use Modern::Perl;
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
use Encode qw( encode_utf8 );
use Koha::Script;
use Koha::Caches;
my $var = lc $pref->variable;
my $cached_var = $syspref_cache->get_from_cache("syspref_$var");
next unless defined $cached_var; #If not defined in cache we will fetch from DB so this case is OK
say sprintf( "%s: value in cache is '%s' and value in db is '%s'", $var, $cached_var, $pref->value )
say encode_utf8( sprintf( "%s: value in cache is '%s' and value in db is '%s'", $var, $cached_var, $pref->value ) )
unless $cached_var eq $pref->value;