Lines 421-423
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES(
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421 |
INSERT IGNORE INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('PatronSelfRegistrationAdditionalInstructions','','A free text field to display additional instructions to newly self registered patrons.','','free'); |
421 |
INSERT IGNORE INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('PatronSelfRegistrationAdditionalInstructions','','A free text field to display additional instructions to newly self registered patrons.','','free'); |
422 |
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('UseQueryParser', '0', 'If enabled, try to use QueryParser for queries.', NULL, 'YesNo'); |
422 |
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('UseQueryParser', '0', 'If enabled, try to use QueryParser for queries.', NULL, 'YesNo'); |
423 |
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('FinesIncludeGracePeriod','1','If enabled, fines calculations will include the grace period.',NULL,'YesNo'); |
423 |
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('FinesIncludeGracePeriod','1','If enabled, fines calculations will include the grace period.',NULL,'YesNo'); |
424 |
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('AcqItemStatusWhenReceived','0','This syspref set a status for item when items are created when receiving (e.g. 995\$o=5)','','Free'); |