Lines 117-210
Link Here
117 |
<th>Note</th> |
117 |
<th>Note</th> |
118 |
[% UNLESS humanbranch %]<th>Has priority</th>[% END %] |
118 |
[% UNLESS humanbranch %]<th>Has priority</th>[% END %] |
119 |
<th>Current checkouts allowed</th> |
119 |
<th>Current checkouts allowed</th> |
120 |
<th>Current on-site checkouts allowed</th> |
120 |
<th>Current on-site checkouts allowed</th> |
121 |
<th>Loan period</th> |
121 |
<th>Loan period</th> |
122 |
<th>Days mode</th> |
122 |
<th>Days mode</th> |
123 |
<th>Unit</th> |
123 |
<th>Unit</th> |
124 |
<th>Hard due date</th> |
124 |
<th>Hard due date</th> |
125 |
<th>Decreased loan period for high holds (day)</th> |
125 |
<th>Decreased loan period for high holds (day)</th> |
126 |
<th>Fine amount</th> |
126 |
<th>Fine amount</th> |
127 |
<th>Fine charging interval</th> |
127 |
<th>Fine charging interval</th> |
128 |
<th>When to charge</th> |
128 |
<th>When to charge</th> |
129 |
<th>Fine/suspension grace period</th> |
129 |
<th>Fine grace period</th> |
130 |
<th>Overdue fines cap (amount)</th> |
130 |
<th>Overdue fines cap (amount)</th> |
131 |
<th>Cap fine at replacement price</th> |
131 |
<th>Cap fine at replacement price</th> |
132 |
<th>Suspension in days (day)</th> |
132 |
<th>Suspension in days (day)</th> |
133 |
<th>Max. suspension duration (day)</th> |
133 |
<th>Max. suspension duration (day)</th> |
134 |
<th>Suspension charging interval</th> |
134 |
<th>Suspension charging interval</th> |
135 |
<th>Renewals allowed (count)</th> |
135 |
<th>Renewals allowed (count)</th> |
136 |
[% IF Koha.Preference('UnseenRenewals') %] |
136 |
[% IF Koha.Preference('UnseenRenewals') %] |
137 |
<th>Unseen renewals allowed (count)</th> |
137 |
<th>Unseen renewals allowed (count)</th> |
138 |
[% END %] |
138 |
[% END %] |
139 |
<th>Renewal period</th> |
139 |
<th>Renewal period</th> |
140 |
<th>No renewal before</th> |
140 |
<th>No renewal before</th> |
141 |
<th>Automatic renewal</th> |
141 |
<th>Automatic renewal</th> |
142 |
<th>No automatic renewal after</th> |
142 |
<th>No automatic renewal after</th> |
143 |
<th>No automatic renewal after (hard limit)</th> |
143 |
<th>No automatic renewal after (hard limit)</th> |
144 |
<th>Holds allowed (total)</th> |
144 |
<th>Holds allowed (total)</th> |
145 |
<th>Holds allowed (daily)</th> |
145 |
<th>Holds allowed (daily)</th> |
146 |
<th>Holds per record (count)</th> |
146 |
<th>Holds per record (count)</th> |
147 |
<th>On shelf holds allowed</th> |
147 |
<th>On shelf holds allowed</th> |
148 |
<th>OPAC item level holds</th> |
148 |
<th>OPAC item level holds</th> |
149 |
[% IF Koha.Preference('ArticleRequests') %] |
149 |
<th>Article requests</th> |
150 |
<th>Article requests</th> |
150 |
<th>Rental discount (%)</th> |
151 |
[% END %] |
151 |
<th class="noExport">Actions</th> |
152 |
<th>Rental discount (%)</th> |
152 |
</tr> |
153 |
[% IF Koha.Preference('UseRecalls') %] |
153 |
</thead> |
154 |
<th>Recalls allowed (total)</th> |
154 |
<tbody> |
155 |
<th>Recalls per record (count)</th> |
155 |
[% SET row_count = 0 %] |
156 |
<th>On shelf recalls allowed</th> |
156 |
[% FOREACH c IN categorycodes %] |
157 |
<th>Recall due date interval (day)</th> |
157 |
[% SET c = '' UNLESS c.defined %] |
158 |
<th>Recall overdue fine amount</th> |
158 |
[% FOREACH i IN itemtypes %] |
159 |
<th>Recall pickup period (day)</th> |
159 |
[% SET i = '' UNLESS i.defined %] |
160 |
[% END %] |
160 |
[% SET note = all_rules.$c.$i.note %] |
161 |
<th class="noExport">Actions</th> |
161 |
[% SET has_priority = all_rules.$c.$i.has_priority %] |
162 |
</tr> |
162 |
[% SET maxissueqty = all_rules.$c.$i.maxissueqty %] |
163 |
</thead> |
163 |
[% SET maxonsiteissueqty = all_rules.$c.$i.maxonsiteissueqty %] |
164 |
<tbody> |
164 |
[% SET issuelength = all_rules.$c.$i.issuelength %] |
165 |
[% SET row_count = 0 %] |
165 |
[% SET daysmode = all_rules.$c.$i.daysmode %] |
166 |
[% FOREACH c IN categorycodes %] |
166 |
[% SET lengthunit = all_rules.$c.$i.lengthunit %] |
167 |
[% SET c = '' UNLESS c.defined %] |
167 |
[% SET hardduedate = all_rules.$c.$i.hardduedate %] |
168 |
[% FOREACH i IN itemtypes %] |
168 |
[% SET hardduedatecompare = all_rules.$c.$i.hardduedatecompare %] |
169 |
[% SET i = '' UNLESS i.defined %] |
169 |
[% SET fine = all_rules.$c.$i.fine %] |
170 |
[% SET note = all_rules.$c.$i.note %] |
170 |
[% SET chargeperiod = all_rules.$c.$i.chargeperiod %] |
171 |
[% SET maxissueqty = all_rules.$c.$i.maxissueqty %] |
171 |
[% SET chargeperiod_charge_at = all_rules.$c.$i.chargeperiod_charge_at %] |
172 |
[% SET maxonsiteissueqty = all_rules.$c.$i.maxonsiteissueqty %] |
172 |
[% SET firstremind = all_rules.$c.$i.firstremind %] |
173 |
[% SET issuelength = all_rules.$c.$i.issuelength %] |
173 |
[% SET overduefinescap = all_rules.$c.$i.overduefinescap %] |
174 |
[% SET daysmode = all_rules.$c.$i.daysmode %] |
174 |
[% SET cap_fine_to_replacement_price = all_rules.$c.$i.cap_fine_to_replacement_price %] |
175 |
[% SET lengthunit = all_rules.$c.$i.lengthunit %] |
175 |
[% SET finedays = all_rules.$c.$i.finedays %] |
176 |
[% SET hardduedate = all_rules.$c.$i.hardduedate %] |
176 |
[% SET maxsuspensiondays = all_rules.$c.$i.maxsuspensiondays %] |
177 |
[% SET hardduedatecompare = all_rules.$c.$i.hardduedatecompare %] |
177 |
[% SET suspension_chargeperiod = all_rules.$c.$i.suspension_chargeperiod %] |
178 |
[% SET fine = all_rules.$c.$i.fine %] |
178 |
[% SET renewalsallowed = all_rules.$c.$i.renewalsallowed %] |
179 |
[% SET chargeperiod = all_rules.$c.$i.chargeperiod %] |
179 |
[% SET unseenrenewalsallowed = all_rules.$c.$i.unseen_renewals_allowed %] |
180 |
[% SET chargeperiod_charge_at = all_rules.$c.$i.chargeperiod_charge_at %] |
180 |
[% SET renewalperiod = all_rules.$c.$i.renewalperiod %] |
181 |
[% SET firstremind = all_rules.$c.$i.firstremind %] |
181 |
[% SET norenewalbefore = all_rules.$c.$i.norenewalbefore %] |
182 |
[% SET overduefinescap = all_rules.$c.$i.overduefinescap %] |
182 |
[% SET auto_renew = all_rules.$c.$i.auto_renew %] |
183 |
[% SET cap_fine_to_replacement_price = all_rules.$c.$i.cap_fine_to_replacement_price %] |
183 |
[% SET no_auto_renewal_after = all_rules.$c.$i.no_auto_renewal_after %] |
184 |
[% SET finedays = all_rules.$c.$i.finedays %] |
184 |
[% SET no_auto_renewal_after_hard_limit = all_rules.$c.$i.no_auto_renewal_after_hard_limit %] |
185 |
[% SET maxsuspensiondays = all_rules.$c.$i.maxsuspensiondays %] |
185 |
[% SET reservesallowed = all_rules.$c.$i.reservesallowed %] |
186 |
[% SET suspension_chargeperiod = all_rules.$c.$i.suspension_chargeperiod %] |
186 |
[% SET holds_per_day = all_rules.$c.$i.holds_per_day %] |
187 |
[% SET renewalsallowed = all_rules.$c.$i.renewalsallowed %] |
187 |
[% SET holds_per_record = all_rules.$c.$i.holds_per_record %] |
188 |
[% SET unseenrenewalsallowed = all_rules.$c.$i.unseen_renewals_allowed %] |
188 |
[% SET onshelfholds = all_rules.$c.$i.onshelfholds %] |
189 |
[% SET renewalperiod = all_rules.$c.$i.renewalperiod %] |
189 |
[% SET opacitemholds = all_rules.$c.$i.opacitemholds %] |
190 |
[% SET norenewalbefore = all_rules.$c.$i.norenewalbefore %] |
190 |
[% SET article_requests = all_rules.$c.$i.article_requests %] |
191 |
[% SET auto_renew = all_rules.$c.$i.auto_renew %] |
191 |
[% SET rentaldiscount = all_rules.$c.$i.rentaldiscount %] |
192 |
[% SET no_auto_renewal_after = all_rules.$c.$i.no_auto_renewal_after %] |
192 |
[% SET decreaseloanholds = all_rules.$c.$i.decreaseloanholds %] |
193 |
[% SET no_auto_renewal_after_hard_limit = all_rules.$c.$i.no_auto_renewal_after_hard_limit %] |
194 |
[% SET reservesallowed = all_rules.$c.$i.reservesallowed %] |
195 |
[% SET holds_per_day = all_rules.$c.$i.holds_per_day %] |
196 |
[% SET holds_per_record = all_rules.$c.$i.holds_per_record %] |
197 |
[% SET onshelfholds = all_rules.$c.$i.onshelfholds %] |
198 |
[% SET opacitemholds = all_rules.$c.$i.opacitemholds %] |
199 |
[% SET article_requests = all_rules.$c.$i.article_requests %] |
200 |
[% SET rentaldiscount = all_rules.$c.$i.rentaldiscount %] |
201 |
[% SET decreaseloanholds = all_rules.$c.$i.decreaseloanholds %] |
202 |
[% SET recalls_allowed = all_rules.$c.$i.recalls_allowed %] |
203 |
[% SET recalls_per_record = all_rules.$c.$i.recalls_per_record %] |
204 |
[% SET on_shelf_recalls = all_rules.$c.$i.on_shelf_recalls %] |
205 |
[% SET recall_due_date_interval = all_rules.$c.$i.recall_due_date_interval %] |
206 |
[% SET recall_overdue_fine = all_rules.$c.$i.recall_overdue_fine %] |
207 |
[% SET recall_shelf_time = all_rules.$c.$i.recall_shelf_time %] |
208 |
193 |
209 |
[% SET show_rule = note || maxissueqty || maxonsiteissueqty || issuelength || daysmode || lengthunit || hardduedate || hardduedatecompare || fine || chargeperiod || chargeperiod_charge_at || firstremind || overduefinescap || cap_fine_to_replacement_price || finedays || maxsuspensiondays || suspension_chargeperiod || renewalsallowed || unseenrenewalsallowed || renewalperiod || norenewalbefore || auto_renew || no_auto_renewal_after || no_auto_renewal_after_hard_limit || reservesallowed || holds_per_day || holds_per_record || onshelfholds || opacitemholds || article_requests || rentaldiscount || decreaseloanholds || recalls_allowed || recalls_per_record || on_shelf_recalls || recall_due_date_interval || recall_overdue_fine || recall_shelf_time %] |
194 |
[% SET show_rule = note || maxissueqty || maxonsiteissueqty || issuelength || daysmode || lengthunit || hardduedate || hardduedatecompare || fine || chargeperiod || chargeperiod_charge_at || firstremind || overduefinescap || cap_fine_to_replacement_price || finedays || maxsuspensiondays || suspension_chargeperiod || renewalsallowed || unseenrenewalsallowed || renewalperiod || norenewalbefore || auto_renew || no_auto_renewal_after || no_auto_renewal_after_hard_limit || reservesallowed || holds_per_day || holds_per_record || onshelfholds || opacitemholds || article_requests || rentaldiscount || decreaseloanholds || recalls_allowed || recalls_per_record || on_shelf_recalls || recall_due_date_interval || recall_overdue_fine || recall_shelf_time %] |
210 |
[% IF show_rule %] |
195 |
[% IF show_rule %] |
Lines 245-251
Link Here
245 |
</td> |
230 |
</td> |
246 |
[% UNLESS humanbranch %] |
231 |
[% UNLESS humanbranch %] |
247 |
<td> |
232 |
<td> |
248 |
[% IF rule.has_priority %] |
233 |
[% IF has_priority.defined && has_priority %] |
249 |
<input type="checkbox" checked="checked" disabled="disabled"/> |
234 |
<input type="checkbox" checked="checked" disabled="disabled"/> |
250 |
[% ELSE %] |
235 |
[% ELSE %] |
251 |
<input type="checkbox" disabled="disabled"/> |
236 |
<input type="checkbox" disabled="disabled"/> |
Lines 766-831
Link Here
766 |
Not set |
751 |
Not set |
767 |
</option> |
752 |
</option> |
768 |
753 |
769 |
[% IF returnbranch.rule_value == 'homebranch' %] |
754 |
[% IF returnbranch == 'homebranch' %] |
770 |
<option value="homebranch" selected="selected"> |
755 |
<option value="homebranch" selected="selected"> |
771 |
[% ELSE %] |
756 |
[% ELSE %] |
772 |
<option value="homebranch"> |
757 |
<option value="homebranch"> |
773 |
[% END %] |
758 |
[% END %] |
774 |
Item returns home |
759 |
Item returns home |
775 |
</option> |
760 |
</option> |
776 |
[% IF returnbranch.rule_value == 'holdingbranch' %] |
761 |
[% IF returnbranch == 'holdingbranch' %] |
777 |
<option value="holdingbranch" selected="selected"> |
762 |
<option value="holdingbranch" selected="selected"> |
778 |
[% ELSE %] |
763 |
[% ELSE %] |
779 |
<option value="holdingbranch"> |
764 |
<option value="holdingbranch"> |
780 |
[% END %] |
765 |
[% END %] |
781 |
Item returns to issuing library |
766 |
Item returns to issuing library |
782 |
</option> |
767 |
</option> |
783 |
[% IF returnbranch.rule_value == 'noreturn' %] |
768 |
[% IF returnbranch == 'noreturn' %] |
784 |
<option value="noreturn" selected="selected"> |
769 |
<option value="noreturn" selected="selected"> |
785 |
[% ELSE %] |
770 |
[% ELSE %] |
786 |
<option value="noreturn"> |
771 |
<option value="noreturn"> |
787 |
[% END %] |
772 |
[% END %] |
788 |
Item floats |
773 |
Item floats |
789 |
</option> |
774 |
</option> |
790 |
</select> |
775 |
</select> |
791 |
</td> |
776 |
</td> |
792 |
<td class="actions"> |
777 |
<td class="actions"> |
793 |
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default btn-xs"><i class="fa fa-save"></i> Save</button> |
778 |
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default btn-xs"><i class="fa fa-save"></i> Save</button> |
794 |
[% IF ( default_checkout_hold_and_return_policy ) %] |
779 |
<a class="btn btn-default btn-xs delete" href="/cgi-bin/koha/admin/*&branch=[% current_branch | html %]" id="unset"><i class="fa fa-undo"></i> Unset</a> |
795 |
<a class="btn btn-default btn-xs delete" href="/cgi-bin/koha/admin/*&branch=[% current_branch | html %]" id="unset"><i class="fa fa-undo"></i> Unset</a> |
780 |
</td> |
796 |
[% END %] |
781 |
</tr> |
797 |
</td> |
782 |
</table> |
798 |
</tr> |
783 |
</form> |
799 |
</table> |
784 |
</div> |
800 |
</form> |
785 |
[% IF ( show_branch_cat_rule_form ) %] |
801 |
</div> |
786 |
<div id="holds-policy-by-patron-category" class="container"> |
802 |
787 |
<h3>[% IF humanbranch %]Checkout, hold policy by patron category for [% Branches.GetName( humanbranch ) | html %][% ELSE %]Default checkout, hold policy by patron category[% END %]</h3> |
803 |
[% IF ( show_branch_cat_rule_form ) %] |
788 |
<p>For this library, you can specify the maximum number of loans that |
804 |
<div id="holds-policy-by-patron-category" class="page-section"> |
789 |
a patron of a given category can make, regardless of the item type. |
805 |
<h2>[% IF humanbranch %]Checkout, hold policy by patron category for [% Branches.GetName( humanbranch ) | html %][% ELSE %]Default checkout, hold policy by patron category[% END %]</h2> |
790 |
</p> |
806 |
<p>For this library, you can specify the maximum number of loans that |
791 |
<p>If the total amount loanable for a given patron category is left blank, |
807 |
a patron of a given category can make, regardless of the item type. |
792 |
no limit applies, except possibly for a limit you define for a specific item type. |
808 |
</p> |
793 |
</p> |
809 |
<p>If the total amount loanable for a given patron category is left blank, |
794 |
<p> |
810 |
no limit applies, except possibly for a limit you define for a specific item type. |
795 |
<b>Has priority: </b>If checked, the rule will override those for all branches. Else |
811 |
</p> |
796 |
it behaves like a default one: used if no rule exists for the coresponding branch. |
812 |
<form method="post" action="/cgi-bin/koha/admin/"> |
797 |
</p> |
813 |
<input type="hidden" name="op" value="add-branch-cat" /> |
798 |
<form method="post" action="/cgi-bin/koha/admin/"> |
814 |
<input type="hidden" name="branch" value="[% current_branch | html %]"/> |
799 |
<input type="hidden" name="op" value="add-branch-cat" /> |
815 |
<table> |
800 |
<input type="hidden" name="branch" value="[% current_branch | html %]"/> |
816 |
<tr> |
801 |
<table> |
817 |
<th>Patron category</th> |
802 |
<tr> |
818 |
<th>Total current checkouts allowed</th> |
803 |
<th>Patron category</th> |
819 |
<th>Total current on-site checkouts allowed</th> |
804 |
<th>Total current checkouts allowed</th> |
820 |
<th>Total holds allowed</th> |
805 |
<th>Total current on-site checkouts allowed</th> |
821 |
<th> </th> |
806 |
<th>Total holds allowed</th> |
822 |
</tr> |
807 |
[% UNLESS humanbranch %]<th>Has priority</th>[% END %] |
823 |
[% FOREACH c IN categorycodes %] |
808 |
<th> </th> |
824 |
[% NEXT UNLESS c %] |
809 |
</tr> |
825 |
[% SET patron_maxissueqty = CirculationRules.Search( branchcode, c, undef, 'patron_maxissueqty' ) %] |
810 |
[% SET i = '' %] |
826 |
[% SET patron_maxonsiteissueqty = CirculationRules.Search( branchcode, c, undef, 'patron_maxonsiteissueqty' ) %] |
811 |
[% FOREACH c IN categorycodes %] |
827 |
[% SET max_holds = CirculationRules.Search( branchcode, c, undef, 'max_holds' ) %] |
812 |
[% NEXT UNLESS c %] |
828 |
813 |
[% SET patron_maxissueqty = all_rules.$c.$i.patron_maxissueqty %] |
814 |
[% SET patron_maxonsiteissueqty = all_rules.$c.$i.patron_maxonsiteissueqty %] |
815 |
[% SET max_holds = all_rules.$c.$i.max_holds %] |
816 |
[% SET has_priority = all_rules.$c.$i.has_priority %] |
829 |
[% IF ( patron_maxissueqty.defined && patron_maxissueqty != '' ) || ( patron_maxonsiteissueqty.defined && patron_maxonsiteissueqty != '' ) || ( max_holds.defined && max_holds != '' ) %] |
817 |
[% IF ( patron_maxissueqty.defined && patron_maxissueqty != '' ) || ( patron_maxonsiteissueqty.defined && patron_maxonsiteissueqty != '' ) || ( max_holds.defined && max_holds != '' ) %] |
830 |
<tr> |
818 |
<tr> |
831 |
<td> |
819 |
<td> |
Lines 858-864
Link Here
858 |
</td> |
846 |
</td> |
859 |
[% UNLESS humanbranch %] |
847 |
[% UNLESS humanbranch %] |
860 |
<td> |
848 |
<td> |
861 |
[% IF branch_cat_rule_loo.has_priority %] |
849 |
[% IF has_priority.defined && has_priority %] |
862 |
<input type="checkbox" checked="checked" disabled/> |
850 |
<input type="checkbox" checked="checked" disabled/> |
863 |
[% ELSE %] |
851 |
[% ELSE %] |
864 |
<input type="checkbox" disabled/> |
852 |
<input type="checkbox" disabled/> |