Lines 80-85
INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `
Link Here
80 |
('AuthorLinkSortBy','default','call_number|pubdate|acqdate|title','Specify the default field used for sorting when click author links','Choice'), |
80 |
('AuthorLinkSortBy','default','call_number|pubdate|acqdate|title','Specify the default field used for sorting when click author links','Choice'), |
81 |
('AuthorLinkSortOrder','asc','asc|dsc|az|za','Specify the default sort order for author links','Choice'), |
81 |
('AuthorLinkSortOrder','asc','asc|dsc|az|za','Specify the default sort order for author links','Choice'), |
82 |
('AuthSuccessLog','0',NULL,'If enabled, log successful authentications','YesNo'), |
82 |
('AuthSuccessLog','0',NULL,'If enabled, log successful authentications','YesNo'), |
83 |
('AutoApprovePatronProfileSettings', '0', '', 'Automatically approve patron profile changes from the OPAC.', 'YesNo'), |
83 |
('autoBarcode','OFF','incremental|annual|hbyymmincr|EAN13|OFF','Used to autogenerate a barcode: incremental will be of the form 1, 2, 3; annual of the form 2007-0001, 2007-0002; hbyymmincr of the form HB08010001 where HB=Home Branch','Choice'), |
84 |
('autoBarcode','OFF','incremental|annual|hbyymmincr|EAN13|OFF','Used to autogenerate a barcode: incremental will be of the form 1, 2, 3; annual of the form 2007-0001, 2007-0002; hbyymmincr of the form HB08010001 where HB=Home Branch','Choice'), |
84 |
('autoControlNumber','OFF','biblionumber|OFF','Used to autogenerate a Control Number: biblionumber will be as biblionumber, OFF will leave the field as it is;','Choice'), |
85 |
('autoControlNumber','OFF','biblionumber|OFF','Used to autogenerate a Control Number: biblionumber will be as biblionumber, OFF will leave the field as it is;','Choice'), |
85 |
('AutoCreateAuthorities','0',NULL,'Automatically create authorities that do not exist when cataloging records.','YesNo'), |
86 |
('AutoCreateAuthorities','0',NULL,'Automatically create authorities that do not exist when cataloging records.','YesNo'), |
Lines 232-237
INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `
Link Here
232 |
('EmailPatronRegistrations', '0', '0|EmailAddressForPatronRegistrations|BranchEmailAddress|KohaAdminEmailAddress', 'Choose email address that new patron registrations will be sent to: ', 'Choice'), |
233 |
('EmailPatronRegistrations', '0', '0|EmailAddressForPatronRegistrations|BranchEmailAddress|KohaAdminEmailAddress', 'Choose email address that new patron registrations will be sent to: ', 'Choice'), |
233 |
('EmailPatronWhenHoldIsPlaced', '0', NULL, 'Email patron when a hold has been placed for them', 'YesNo'), |
234 |
('EmailPatronWhenHoldIsPlaced', '0', NULL, 'Email patron when a hold has been placed for them', 'YesNo'), |
234 |
('EmailPurchaseSuggestions','0','0|EmailAddressForSuggestions|BranchEmailAddress|KohaAdminEmailAddress','Choose email address that new purchase suggestions will be sent to: ','Choice'), |
235 |
('EmailPurchaseSuggestions','0','0|EmailAddressForSuggestions|BranchEmailAddress|KohaAdminEmailAddress','Choose email address that new purchase suggestions will be sent to: ','Choice'), |
236 |
('EmailSMSSendDriverFromAddress', '', '', 'Email SMS send driver from address override', 'Free'), |
235 |
('EnableAdvancedCatalogingEditor','0','','Enable the Rancor advanced cataloging editor','YesNo'), |
237 |
('EnableAdvancedCatalogingEditor','0','','Enable the Rancor advanced cataloging editor','YesNo'), |
236 |
('EnableBorrowerFiles','0',NULL,'If enabled, allows librarians to upload and attach arbitrary files to a borrower record.','YesNo'), |
238 |
('EnableBorrowerFiles','0',NULL,'If enabled, allows librarians to upload and attach arbitrary files to a borrower record.','YesNo'), |
237 |
('EnableExpiredPasswordReset', '0', NULL, 'Enable ability for patrons with expired password to reset their password directly', 'YesNo'), |
239 |
('EnableExpiredPasswordReset', '0', NULL, 'Enable ability for patrons with expired password to reset their password directly', 'YesNo'), |
Lines 239-245
INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `
Link Here
239 |
('EnableItemGroups','0','','Enable the item groups feature','YesNo'), |
241 |
('EnableItemGroups','0','','Enable the item groups feature','YesNo'), |
240 |
('EnableOpacSearchHistory','1','YesNo','Enable or disable opac search history',''), |
242 |
('EnableOpacSearchHistory','1','YesNo','Enable or disable opac search history',''), |
241 |
('EnablePointOfSale','0',NULL,'Enable the point of sale feature to allow anonymous transactions with the accounting system. (Requires UseCashRegisters)','YesNo'), |
243 |
('EnablePointOfSale','0',NULL,'Enable the point of sale feature to allow anonymous transactions with the accounting system. (Requires UseCashRegisters)','YesNo'), |
242 |
('EnableSearchHistory','0','','Enable or disable search history','YesNo'),, |
244 |
('EnableSearchHistory','0','','Enable or disable search history','YesNo'), |
243 |
('EnhancedMessagingPreferences','1','','If ON, allows patrons to select to receive additional messages about items due or nearly due.','YesNo'), |
245 |
('EnhancedMessagingPreferences','1','','If ON, allows patrons to select to receive additional messages about items due or nearly due.','YesNo'), |
244 |
('EnhancedMessagingPreferencesOPAC', '1', NULL, 'If ON, show patrons messaging setting on the OPAC.', 'YesNo'), |
246 |
('EnhancedMessagingPreferencesOPAC', '1', NULL, 'If ON, show patrons messaging setting on the OPAC.', 'YesNo'), |
245 |
('ERMModule', '0', NULL, 'Enable the e-resource management module', 'YesNo'), |
247 |
('ERMModule', '0', NULL, 'Enable the e-resource management module', 'YesNo'), |
Lines 284-289
INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `
Link Here
284 |
('hide_marc','0',NULL,'If ON, disables display of MARC fields, subfield codes & indicators (still shows data)','YesNo'), |
286 |
('hide_marc','0',NULL,'If ON, disables display of MARC fields, subfield codes & indicators (still shows data)','YesNo'), |
285 |
('hidelostitems','0','','If ON, disables display of\"lost\" items in OPAC.','YesNo'), |
287 |
('hidelostitems','0','','If ON, disables display of\"lost\" items in OPAC.','YesNo'), |
286 |
('HidePatronName','0','','If this is switched on, patron\'s cardnumber will be shown instead of their name on the holds and catalog screens','YesNo'), |
288 |
('HidePatronName','0','','If this is switched on, patron\'s cardnumber will be shown instead of their name on the holds and catalog screens','YesNo'), |
289 |
('HidePersonalPatronDetailOnCirculation', 0, '', 'Hide patrons phone number, email address, street address and city in the circulation page','YesNo'), |
287 |
('HoldFeeMode','not_always','any_time_is_placed|not_always|any_time_is_collected','Set the hold fee mode','Choice'), |
290 |
('HoldFeeMode','not_always','any_time_is_placed|not_always|any_time_is_collected','Set the hold fee mode','Choice'), |
288 |
('HoldsAutoFill','0',NULL,'If on, librarian will not be asked if hold should be filled, it will be filled automatically','YesNo'), |
291 |
('HoldsAutoFill','0',NULL,'If on, librarian will not be asked if hold should be filled, it will be filled automatically','YesNo'), |
289 |
('HoldsAutoFillPrintSlip','0',NULL,'If on, hold slip print dialog will be displayed automatically','YesNo'), |
292 |
('HoldsAutoFillPrintSlip','0',NULL,'If on, hold slip print dialog will be displayed automatically','YesNo'), |
Lines 300-306
INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `
Link Here
300 |
('HTML5MediaExtensions','webm|ogg|ogv|oga|vtt','','Media file extensions','free'), |
303 |
('HTML5MediaExtensions','webm|ogg|ogv|oga|vtt','','Media file extensions','free'), |
301 |
('HTML5MediaYouTube',0,'Embed|Don\'t embed','YouTube links as videos','YesNo'), |
304 |
('HTML5MediaYouTube',0,'Embed|Don\'t embed','YouTube links as videos','YesNo'), |
302 |
('IdRef','0','','Disable/enable the IdRef webservice from the OPAC detail page.','YesNo'), |
305 |
('IdRef','0','','Disable/enable the IdRef webservice from the OPAC detail page.','YesNo'), |
303 |
('IllCheckAvailability', 0, '', 'If ON, during the ILL request process third party sources will be checked for current availability', 'YesNo'), |
306 |
('ILLCheckAvailability', 0, '', 'If ON, during the ILL request process third party sources will be checked for current availability', 'YesNo'), |
304 |
('ILLDefaultStaffEmail', '', NULL, 'Fallback email address for staff ILL notices to be sent to in the absence of a branch address', 'Free'), |
307 |
('ILLDefaultStaffEmail', '', NULL, 'Fallback email address for staff ILL notices to be sent to in the absence of a branch address', 'Free'), |
305 |
('ILLHiddenRequestStatuses', NULL, NULL, 'ILL statuses that are considered finished and should not be displayed in the ILL module', 'multiple'), |
308 |
('ILLHiddenRequestStatuses', NULL, NULL, 'ILL statuses that are considered finished and should not be displayed in the ILL module', 'multiple'), |
306 |
('IllLog', 0, '', 'If ON, log information about ILL requests', 'YesNo'), |
309 |
('IllLog', 0, '', 'If ON, log information about ILL requests', 'YesNo'), |
Lines 331-336
INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `
Link Here
331 |
('IntranetNav','','70|10','Use HTML tabs to add navigational links to the top-hand navigational bar in the staff interface','Textarea'), |
334 |
('IntranetNav','','70|10','Use HTML tabs to add navigational links to the top-hand navigational bar in the staff interface','Textarea'), |
332 |
('IntranetNumbersPreferPhrase','0',NULL,'Control the use of phr operator in callnumber and standard number staff interface searches','YesNo'), |
335 |
('IntranetNumbersPreferPhrase','0',NULL,'Control the use of phr operator in callnumber and standard number staff interface searches','YesNo'), |
333 |
('intranetreadinghistory','1','','If ON, Checkout history is enabled for all patrons','YesNo'), |
336 |
('intranetreadinghistory','1','','If ON, Checkout history is enabled for all patrons','YesNo'), |
337 |
('IntranetReadingHistoryHolds', 1, '', 'If ON, Holds history is enabled for all patrons','YesNo'), |
334 |
('IntranetReportsHomeHTML', '', NULL, 'Show the following HTML in a div on the bottom of the reports home page', 'Free'), |
338 |
('IntranetReportsHomeHTML', '', NULL, 'Show the following HTML in a div on the bottom of the reports home page', 'Free'), |
335 |
('IntranetSlipPrinterJS','','','Use this JavaScript for printing slips. Define at least function printThenClose(). For use e.g. with Firefox PlugIn jsPrintSetup, see','Free'), |
339 |
('IntranetSlipPrinterJS','','','Use this JavaScript for printing slips. Define at least function printThenClose(). For use e.g. with Firefox PlugIn jsPrintSetup, see','Free'), |
336 |
('intranetstylesheet','','50','Enter a complete URL to use an alternate layout stylesheet in Intranet','free'), |
340 |
('intranetstylesheet','','50','Enter a complete URL to use an alternate layout stylesheet in Intranet','free'), |
Lines 372-377
INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `
Link Here
372 |
('LockExpiredDelay','','','Delay for locking expired patrons (empty means no locking)','Integer'), |
376 |
('LockExpiredDelay','','','Delay for locking expired patrons (empty means no locking)','Integer'), |
373 |
('makePreviousSerialAvailable','0','','make previous serial automatically available when collecting a new serial. Please note that the item-level_itypes syspref must be set to specific item.','YesNo'), |
377 |
('makePreviousSerialAvailable','0','','make previous serial automatically available when collecting a new serial. Please note that the item-level_itypes syspref must be set to specific item.','YesNo'), |
374 |
('Mana','2',NULL,'request to Mana Webservice. Mana centralize common information between other Koha to facilitate the creation of new subscriptions, vendors, report queries etc... You can search, share, import and comment the content of Mana.','Choice'), |
378 |
('Mana','2',NULL,'request to Mana Webservice. Mana centralize common information between other Koha to facilitate the creation of new subscriptions, vendors, report queries etc... You can search, share, import and comment the content of Mana.','Choice'), |
379 |
('ManaToken','',NULL,'Security token used for authentication on Mana KB service (anti spam)','Textarea'), |
375 |
('MARCAuthorityControlField008','|| aca||aabn | a|a d',NULL,'Define the contents of MARC21 authority control field 008 position 06-39','Textarea'), |
380 |
('MARCAuthorityControlField008','|| aca||aabn | a|a d',NULL,'Define the contents of MARC21 authority control field 008 position 06-39','Textarea'), |
376 |
('MarcFieldDocURL', NULL, NULL, 'URL used for MARC field documentation. Following substitutions are available: {MARC} = marc flavour, eg. "MARC21" or "UNIMARC". {FIELD} = field number, eg. "000" or "048". {LANG} = user language, eg. "en" or "fi-FI"', 'free'), |
381 |
('MarcFieldDocURL', NULL, NULL, 'URL used for MARC field documentation. Following substitutions are available: {MARC} = marc flavour, eg. "MARC21" or "UNIMARC". {FIELD} = field number, eg. "000" or "048". {LANG} = user language, eg. "en" or "fi-FI"', 'free'), |
377 |
('MarcFieldForCreatorId','',NULL,'Where to store the borrowernumber of the record''s creator','Free'), |
382 |
('MarcFieldForCreatorId','',NULL,'Where to store the borrowernumber of the record''s creator','Free'), |
Lines 428-435
INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `
Link Here
428 |
('numSearchRSSResults','50',NULL,'Specify the maximum number of results to display on a RSS page of results','Integer'), |
433 |
('numSearchRSSResults','50',NULL,'Specify the maximum number of results to display on a RSS page of results','Integer'), |
429 |
('OAI-PMH','0',NULL,'if ON, OAI-PMH server is enabled','YesNo'), |
434 |
('OAI-PMH','0',NULL,'if ON, OAI-PMH server is enabled','YesNo'), |
430 |
('OAI-PMH:archiveID','KOHA-OAI-TEST',NULL,'OAI-PMH archive identification','Free'), |
435 |
('OAI-PMH:archiveID','KOHA-OAI-TEST',NULL,'OAI-PMH archive identification','Free'), |
431 |
('OAI-PMH:AutoUpdateSetEmbedItemData', '0', '', 'Embed item information when automatically updating OAI sets. Requires OAI-PMH:AutoUpdateSets syspref to be enabled', 'YesNo'), |
432 |
('OAI-PMH:AutoUpdateSets','0','','Automatically update OAI sets when a bibliographic or item record is created or updated','YesNo'), |
436 |
('OAI-PMH:AutoUpdateSets','0','','Automatically update OAI sets when a bibliographic or item record is created or updated','YesNo'), |
437 |
('OAI-PMH:AutoUpdateSetsEmbedItemData', '0', '', 'Embed item information when automatically updating OAI sets. Requires OAI-PMH:AutoUpdateSets syspref to be enabled', 'YesNo'), |
433 |
('OAI-PMH:ConfFile','',NULL,'If empty, Koha OAI Server operates in normal mode, otherwise it operates in extended mode.','File'), |
438 |
('OAI-PMH:ConfFile','',NULL,'If empty, Koha OAI Server operates in normal mode, otherwise it operates in extended mode.','File'), |
434 |
('OAI-PMH:DeletedRecord','persistent','Koha\'s deletedbiblio table will never be deleted (persistent), might be deleted (transient), or will never have any data in it (no)','transient|persistent|no','Choice'), |
439 |
('OAI-PMH:DeletedRecord','persistent','Koha\'s deletedbiblio table will never be deleted (persistent), might be deleted (transient), or will never have any data in it (no)','transient|persistent|no','Choice'), |
435 |
('OAI-PMH:MaxCount','50',NULL,'OAI-PMH maximum number of records by answer to ListRecords and ListIdentifiers queries','Integer'), |
440 |
('OAI-PMH:MaxCount','50',NULL,'OAI-PMH maximum number of records by answer to ListRecords and ListIdentifiers queries','Integer'), |
Lines 462-467
INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `
Link Here
462 |
('OPACCustomCoverImages','0',NULL,'If enabled, the custom cover images will be displayed at the OPAC. CustomCoverImagesURL must be defined.','YesNo'), |
467 |
('OPACCustomCoverImages','0',NULL,'If enabled, the custom cover images will be displayed at the OPAC. CustomCoverImagesURL must be defined.','YesNo'), |
463 |
('OPACdefaultSortField','relevance','relevance|popularity|call_number|pubdate|acqdate|title|author','Specify the default field used for sorting','Choice'), |
468 |
('OPACdefaultSortField','relevance','relevance|popularity|call_number|pubdate|acqdate|title|author','Specify the default field used for sorting','Choice'), |
464 |
('OPACdefaultSortOrder','dsc','asc|dsc|za|az','Specify the default sort order','Choice'), |
469 |
('OPACdefaultSortOrder','dsc','asc|dsc|za|az','Specify the default sort order','Choice'), |
470 |
('OPACDetailQRCode','0','','Enable the display of a QR Code on the OPAC detail page','YesNo'), |
465 |
('OPACdidyoumean','',NULL,'Did you mean? configuration for the OPAC. Do not change, as this is controlled by /cgi-bin/koha/admin/','Free'), |
471 |
('OPACdidyoumean','',NULL,'Did you mean? configuration for the OPAC. Do not change, as this is controlled by /cgi-bin/koha/admin/','Free'), |
466 |
('OPACDisplay856uAsImage','OFF','OFF|Details|Results|Both','Display the URI in the 856u field as an image, the corresponding OPACXSLT option must be on','Choice'), |
472 |
('OPACDisplay856uAsImage','OFF','OFF|Details|Results|Both','Display the URI in the 856u field as an image, the corresponding OPACXSLT option must be on','Choice'), |
467 |
('OpacExportOptions','bibtex,dc,marcxml,marc8,utf8,marcstd,mods,ris,isbd','','Define export options available on OPAC detail page.','multiple'), |
473 |
('OpacExportOptions','bibtex,dc,marcxml,marc8,utf8,marcstd,mods,ris,isbd','','Define export options available on OPAC detail page.','multiple'), |
Lines 508-514
INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `
Link Here
508 |
('OPACPatronDetails','1','','If OFF the patron details tab in the OPAC is disabled.','YesNo'), |
514 |
('OPACPatronDetails','1','','If OFF the patron details tab in the OPAC is disabled.','YesNo'), |
509 |
('OPACpatronimages','0',NULL,'Enable patron images in the OPAC','YesNo'), |
515 |
('OPACpatronimages','0',NULL,'Enable patron images in the OPAC','YesNo'), |
510 |
('OPACPlayMusicalInscripts','0','','If displayed musical inscripts, play midi conversion on the OPAC record details page.','YesNo'), |
516 |
('OPACPlayMusicalInscripts','0','','If displayed musical inscripts, play midi conversion on the OPAC record details page.','YesNo'), |
511 |
('OpacPrivacy','0',NULL,'if ON, allows patrons to define their privacy rules (checkout history)','YesNo'), |
517 |
('OPACPopupAuthorsSearch','0','','Display the list of authors when clicking on one author.','YesNo'), |
518 |
('OPACPrivacy','0',NULL,'if ON, allows patrons to define their privacy rules (checkout history)','YesNo'), |
512 |
('OpacPublic','1',NULL,'Turn on/off public OPAC','YesNo'), |
519 |
('OpacPublic','1',NULL,'Turn on/off public OPAC','YesNo'), |
513 |
('opacreadinghistory','1','','If ON, enables display of Patron Circulation History in OPAC','YesNo'), |
520 |
('opacreadinghistory','1','','If ON, enables display of Patron Circulation History in OPAC','YesNo'), |
514 |
('OpacRenewalAllowed','1',NULL,'If ON, users can renew their issues directly from their OPAC account','YesNo'), |
521 |
('OpacRenewalAllowed','1',NULL,'If ON, users can renew their issues directly from their OPAC account','YesNo'), |
Lines 525-530
INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `
Link Here
525 |
('opacSerialDefaultTab','subscriptions','holdings|serialcollection|subscriptions','Define the default tab for serials in OPAC.','Choice'), |
532 |
('opacSerialDefaultTab','subscriptions','holdings|serialcollection|subscriptions','Define the default tab for serials in OPAC.','Choice'), |
526 |
('OPACSerialIssueDisplayCount','3','','Number of serial issues to display per subscription in the OPAC','Integer'), |
533 |
('OPACSerialIssueDisplayCount','3','','Number of serial issues to display per subscription in the OPAC','Integer'), |
527 |
('OPACShelfBrowser','1','','Enable/disable Shelf Browser on item details page. WARNING: this feature is very resource consuming on collections with large numbers of items.','YesNo'), |
534 |
('OPACShelfBrowser','1','','Enable/disable Shelf Browser on item details page. WARNING: this feature is very resource consuming on collections with large numbers of items.','YesNo'), |
535 |
('OPACShibOnly','0','','If ON enables shibboleth only authentication for the opac','YesNo'), |
528 |
('OPACShowCheckoutName','0','','Displays in the OPAC the name of patron who has checked out the material. WARNING: Most sites should leave this off. It is intended for corporate or special sites which need to track who has the item.','YesNo'), |
536 |
('OPACShowCheckoutName','0','','Displays in the OPAC the name of patron who has checked out the material. WARNING: Most sites should leave this off. It is intended for corporate or special sites which need to track who has the item.','YesNo'), |
529 |
('OPACShowHoldQueueDetails','none','none|priority|holds|holds_priority','Show holds details in OPAC','Choice'), |
537 |
('OPACShowHoldQueueDetails','none','none|priority|holds|holds_priority','Show holds details in OPAC','Choice'), |
530 |
('OPACShowMusicalInscripts','0','','Display musical inscripts on the OPAC record details page when available.','YesNo'), |
538 |
('OPACShowMusicalInscripts','0','','Display musical inscripts on the OPAC record details page when available.','YesNo'), |
Lines 535-540
INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `
Link Here
535 |
('OpacStarRatings','all','disable|all|details',NULL,'Choice'), |
543 |
('OpacStarRatings','all','disable|all|details',NULL,'Choice'), |
536 |
('OPACSuggestionAutoFill','0',NULL,'Automatically fill OPAC suggestion form with data from Google Books API','YesNo'), |
544 |
('OPACSuggestionAutoFill','0',NULL,'Automatically fill OPAC suggestion form with data from Google Books API','YesNo'), |
537 |
('OpacSuggestionManagedBy',1,'','Show the name of the staff member who managed a suggestion in OPAC','YesNo'), |
545 |
('OpacSuggestionManagedBy',1,'','Show the name of the staff member who managed a suggestion in OPAC','YesNo'), |
546 |
('OPACSuggestionMandatoryFields','title','','Define the mandatory fields for a patron purchase suggestions made via OPAC.','multiple'), |
538 |
('OPACSuggestionUnwantedFields',NULL,'','Define the hidden fields for a patron purchase suggestions made via OPAC.','multiple'), |
547 |
('OPACSuggestionUnwantedFields',NULL,'','Define the hidden fields for a patron purchase suggestions made via OPAC.','multiple'), |
539 |
('OpacSuppression','0','','Turn ON the OPAC Suppression feature, requires further setup, ask your system administrator for details','YesNo'), |
548 |
('OpacSuppression','0','','Turn ON the OPAC Suppression feature, requires further setup, ask your system administrator for details','YesNo'), |
540 |
('OpacSuppressionByIPRange','','','Restrict the suppression to IP adresses outside of the IP range','free'), |
549 |
('OpacSuppressionByIPRange','','','Restrict the suppression to IP adresses outside of the IP range','free'), |
Lines 558-569
INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `
Link Here
558 |
('OpenURLText', '', NULL, 'Text of OpenURL links (or image title if OpenURLImageLocation is defined)', 'Free'), |
567 |
('OpenURLText', '', NULL, 'Text of OpenURL links (or image title if OpenURLImageLocation is defined)', 'Free'), |
559 |
('OrderPdfFormat','pdfformat::layout3pages','Controls what script is used for printing (basketgroups)','','free'), |
568 |
('OrderPdfFormat','pdfformat::layout3pages','Controls what script is used for printing (basketgroups)','','free'), |
560 |
('OrderPriceRounding','','|nearest_cent','Local preference for rounding orders before calculations to ensure correct calculations','Choice'), |
569 |
('OrderPriceRounding','','|nearest_cent','Local preference for rounding orders before calculations to ensure correct calculations','Choice'), |
561 |
('OverDriveCirculation','0','Enable client to see their OverDrive account','','YesNo'), |
570 |
('OverDriveAuthName','',NULL,'Authentication for OverDrive integration, used as fallback when no OverDrive library authnames are set','Free'), |
562 |
('OverDriveClientKey','','Client key for OverDrive integration','30','Free'), |
571 |
('OverDriveCirculation','0','','Enable client to see their OverDrive account','YesNo'), |
563 |
('OverDriveClientSecret','','Client key for OverDrive integration','30','Free'), |
572 |
('OverDriveClientKey','',NULL,'Client key for OverDrive integration','Free'), |
564 |
('OverDriveLibraryID','','Library ID for OverDrive integration','','Integer'), |
573 |
('OverDriveClientSecret','',NULL,'Client key for OverDrive integration','Free'), |
565 |
('OverDrivePasswordRequired','0',NULL,'Does the library require passwords for OverDrive SIP authentication','YesNo'), |
574 |
('OverDriveLibraryID','', NULL,'Library ID for OverDrive integration','Integer'), |
575 |
('OverDrivePasswordRequired','0','','Does the library require passwords for OverDrive SIP authentication','YesNo'), |
566 |
('OverDriveUsername','cardnumber','cardnumber|userid','Which patron information should be passed as OverDrive username','Choice'), |
576 |
('OverDriveUsername','cardnumber','cardnumber|userid','Which patron information should be passed as OverDrive username','Choice'), |
577 |
('OverDriveWebsiteID','', NULL, 'WebsiteID provided by OverDrive', 'Free'), |
567 |
('OverdueNoticeCalendar',0,NULL,'Take the calendar into consideration when generating overdue notices','YesNo'), |
578 |
('OverdueNoticeCalendar',0,NULL,'Take the calendar into consideration when generating overdue notices','YesNo'), |
568 |
('OverdueNoticeFrom', 'cron', 'cron|item-issuebranch|item-homebranch', 'Organize and send overdue notices by item home library or checkout library', 'Choice'), |
579 |
('OverdueNoticeFrom', 'cron', 'cron|item-issuebranch|item-homebranch', 'Organize and send overdue notices by item home library or checkout library', 'Choice'), |
569 |
('OverduesBlockCirc','noblock','noblock|confirmation|block','When checking out an item should overdues block checkout, generate a confirmation dialogue, or allow checkout','Choice'), |
580 |
('OverduesBlockCirc','noblock','noblock|confirmation|block','When checking out an item should overdues block checkout, generate a confirmation dialogue, or allow checkout','Choice'), |
Lines 618-623
INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `
Link Here
618 |
('RecallsLog','1',NULL,'If ON, log create/cancel/expire/fulfill actions on recalls','YesNo'), |
629 |
('RecallsLog','1',NULL,'If ON, log create/cancel/expire/fulfill actions on recalls','YesNo'), |
619 |
('RecallsMaxPickUpDelay','7',NULL,'Define the maximum time a recall can be awaiting pickup','Integer'), |
630 |
('RecallsMaxPickUpDelay','7',NULL,'Define the maximum time a recall can be awaiting pickup','Integer'), |
620 |
('RecordLocalUseOnReturn','0',NULL,'If ON, statistically record returns of unissued items as local use, instead of return','YesNo'), |
631 |
('RecordLocalUseOnReturn','0',NULL,'If ON, statistically record returns of unissued items as local use, instead of return','YesNo'), |
632 |
('RecordStaffUserOnCheckout', '0', '', 'If enabled, when an item is checked out, the user who checked out the item is recorded', 'YesNo'), |
621 |
('RedirectGuaranteeEmail', '0', NULL, 'Enable the ability to redirect guarantee email messages to guarantor.', 'YesNo'), |
633 |
('RedirectGuaranteeEmail', '0', NULL, 'Enable the ability to redirect guarantee email messages to guarantor.', 'YesNo'), |
622 |
('Reference_NFL_Statuses','1|2',NULL,'Contains not for loan statuses considered as available for reference','Free'), |
634 |
('Reference_NFL_Statuses','1|2',NULL,'Contains not for loan statuses considered as available for reference','Free'), |
623 |
('RefundLostOnReturnControl','CheckinLibrary','CheckinLibrary|ItemHomeBranch|ItemHoldingBranch','If a lost item is returned, choose which branch to pick rules for refunding.','Choice'), |
635 |
('RefundLostOnReturnControl','CheckinLibrary','CheckinLibrary|ItemHomeBranch|ItemHoldingBranch','If a lost item is returned, choose which branch to pick rules for refunding.','Choice'), |
Lines 628-634
INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `
Link Here
628 |
('RenewalSendNotice','0','',NULL,'YesNo'), |
640 |
('RenewalSendNotice','0','',NULL,'YesNo'), |
629 |
('RenewSerialAddsSuggestion','0',NULL,'If ON, adds a new suggestion at serial subscription renewal','YesNo'), |
641 |
('RenewSerialAddsSuggestion','0',NULL,'If ON, adds a new suggestion at serial subscription renewal','YesNo'), |
630 |
('RentalFeesCheckoutConfirmation', '0', NULL , 'Allow user to confirm when checking out an item with rental fees.', 'YesNo'), |
642 |
('RentalFeesCheckoutConfirmation', '0', NULL , 'Allow user to confirm when checking out an item with rental fees.', 'YesNo'), |
631 |
('ReplyToDefault','',NULL,'Use this email address as the replyto in emails','Free'), |
643 |
('ReplytoDefault','',NULL,'Use this email address as the replyto in emails','Free'), |
632 |
('ReportsLog','0',NULL,'If ON, log information about reports.','YesNo'), |
644 |
('ReportsLog','0',NULL,'If ON, log information about reports.','YesNo'), |
633 |
('RequireCashRegister','0',NULL,'Require a cash register when collecting a payment','YesNo'), |
645 |
('RequireCashRegister','0',NULL,'Require a cash register when collecting a payment','YesNo'), |
634 |
('RequireChoosingExistingAuthority','0',NULL,'Require existing authority selection in controlled fields during cataloging.','YesNo'), |
646 |
('RequireChoosingExistingAuthority','0',NULL,'Require existing authority selection in controlled fields during cataloging.','YesNo'), |
Lines 713-718
INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `
Link Here
713 |
('StaffLoginInstructions', '', NULL, 'HTML to go into the login box for the staff interface','Free'), |
725 |
('StaffLoginInstructions', '', NULL, 'HTML to go into the login box for the staff interface','Free'), |
714 |
('StaffSearchResultsDisplayBranch','holdingbranch','holdingbranch|homebranch','Controls the display of the home or holding branch for staff search results','Choice'), |
726 |
('StaffSearchResultsDisplayBranch','holdingbranch','holdingbranch|homebranch','Controls the display of the home or holding branch for staff search results','Choice'), |
715 |
('StaffSerialIssueDisplayCount','3','','Number of serial issues to display per subscription in the staff interface','Integer'), |
727 |
('StaffSerialIssueDisplayCount','3','','Number of serial issues to display per subscription in the staff interface','Integer'), |
728 |
('staffShibOnly','0','','If ON enables shibboleth only authentication for the staff client','YesNo'), |
716 |
('StaticHoldsQueueWeight','0',NULL,'Specify a list of library location codes separated by commas -- the list of codes will be traversed and weighted with first values given higher weight for holds fulfillment -- alternatively, if RandomizeHoldsQueueWeight is set, the list will be randomly selective','Integer'), |
729 |
('StaticHoldsQueueWeight','0',NULL,'Specify a list of library location codes separated by commas -- the list of codes will be traversed and weighted with first values given higher weight for holds fulfillment -- alternatively, if RandomizeHoldsQueueWeight is set, the list will be randomly selective','Integer'), |
717 |
('StatisticsFields','location|itype|ccode', NULL, 'Define Fields (from the items table) used for statistics members','Free'), |
730 |
('StatisticsFields','location|itype|ccode', NULL, 'Define Fields (from the items table) used for statistics members','Free'), |
718 |
('StockRotation','0',NULL,'If ON, enables the stock rotation module','YesNo'), |
731 |
('StockRotation','0',NULL,'If ON, enables the stock rotation module','YesNo'), |