Lines 183-188
INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `
Link Here
183 |
('CurrencyFormat','US','US|FR|CH','Determines the display format of currencies. eg: \'36000\' is displayed as \'360 000,00\' in \'FR\' or \'360,000.00\' in \'US\'.','Choice'), |
183 |
('CurrencyFormat','US','US|FR|CH','Determines the display format of currencies. eg: \'36000\' is displayed as \'360 000,00\' in \'FR\' or \'360,000.00\' in \'US\'.','Choice'), |
184 |
('CustomCoverImages','0',NULL,'If enabled, the custom cover images will be displayed in the staff interface. CustomCoverImagesURL must be defined.','YesNo'), |
184 |
('CustomCoverImages','0',NULL,'If enabled, the custom cover images will be displayed in the staff interface. CustomCoverImagesURL must be defined.','YesNo'), |
185 |
('CustomCoverImagesURL','',NULL,'Define an URL serving book cover images, using the following patterns: %issn%, %isbn%, FIXME ADD MORE (use it with CustomCoverImages and/or OPACCustomCoverImages)','free'), |
185 |
('CustomCoverImagesURL','',NULL,'Define an URL serving book cover images, using the following patterns: %issn%, %isbn%, FIXME ADD MORE (use it with CustomCoverImages and/or OPACCustomCoverImages)','free'), |
186 |
('CustomXSLTExportPath','','','The path to the folder containing the customized XSL files for export',''), |
186 |
('dateformat','us','metric|us|iso|dmydot','Define global date format (us mm/dd/yyyy, metric dd/mm/yyy, ISO yyyy-mm-dd, dmydot','Choice'), |
187 |
('dateformat','us','metric|us|iso|dmydot','Define global date format (us mm/dd/yyyy, metric dd/mm/yyy, ISO yyyy-mm-dd, dmydot','Choice'), |
187 |
('DebugLevel','2','0|1|2','Define the level of debugging information sent to the browser when errors are encountered (set to 0 in production). 0=none, 1=some, 2=most','Choice'), |
188 |
('DebugLevel','2','0|1|2','Define the level of debugging information sent to the browser when errors are encountered (set to 0 in production). 0=none, 1=some, 2=most','Choice'), |
188 |
('decreaseLoanHighHolds','0','','Decreases the loan period for items with number of holds above the threshold specified in decreaseLoanHighHoldsValue','YesNo'), |
189 |
('decreaseLoanHighHolds','0','','Decreases the loan period for items with number of holds above the threshold specified in decreaseLoanHighHoldsValue','YesNo'), |
Lines 479-485
INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `
Link Here
479 |
('OPACDetailQRCode','0','','Enable the display of a QR Code on the OPAC detail page','YesNo'), |
480 |
('OPACDetailQRCode','0','','Enable the display of a QR Code on the OPAC detail page','YesNo'), |
480 |
('OPACdidyoumean','',NULL,'Did you mean? configuration for the OPAC. Do not change, as this is controlled by /cgi-bin/koha/admin/','Free'), |
481 |
('OPACdidyoumean','',NULL,'Did you mean? configuration for the OPAC. Do not change, as this is controlled by /cgi-bin/koha/admin/','Free'), |
481 |
('OPACDisplay856uAsImage','OFF','OFF|Details|Results|Both','Display the URI in the 856u field as an image, the corresponding OPACXSLT option must be on','Choice'), |
482 |
('OPACDisplay856uAsImage','OFF','OFF|Details|Results|Both','Display the URI in the 856u field as an image, the corresponding OPACXSLT option must be on','Choice'), |
482 |
('OpacExportOptions','bibtex,dc,marcxml,marc8,utf8,marcstd,mods,ris,isbd','','Define export options available on OPAC detail page.','multiple'), |
483 |
('OpacExportOptions','bibtex,dc,marcxml,marc8,utf8,marcstd,mods,ris,isbd,custom','','Define export options available on OPAC detail page.','multiple'), |
483 |
('OPACFallback', 'prog', 'bootstrap|prog', 'Define the fallback theme for the OPAC interface.', 'Themes'), |
484 |
('OPACFallback', 'prog', 'bootstrap|prog', 'Define the fallback theme for the OPAC interface.', 'Themes'), |
484 |
('OpacFavicon','','','Enter a complete URL to an image to replace the default Koha favicon on the OPAC','free'), |
485 |
('OpacFavicon','','','Enter a complete URL to an image to replace the default Koha favicon on the OPAC','free'), |
485 |
('OPACFineNoRenewals','100','','Fine limit above which user cannot renew books via OPAC','Integer'), |
486 |
('OPACFineNoRenewals','100','','Fine limit above which user cannot renew books via OPAC','Integer'), |