 'NULL', 'This is a list of value pairs.\n Examples:\n\nPROC: FIC - causes an item in the Processing Center location to be updated into the Fiction location on check in.\nFIC: GEN - causes an item in the Fiction location to be updated into the General stacks location on check in.\n_BLANK_:FIC - causes an item that has no location to be updated into the Fiction location on check in.\nFIC: _BLANK_ - causes an item in location FIC to be updated to a blank location on check in.\n_ALL_:FIC - causes all items to be updated into the Fiction location on check in.\nPROC: _PERM_ - causes an item that is in the Processing Center to be updated to it''s permanent location.\n\nGeneral rule: if the location value on the left matches the item''s current location, it will be updated to match the location value on the right.\nNote: PROC and CART are special values, for these locations only can location and permanent_location differ, in all other cases an update will affect both. Items in the CART location will be returned to their permanent location on checkout.\n\nThe special term _BLANK_ may be used on either side of a value pair to update or remove the location from items with no location assigned.\nThe special term _ALL_ is used on the left side of the colon (:) to affect all items.\nThe special term _PERM_ is used on the right side of the colon (:) to return items to their permanent location.', 'Free'), |
652 |
('UpdateNotForLoanStatusOnCheckin', '', 'NULL', 'This is a list of value pairs. When an item is checked in, if the not for loan value on the left matches the items not for loan value it will be updated to the right-hand value. E.g. ''-1: 0'' will cause an item that was set to ''Ordered'' to now be available for loan. Each pair of values should be on a separate line.', 'Free'), |
653 |
('UpdateNotForLoanStatusOnCheckin', '', 'NULL', 'This is a list of value pairs. When an item is checked in, if the not for loan value on the left matches the items not for loan value it will be updated to the right-hand value. E.g. ''-1: 0'' will cause an item that was set to ''Ordered'' to now be available for loan. Each pair of values should be on a separate line.', 'Free'), |