Lines 593-598
INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `
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593 |
('QuoteOfTheDay','','intranet,opac','Enable or disable display of Quote of the Day on the OPAC and staff interface home page','multiple'), |
593 |
('QuoteOfTheDay','','intranet,opac','Enable or disable display of Quote of the Day on the OPAC and staff interface home page','multiple'), |
594 |
('RandomizeHoldsQueueWeight','0',NULL,'if ON, the holds queue in circulation will be randomized, either based on all location codes, or by the location codes specified in StaticHoldsQueueWeight','YesNo'), |
594 |
('RandomizeHoldsQueueWeight','0',NULL,'if ON, the holds queue in circulation will be randomized, either based on all location codes, or by the location codes specified in StaticHoldsQueueWeight','YesNo'), |
595 |
('RealTimeHoldsQueue', '0', NULL, 'Enable updating the holds queue in real time', 'YesNo'), |
595 |
('RealTimeHoldsQueue', '0', NULL, 'Enable updating the holds queue in real time', 'YesNo'), |
596 |
('RecallsInterface','opac','opac|staff|both','The interface that recalls can be placed through','Choice'), |
596 |
('RecallsLog','1',NULL,'If ON, log create/cancel/expire/fulfill actions on recalls','YesNo'), |
597 |
('RecallsLog','1',NULL,'If ON, log create/cancel/expire/fulfill actions on recalls','YesNo'), |
597 |
('RecallsMaxPickUpDelay','7',NULL,'Define the maximum time a recall can be awaiting pickup','Integer'), |
598 |
('RecallsMaxPickUpDelay','7',NULL,'Define the maximum time a recall can be awaiting pickup','Integer'), |
598 |
('RecordLocalUseOnReturn','0',NULL,'If ON, statistically record returns of unissued items as local use, instead of return','YesNo'), |
599 |
('RecordLocalUseOnReturn','0',NULL,'If ON, statistically record returns of unissued items as local use, instead of return','YesNo'), |