Lines 157-164
INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `
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157 |
('ComponentSortField','title','call_number|pubdate|acqdate|title|author','Specify the default field used for sorting','Choice'), |
157 |
('ComponentSortField','title','call_number|pubdate|acqdate|title|author','Specify the default field used for sorting','Choice'), |
158 |
('ComponentSortOrder','asc','asc|dsc|az|za','Specify the default sort order','Choice'), |
158 |
('ComponentSortOrder','asc','asc|dsc|az|za','Specify the default sort order','Choice'), |
159 |
('ConfirmFutureHolds','0','','Number of days for confirming future holds','Integer'), |
159 |
('ConfirmFutureHolds','0','','Number of days for confirming future holds','Integer'), |
160 |
('ConsentJS', '', NULL, 'Specify Javascript that requires user consent to run (e.g. tracking code)', 'Free'), |
160 |
('ConsiderOnSiteCheckoutsAsNormalCheckouts','1',NULL,'Consider on-site checkouts as normal checkouts','YesNo'), |
161 |
('ConsiderOnSiteCheckoutsAsNormalCheckouts','1',NULL,'Consider on-site checkouts as normal checkouts','YesNo'), |
161 |
('ContentWarningField', '', NULL, 'MARC field to use for content warnings', 'Free'), |
162 |
('ContentWarningField', '', NULL, 'MARC field to use for content warnings', 'Free'), |
163 |
('CookieConsent', '0', NULL, 'Require cookie consent to be displayed', 'YesNo'), |
164 |
('CookieConsentBar', '', '70|10', 'Show the following HTML in the cookie consent bar that is displayed at the bottom of the screen', 'Textarea'), |
165 |
('CookieConsentPopup', '', '70|10', 'Show the following HTML in the cookie consent popup', 'Textarea'), |
162 |
('CreateAVFromCataloguing', '1', '', 'Ability to create authorized values from the cataloguing module', 'YesNo'), |
166 |
('CreateAVFromCataloguing', '1', '', 'Ability to create authorized values from the cataloguing module', 'YesNo'), |
163 |
('CronjobLog','0',NULL,'If ON, log information from cron jobs.','YesNo'), |
167 |
('CronjobLog','0',NULL,'If ON, log information from cron jobs.','YesNo'), |
164 |
('CumulativeRestrictionPeriods',0,NULL,'Cumulate the restriction periods instead of keeping the highest','YesNo'), |
168 |
('CumulativeRestrictionPeriods',0,NULL,'Cumulate the restriction periods instead of keeping the highest','YesNo'), |