push @errors, sprintf "%s:%s", $file, join (",", @e) if @e;
is( @errors, 0, "The <form> in the following files are missing it's corresponding op parameter, or op does not start with 'cud-' (see bug 34478)" )
or diag( Dumper @errors );
@errors, 0,
"The <form> in the following files are missing it's corresponding op parameter, or op does not start with 'cud-' (see bug 34478)"
) or diag( Dumper @errors );
sub catch_missing_op {
my ($file) = @_;
if ( $in_form && $line =~ m{name="op"} ) {
$has_op = 1;
if ( $line =~ m{value="(.*)"} ) {
$op_value = $1
$op_value = $1;
if ( $in_form && $line =~ m{</form} ) {