Lines 276-281
INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `
Link Here
276 |
('FallbackToSMSIfNoEmail', 0, 'Enable|Disable', 'Send messages by SMS if no patron email is defined', 'YesNo'), |
276 |
('FallbackToSMSIfNoEmail', 0, 'Enable|Disable', 'Send messages by SMS if no patron email is defined', 'YesNo'), |
277 |
('FeeOnChangePatronCategory','1','','If set, when a patron changes to a category with enrolment fee, a fee is charged','YesNo'), |
277 |
('FeeOnChangePatronCategory','1','','If set, when a patron changes to a category with enrolment fee, a fee is charged','YesNo'), |
278 |
('FilterBeforeOverdueReport','0','','Do not run overdue report until filter selected','YesNo'), |
278 |
('FilterBeforeOverdueReport','0','','Do not run overdue report until filter selected','YesNo'), |
279 |
('FilterSearchResultsByLoggedInBranch','0','','Option to filter location column on staff search results by logged in branch','YesNo'), |
279 |
('FineNotifyAtCheckin','0',NULL,'If ON notify librarians of overdue fines on the items they are checking in.','YesNo'), |
280 |
('FineNotifyAtCheckin','0',NULL,'If ON notify librarians of overdue fines on the items they are checking in.','YesNo'), |
280 |
('FinePaymentAutoPopup','0',NULL,'If enabled, automatically display a print dialog for a payment receipt when making a payment.','YesNo'), |
281 |
('FinePaymentAutoPopup','0',NULL,'If enabled, automatically display a print dialog for a payment receipt when making a payment.','YesNo'), |
281 |
('finesCalendar','noFinesWhenClosed','ignoreCalendar|noFinesWhenClosed','Specify whether to use the Calendar in calculating duedates and fines','Choice'), |
282 |
('finesCalendar','noFinesWhenClosed','ignoreCalendar|noFinesWhenClosed','Specify whether to use the Calendar in calculating duedates and fines','Choice'), |
Lines 873-876
INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `
Link Here
873 |
('z3950AuthorAuthFields','701,702,700',NULL,'Define the MARC biblio fields for Personal Name Authorities to fill','free'), |
874 |
('z3950AuthorAuthFields','701,702,700',NULL,'Define the MARC biblio fields for Personal Name Authorities to fill','free'), |
874 |
('z3950NormalizeAuthor','0','','If ON, Personal Name Authorities will replace authors in','YesNo'), |
875 |
('z3950NormalizeAuthor','0','','If ON, Personal Name Authorities will replace authors in','YesNo'), |
875 |
('z3950Status','','','This syspref allows to define custom YAML based rules for marking items unavailable in z3950 results.','Textarea') |
876 |
('z3950Status','','','This syspref allows to define custom YAML based rules for marking items unavailable in z3950 results.','Textarea') |
876 |
; |
877 |
; |