Lines 9-14
INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `
Link Here
9 |
('AcqViewBaskets','user','user|branch|all','Define which baskets a user is allowed to view: his own only, any within his branch or all','Choice'), |
9 |
('AcqViewBaskets','user','user|branch|all','Define which baskets a user is allowed to view: his own only, any within his branch or all','Choice'), |
10 |
('AcqWarnOnDuplicateInvoice','0','','Warn librarians when they try to create a duplicate invoice','YesNo'), |
10 |
('AcqWarnOnDuplicateInvoice','0','','Warn librarians when they try to create a duplicate invoice','YesNo'), |
11 |
('AdditionalFieldsInZ3950ResultSearch', '', NULL, 'Determines which MARC field/subfields are displayed in -Additional field- column in the result of a search Z3950', 'Free'), |
11 |
('AdditionalFieldsInZ3950ResultSearch', '', NULL, 'Determines which MARC field/subfields are displayed in -Additional field- column in the result of a search Z3950', 'Free'), |
12 |
('AddressForFailedOverdueNotices', '', NULL, 'Destination email for failed overdue notices. If left empty then it will fallback to the first defined address in the following list: Library ReplyTo, Library Email, ReplytoDefault and KohaAdminEmailAddress', 'free'), |
12 |
('AddressFormat','us','us|de|fr','Choose format to display postal addresses', 'Choice'), |
13 |
('AddressFormat','us','us|de|fr','Choose format to display postal addresses', 'Choice'), |
13 |
('AdlibrisCoversEnabled','0',NULL,'Display cover images in OPAC results and detail listing from Swedish retailer Adlibris.','YesNo'), |
14 |
('AdlibrisCoversEnabled','0',NULL,'Display cover images in OPAC results and detail listing from Swedish retailer Adlibris.','YesNo'), |
14 |
('AdlibrisCoversURL','',NULL,'Base URL for Adlibris cover image web service.','Free'), |
15 |
('AdlibrisCoversURL','',NULL,'Base URL for Adlibris cover image web service.','Free'), |
Lines 529-535
INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `
Link Here
529 |
('QuoteOfTheDay','','intranet,opac','Enable or disable display of Quote of the Day on the OPAC and staff interface home page','multiple'), |
530 |
('QuoteOfTheDay','','intranet,opac','Enable or disable display of Quote of the Day on the OPAC and staff interface home page','multiple'), |
530 |
('RandomizeHoldsQueueWeight','0',NULL,'if ON, the holds queue in circulation will be randomized, either based on all location codes, or by the location codes specified in StaticHoldsQueueWeight','YesNo'), |
531 |
('RandomizeHoldsQueueWeight','0',NULL,'if ON, the holds queue in circulation will be randomized, either based on all location codes, or by the location codes specified in StaticHoldsQueueWeight','YesNo'), |
531 |
('RecordLocalUseOnReturn','0',NULL,'If ON, statistically record returns of unissued items as local use, instead of return','YesNo'), |
532 |
('RecordLocalUseOnReturn','0',NULL,'If ON, statistically record returns of unissued items as local use, instead of return','YesNo'), |
532 |
('RedirectAddressForFailedOverdueNotices', '', NULL, 'Destination email for failed overdue notices. If left empty then it will fallback to the first defined address in the following list: Library ReplyTo, Library Email, ReplytoDefault and KohaAdminEmailAddress', 'free'), |
533 |
('RefundLostOnReturnControl','CheckinLibrary','CheckinLibrary|ItemHomeBranch|ItemHoldingBranch','If a lost item is returned, choose which branch to pick rules for refunding.','Choice'), |
533 |
('RefundLostOnReturnControl','CheckinLibrary','CheckinLibrary|ItemHomeBranch|ItemHoldingBranch','If a lost item is returned, choose which branch to pick rules for refunding.','Choice'), |
534 |
('RenewAccruingItemWhenPaid','0','','If enabled, when the fines on an item accruing is paid off, attempt to renew that item. If the syspref "RenewalPeriodBase" is set to "due date", renewed items may still be overdue','YesNo'), |
534 |
('RenewAccruingItemWhenPaid','0','','If enabled, when the fines on an item accruing is paid off, attempt to renew that item. If the syspref "RenewalPeriodBase" is set to "due date", renewed items may still be overdue','YesNo'), |
535 |
('RenewAccruingItemInOpac','0','','If enabled, when the fines on an item accruing is paid off in the OPAC via a payment plugin, attempt to renew that item. If the syspref "RenewalPeriodBase" is set to "due date", renewed items may still be overdue','YesNo'), |
535 |
('RenewAccruingItemInOpac','0','','If enabled, when the fines on an item accruing is paid off in the OPAC via a payment plugin, attempt to renew that item. If the syspref "RenewalPeriodBase" is set to "due date", renewed items may still be overdue','YesNo'), |