use Modern::Perl;
return {
bug_number => "35973",
description => "Correct system preference 'RedirectGuaranteeEmail'",
up => sub {
my ($args) = @_;
my ( $dbh, $out ) = @$args{qw(dbh out)};
# Do you stuffs here
$dbh->do(q{UPDATE systempreferences SET value = 1 WHERE variable = "RedirectGuaranteeEmail" and value = "yes"});
$dbh->do(q{UPDATE systempreferences SET value = 0 WHERE variable = "RedirectGuaranteeEmail" and value = "no"});
say $out "Corrected system preference 'RedirectGuaranteeEmail'";
- pref: RedirectGuaranteeEmail
yes: Enable
1: Enable
no: Disable
0: Disable
- sending emails to both guarantees and their guarantor. This does not affect patrons without guarantors.
- pref: AllowStaffToSetFinesVisibilityForGuarantor