Lines 122-127
INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `
Link Here
122 |
('casServerUrl','https://localhost:8443/cas','','URL of the cas server','Free'), |
122 |
('casServerUrl','https://localhost:8443/cas','','URL of the cas server','Free'), |
123 |
('CatalogModuleRelink','0',NULL,'If OFF the linker will never replace the authids that are set in the cataloging module.','YesNo'), |
123 |
('CatalogModuleRelink','0',NULL,'If OFF the linker will never replace the authids that are set in the cataloging module.','YesNo'), |
124 |
('CataloguingLog','1',NULL,'If ON, log edit/create/delete actions on bibliographic data. WARNING: this feature is very resource consuming.','YesNo'), |
124 |
('CataloguingLog','1',NULL,'If ON, log edit/create/delete actions on bibliographic data. WARNING: this feature is very resource consuming.','YesNo'), |
125 |
('CheckedToAnotherSIPMessage','Item already checked out to another person.', NULL, 'Message to be shown when attempting to check out an item in self-checkout already checked out by another patron', 'Free'), |
125 |
('CheckPrevCheckout','hardno','hardyes|softyes|softno|hardno','By default, for every item checked out, should we warn if the patron has borrowed that item in the past?','Choice'), |
126 |
('CheckPrevCheckout','hardno','hardyes|softyes|softno|hardno','By default, for every item checked out, should we warn if the patron has borrowed that item in the past?','Choice'), |
126 |
('CircAutoPrintQuickSlip','qslip',NULL,'Choose what should happen when an empty barcode field is submitted in circulation: Display a print quick slip window, Display a print slip window or Clear the screen.','Choice'), |
127 |
('CircAutoPrintQuickSlip','qslip',NULL,'Choose what should happen when an empty barcode field is submitted in circulation: Display a print quick slip window, Display a print slip window or Clear the screen.','Choice'), |
127 |
('CircControl','ItemHomeLibrary','PickupLibrary|PatronLibrary|ItemHomeLibrary','Specify the agency that controls the circulation and fines policy','Choice'), |
128 |
('CircControl','ItemHomeLibrary','PickupLibrary|PatronLibrary|ItemHomeLibrary','Specify the agency that controls the circulation and fines policy','Choice'), |
Lines 143-148
INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `
Link Here
143 |
('CustomCoverImages','0',NULL,'If enabled, the custom cover images will be displayed in the staff interface. CustomCoverImagesURL must be defined.','YesNo'), |
144 |
('CustomCoverImages','0',NULL,'If enabled, the custom cover images will be displayed in the staff interface. CustomCoverImagesURL must be defined.','YesNo'), |
144 |
('CustomCoverImagesURL','',NULL,'Define an URL serving book cover images, using the following patterns: %issn%, %isbn%, FIXME ADD MORE (use it with CustomCoverImages and/or OPACCustomCoverImages)','free'), |
145 |
('CustomCoverImagesURL','',NULL,'Define an URL serving book cover images, using the following patterns: %issn%, %isbn%, FIXME ADD MORE (use it with CustomCoverImages and/or OPACCustomCoverImages)','free'), |
145 |
('dateformat','us','metric|us|iso|dmydot','Define global date format (us mm/dd/yyyy, metric dd/mm/yyy, ISO yyyy-mm-dd, dmydot','Choice'), |
146 |
('dateformat','us','metric|us|iso|dmydot','Define global date format (us mm/dd/yyyy, metric dd/mm/yyy, ISO yyyy-mm-dd, dmydot','Choice'), |
147 |
('DebtSIPMessage','Outstanding fines, block issue.',NULL,'Message to be shown when patron attempting to check out in self-checkout has outstanding fines','Free'), |
146 |
('DebugLevel','2','0|1|2','Define the level of debugging information sent to the browser when errors are encountered (set to 0 in production). 0=none, 1=some, 2=most','Choice'), |
148 |
('DebugLevel','2','0|1|2','Define the level of debugging information sent to the browser when errors are encountered (set to 0 in production). 0=none, 1=some, 2=most','Choice'), |
147 |
('decreaseLoanHighHolds',NULL,'','Decreases the loan period for items with number of holds above the threshold specified in decreaseLoanHighHoldsValue','YesNo'), |
149 |
('decreaseLoanHighHolds',NULL,'','Decreases the loan period for items with number of holds above the threshold specified in decreaseLoanHighHoldsValue','YesNo'), |
148 |
('decreaseLoanHighHoldsControl', 'static', 'static|dynamic', "Chooses between static and dynamic high holds checking", 'Choice'), |
150 |
('decreaseLoanHighHoldsControl', 'static', 'static|dynamic', "Chooses between static and dynamic high holds checking", 'Choice'), |
Lines 222-227
INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `
Link Here
222 |
('hidelostitems','0','','If ON, disables display of\"lost\" items in OPAC.','YesNo'), |
224 |
('hidelostitems','0','','If ON, disables display of\"lost\" items in OPAC.','YesNo'), |
223 |
('HidePatronName','0','','If this is switched on, patron\'s cardnumber will be shown instead of their name on the holds and catalog screens','YesNo'), |
225 |
('HidePatronName','0','','If this is switched on, patron\'s cardnumber will be shown instead of their name on the holds and catalog screens','YesNo'), |
224 |
('hide_marc','0',NULL,'If ON, disables display of MARC fields, subfield codes & indicators (still shows data)','YesNo'), |
226 |
('hide_marc','0',NULL,'If ON, disables display of MARC fields, subfield codes & indicators (still shows data)','YesNo'), |
227 |
('HighHoldsSIPMessage','Loan period reduced for high-demand item',NULL,'Message to be shown when checking out a high demand item','Free'), |
225 |
('HighlightOwnItemsOnOPAC','0','','If on, and a patron is logged into the OPAC, items from his or her home library will be emphasized and shown first in search results and item details.','YesNo'), |
228 |
('HighlightOwnItemsOnOPAC','0','','If on, and a patron is logged into the OPAC, items from his or her home library will be emphasized and shown first in search results and item details.','YesNo'), |
226 |
('HighlightOwnItemsOnOPACWhich','PatronBranch','PatronBranch|OpacURLBranch','Decides which branch\'s items to emphasize. If PatronBranch, emphasize the logged in user\'s library\'s items. If OpacURLBranch, highlight the items of the Apache var BRANCHCODE defined in Koha\'s Apache configuration file.','Choice'), |
229 |
('HighlightOwnItemsOnOPACWhich','PatronBranch','PatronBranch|OpacURLBranch','Decides which branch\'s items to emphasize. If PatronBranch, emphasize the logged in user\'s library\'s items. If OpacURLBranch, highlight the items of the Apache var BRANCHCODE defined in Koha\'s Apache configuration file.','Choice'), |
227 |
('HoldFeeMode','not_always','any_time_is_placed|not_always|any_time_is_collected','Set the hold fee mode','Choice'), |
230 |
('HoldFeeMode','not_always','any_time_is_placed|not_always|any_time_is_collected','Set the hold fee mode','Choice'), |
Lines 537-542
INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `
Link Here
537 |
('RenewalLog','0','','If ON, log information about renewals','YesNo'), |
540 |
('RenewalLog','0','','If ON, log information about renewals','YesNo'), |
538 |
('RenewalPeriodBase','date_due','date_due|now','Set whether the renewal date should be counted from the date_due or from the moment the Patron asks for renewal ','Choice'), |
541 |
('RenewalPeriodBase','date_due','date_due|now','Set whether the renewal date should be counted from the date_due or from the moment the Patron asks for renewal ','Choice'), |
539 |
('RenewalSendNotice','0','',NULL,'YesNo'), |
542 |
('RenewalSendNotice','0','',NULL,'YesNo'), |
543 |
('RenewItemSIPMessage','Item already checked out to you: renewing item.',NULL,'Message to be shown when checking out an item already checked out to that user in self-checkout','Free'), |
540 |
('RenewSerialAddsSuggestion','0',NULL,'If ON, adds a new suggestion at serial subscription renewal','YesNo'), |
544 |
('RenewSerialAddsSuggestion','0',NULL,'If ON, adds a new suggestion at serial subscription renewal','YesNo'), |
541 |
('RentalFeesCheckoutConfirmation', '0', NULL , 'Allow user to confirm when checking out an item with rental fees.', 'YesNo'), |
545 |
('RentalFeesCheckoutConfirmation', '0', NULL , 'Allow user to confirm when checking out an item with rental fees.', 'YesNo'), |
542 |
('RentalsInNoissuesCharge','1',NULL,'Rental charges block checkouts (added to noissuescharge).','YesNo'), |
546 |
('RentalsInNoissuesCharge','1',NULL,'Rental charges block checkouts (added to noissuescharge).','YesNo'), |
Lines 544-549
INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `
Link Here
544 |
('ReportsLog','0',NULL,'If ON, log information about reports.','YesNo'), |
548 |
('ReportsLog','0',NULL,'If ON, log information about reports.','YesNo'), |
545 |
('RequestOnOpac','1',NULL,'If ON, globally enables patron holds on OPAC','YesNo'), |
549 |
('RequestOnOpac','1',NULL,'If ON, globally enables patron holds on OPAC','YesNo'), |
546 |
('RequireStrongPassword','1','','Require a strong login password for staff and patrons','YesNo'), |
550 |
('RequireStrongPassword','1','','Require a strong login password for staff and patrons','YesNo'), |
551 |
('ReservedSIPMessage','Item was reserved for you.',NULL,'Message to be shown when attempting to check out an item in self-checkout reserved by another patron','Free'), |
552 |
('ReservedWaitingSIPMessage','Item is reserved for another patron upon return.',NULL,'Message to be shown when checking out an item in self-checkout that the user has reserved', 'Free'), |
547 |
('ReservesControlBranch','PatronLibrary','ItemHomeLibrary|PatronLibrary','Branch checked for members reservations rights','Choice'), |
553 |
('ReservesControlBranch','PatronLibrary','ItemHomeLibrary|PatronLibrary','Branch checked for members reservations rights','Choice'), |
548 |
('ReservesMaxPickUpDelay','7','','Define the Maximum delay to pick up an item on hold','Integer'), |
554 |
('ReservesMaxPickUpDelay','7','','Define the Maximum delay to pick up an item on hold','Integer'), |
549 |
('ReservesNeedReturns','1','','If ON, a hold placed on an item available in this library must be checked-in, otherwise, a hold on a specific item, that is in the library & available is considered available','YesNo'), |
555 |
('ReservesNeedReturns','1','','If ON, a hold placed on an item available in this library must be checked-in, otherwise, a hold on a specific item, that is in the library & available is considered available','YesNo'), |