Lines 26-31
INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `
Link Here
26 |
('AggressiveMatchOnISBN','0', NULL,'If enabled, attempt to match aggressively by trying all variations of the ISBNs in the imported record as a phrase in the ISBN fields of already cataloged records when matching on ISBN with the record import tool','YesNo'), |
26 |
('AggressiveMatchOnISBN','0', NULL,'If enabled, attempt to match aggressively by trying all variations of the ISBNs in the imported record as a phrase in the ISBN fields of already cataloged records when matching on ISBN with the record import tool','YesNo'), |
27 |
('AggressiveMatchOnISSN','0', NULL,'If enabled, attempt to match aggressively by trying all variations of the ISSNs in the imported record as a phrase in the ISSN fields of already cataloged records when matching on ISSN with the record import tool','YesNo'), |
27 |
('AggressiveMatchOnISSN','0', NULL,'If enabled, attempt to match aggressively by trying all variations of the ISSNs in the imported record as a phrase in the ISSN fields of already cataloged records when matching on ISSN with the record import tool','YesNo'), |
28 |
('AllFinesNeedOverride','1','0','If on, staff will be asked to override every fine, even if it is below noissuescharge.','YesNo'), |
28 |
('AllFinesNeedOverride','1','0','If on, staff will be asked to override every fine, even if it is below noissuescharge.','YesNo'), |
29 |
('AllNoticeCSS','',NULL,'CSS to include in each html notice regardless of messate transport type','free'), |
30 |
('AllNoticeStylesheet', '', NULL, 'Enter the address for a stylesheet for all notices', 'free'), |
29 |
('AllowAllMessageDeletion','0','','Allow any Library to delete any message','YesNo'), |
31 |
('AllowAllMessageDeletion','0','','Allow any Library to delete any message','YesNo'), |
30 |
('AllowCheckoutNotes', '0', NULL, 'Allow patrons to submit notes about checked out items.','YesNo'), |
32 |
('AllowCheckoutNotes', '0', NULL, 'Allow patrons to submit notes about checked out items.','YesNo'), |
31 |
('AllowFineOverride','0','0','If on, staff will be able to issue books to patrons with fines greater than noissuescharge.','YesNo'), |
33 |
('AllowFineOverride','0','0','If on, staff will be able to issue books to patrons with fines greater than noissuescharge.','YesNo'), |
Lines 237-242
INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `
Link Here
237 |
('EmailFieldPrimary','','|email|emailpro|B_email|cardnumber|MULTI','Defines the default email address field where patron email notices are sent.','Choice'), |
239 |
('EmailFieldPrimary','','|email|emailpro|B_email|cardnumber|MULTI','Defines the default email address field where patron email notices are sent.','Choice'), |
238 |
('EmailFieldSelection','','email|emailpro|B_email','Selection list of patron email fields to use whern AutoEmailPrimaryAddress is set to selected addresses','multiple'), |
240 |
('EmailFieldSelection','','email|emailpro|B_email','Selection list of patron email fields to use whern AutoEmailPrimaryAddress is set to selected addresses','multiple'), |
239 |
('emailLibrarianWhenHoldIsPlaced','0',NULL,'If ON, emails the librarian whenever a hold is placed','YesNo'), |
241 |
('emailLibrarianWhenHoldIsPlaced','0',NULL,'If ON, emails the librarian whenever a hold is placed','YesNo'), |
242 |
('EmailNoticeCSS','',NULL,'CSS to include in each html email notice','free'), |
243 |
('EmailNoticeStylesheet','',NULL,'Enter the address for a stylesheet to include in each html email notice','free'), |
240 |
('EmailOverduesNoEmail','1',NULL,'Send send overdues of patrons without email address to staff','YesNo'), |
244 |
('EmailOverduesNoEmail','1',NULL,'Send send overdues of patrons without email address to staff','YesNo'), |
241 |
('EmailPatronRegistrations', '0', '0|EmailAddressForPatronRegistrations|BranchEmailAddress|KohaAdminEmailAddress', 'Choose email address that new patron registrations will be sent to: ', 'Choice'), |
245 |
('EmailPatronRegistrations', '0', '0|EmailAddressForPatronRegistrations|BranchEmailAddress|KohaAdminEmailAddress', 'Choose email address that new patron registrations will be sent to: ', 'Choice'), |
242 |
('EmailPatronWhenHoldIsPlaced', '0', NULL, 'Email patron when a hold has been placed for them', 'YesNo'), |
246 |
('EmailPatronWhenHoldIsPlaced', '0', NULL, 'Email patron when a hold has been placed for them', 'YesNo'), |
Lines 425-431
INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `
Link Here
425 |
('NotesToHide','',NULL,'List of notes fields that should not appear in the title notes/description separator of details','free'), |
429 |
('NotesToHide','',NULL,'List of notes fields that should not appear in the title notes/description separator of details','free'), |
426 |
('NotHighlightedWords','and|or|not',NULL,'List of words to NOT highlight when OpacHitHighlight is enabled','free'), |
430 |
('NotHighlightedWords','and|or|not',NULL,'List of words to NOT highlight when OpacHitHighlight is enabled','free'), |
427 |
('NoticeBcc','','','Email address to bcc outgoing notices sent by email','free'), |
431 |
('NoticeBcc','','','Email address to bcc outgoing notices sent by email','free'), |
428 |
('NoticeCSS','',NULL,'Notices CSS url.','free'), |
429 |
('NoticesLog','0',NULL,'If enabled, log changes to notice templates','YesNo'), |
432 |
('NoticesLog','0',NULL,'If enabled, log changes to notice templates','YesNo'), |
430 |
('NoticesManagement','0',NULL,'Enable the interface to view and print generated notices','YesNo'), |
433 |
('NoticesManagement','0',NULL,'Enable the interface to view and print generated notices','YesNo'), |
431 |
('NotifyBorrowerDeparture','30',NULL,'Define number of days before expiry where circulation is warned about patron account expiry','Integer'), |
434 |
('NotifyBorrowerDeparture','30',NULL,'Define number of days before expiry where circulation is warned about patron account expiry','Integer'), |
Lines 624-630
INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `
Link Here
624 |
('PreservationNotForLoanWaitingListIn', '', '', 'Not for loan to apply to items added to the preservation waiting list', 'TextArea'), |
627 |
('PreservationNotForLoanWaitingListIn', '', '', 'Not for loan to apply to items added to the preservation waiting list', 'TextArea'), |
625 |
('PreserveSerialNotes','1','','When a new "Expected" issue is generated, should it be prefilled with last created issue notes?','YesNo'), |
628 |
('PreserveSerialNotes','1','','When a new "Expected" issue is generated, should it be prefilled with last created issue notes?','YesNo'), |
626 |
('previousIssuesDefaultSortOrder','asc','asc|desc','Specify the sort order of Previous Issues on the circulation page','Choice'), |
629 |
('previousIssuesDefaultSortOrder','asc','asc|desc','Specify the sort order of Previous Issues on the circulation page','Choice'), |
630 |
('PrintNoticeCSS','',NULL,'CSS to include in each html print notice','free'), |
631 |
('PrintNoticeStylesheet','',NULL,'Enter the address for a stylesheet to include in each html print notice','free'), |
627 |
('PrintNoticesMaxLines','0','','If greater than 0, sets the maximum number of lines an overdue notice will print. If the number of items is greater than this number, the notice will end with a warning asking the borrower to check their online account for a full list of overdue items.','Integer'), |
632 |
('PrintNoticesMaxLines','0','','If greater than 0, sets the maximum number of lines an overdue notice will print. If the number of items is greater than this number, the notice will end with a warning asking the borrower to check their online account for a full list of overdue items.','Integer'), |
633 |
('PrintSlipCSS','',NULL,'CSS to include in each html print slip','free'), |
634 |
('PrintSlipStylesheet','',NULL,'Enter the address for a stylesheet to include in each html print slip','free'), |
628 |
('PrivacyPolicyConsent','','Enforced|Permissive|Disabled','Data privacy policy consent in the OPAC', 'Choice'), |
635 |
('PrivacyPolicyConsent','','Enforced|Permissive|Disabled','Data privacy policy consent in the OPAC', 'Choice'), |
629 |
('PrivacyPolicyURL','',NULL,'This URL is used in messages about GDPR consents.', 'Free'), |
636 |
('PrivacyPolicyURL','',NULL,'This URL is used in messages about GDPR consents.', 'Free'), |
630 |
('ProcessingFeeNote', '', NULL, 'Set the text to be recorded in the column note, table accountlines when the processing fee (defined in item type) is applied', 'textarea'), |
637 |
('ProcessingFeeNote', '', NULL, 'Set the text to be recorded in the column note, table accountlines when the processing fee (defined in item type) is applied', 'textarea'), |
Lines 729-735
INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `
Link Here
729 |
('SIP2AddOpacMessagesToScreenMessage','1','','If enabled, patron OPAC messages will be included in the SIP2 screen message','YesNo'), |
736 |
('SIP2AddOpacMessagesToScreenMessage','1','','If enabled, patron OPAC messages will be included in the SIP2 screen message','YesNo'), |
730 |
('SIP2SortBinMapping','',NULL,'Use the following mappings to determine the sort_bin of a returned item. The mapping should be on the form \"branchcode:item field:item field value:sort bin number\", with one mapping per line.','free'), |
737 |
('SIP2SortBinMapping','',NULL,'Use the following mappings to determine the sort_bin of a returned item. The mapping should be on the form \"branchcode:item field:item field value:sort bin number\", with one mapping per line.','free'), |
731 |
('SkipHoldTrapOnNotForLoanValue','',NULL,'If set, Koha will never trap items for hold with this notforloan value','Integer'), |
738 |
('SkipHoldTrapOnNotForLoanValue','',NULL,'If set, Koha will never trap items for hold with this notforloan value','Integer'), |
732 |
('SlipCSS','',NULL,'Slips CSS url.','free'), |
733 |
('SMSSendAdditionalOptions', '', '', 'Additional SMS::Send parameters used to send SMS messages', 'free'), |
739 |
('SMSSendAdditionalOptions', '', '', 'Additional SMS::Send parameters used to send SMS messages', 'free'), |
734 |
('SMSSendDriver','','','Sets which SMS::Send driver is used to send SMS messages.','free'), |
740 |
('SMSSendDriver','','','Sets which SMS::Send driver is used to send SMS messages.','free'), |
735 |
('SMSSendMaxChar', '', NULL, 'Add a limit for the number of characters in SMS messages', 'Integer'), |
741 |
('SMSSendMaxChar', '', NULL, 'Add a limit for the number of characters in SMS messages', 'Integer'), |
736 |
- |