Line 0
Link Here
1 |
<!DOCTYPE html> |
2 |
[% IF (AllowOfflineCirculation) %] |
3 |
[% SET manifestattr = 'manifest="/cgi-bin/koha/circ/"' %] |
4 |
[% END %] |
5 |
[% IF ( bidi ) %]<html lang="[% lang %]" dir="[% bidi %]" [% manifestattr %]>[% ELSE %]<html lang="[% lang %]" [% manifestattr %]>[% END %] |
6 |
<head> |
7 |
<title>Koha › Circulation</title> |
8 |
[% INCLUDE '' %] |
9 |
<script type="text/javascript" src="/intranet-tmpl/lib/jquery/plugins/jquery.indexeddb.js"></script> |
10 |
<script type="text/javascript" src="/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/js/offlinecirc.js"></script> |
11 |
<script type="text/javascript" src="[% themelang %]/lib/jquery/plugins/jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.js"></script> |
12 |
<script type="text/javascript"> |
13 |
//<![CDATA[ |
14 |
var ALERT_MATERIALS = _("Note about the accompanying materials: "); |
15 |
16 |
var ALERT_NO_MATCHING_ITEM = _("No item with barcode in offline database (transaction recorded anyway): "); |
17 |
var ALERT_NOT_CHECKED_OUT = _("Item not listed as checked out in offline database (transaction recorded anyway)"); |
18 |
var ALERT_ITEM_WITHDRAWN = _("Item has been withdrawn (transaction recorded anyway)"); |
19 |
var ALERT_ITEM_RESTRICTED = _("Item is restricted (transaction recorded anyway)"); |
20 |
var ALERT_ITEM_LOST = _("Item is has been lost (transaction recorded anyway)"); |
21 |
var ALERT_NO_MATCHING_PATRON = _("No patron cardnumber in offline database (proceeding anyway): "); |
22 |
var ALERT_PATRON_GONE_NO_ADDRESS = _("Patron's address is in doubt (transaction recorded anyway)"); |
23 |
var ALERT_PATRON_CARD_LOST = _("Patron's card is lost"); |
24 |
var ALERT_PATRON_EXPIRED = _("Patron's card is expired"); |
25 |
var ALERT_PATRON_BLOCKED_TEMPORARY = _("Patron has had overdue items and is restricted for: "); |
26 |
var ALERT_PATRON_RESTRICTED = _("Patron is restricted"); |
27 |
var ALERT_PATRON_FINE = _("Patron has outstanding fines: "); |
28 |
var ALERT_PATRON_FINE_OVER_LIMIT = _("Patron fines are over limit: "); |
29 |
30 |
var start; |
31 |
32 |
var dateformat = '[% IF ( dateformat_us ) %]mm/dd/yy[% ELSIF ( dateformat_metric ) %]dd/mm/yy[% ELSE %]yy-mm-dd[% END %]'; |
33 |
34 |
function checkin(barcode, item, error) { |
35 |
var alerts = checkAlerts(barcode, item); |
36 |
if (typeof item === 'undefined') { |
37 |
item = { }; |
38 |
} |
39 |
item.title = item.title || "(Unknown)"; |
40 | = || "(Unknown)"; |
41 |
item.homebranch = item.homebranch || ""; |
42 |
item.holdingbranch = item.holdingbranch || ""; |
43 |
item.callnumber = item.callnumber || ""; |
44 |
item.itemtype = item.itemtype || ""; |
45 |
item.barcode = item.barcode || barcode; |
46 |
var trans = { "timestamp" : new Date().toMySQLString(), |
47 |
"barcode" : barcode, |
48 |
"action" : "return" |
49 |
}; |
50 |
$('#alerts').empty(); |
51 |
$('#offline-home').hide(); |
52 |
$('#offline-returns').show(); |
53 |
kohadb.recordTransaction(trans, function () { |
54 |
$('#already-checked-in tbody').prepend('<tr><td>' + item.title + '</td><td>' + + '</td><td>' + barcode + '</td><td>' + item.homebranch + '</td><td>' + item.holdingbranch + '</td><td></td><td>' + item.callnumber + '</td><td>' + item.itemtype + '</td></tr>'); |
55 |
if (alerts.length > 0) { |
56 |
$('#alerts').append('<div class="dialog alert"><h3>Check in message</h3></div>'); |
57 |
for (var msg in alerts) { |
58 |
$('#alerts .dialog').append('<p>' + alerts[msg] + '</p'); |
59 |
} |
60 |
} |
61 |
}); |
62 |
} |
63 |
64 |
function checkAlerts(barcode, item) { |
65 |
var alerts = []; |
66 |
if (typeof item === 'undefined') { |
67 |
alerts.push(ALERT_NO_MATCHING_ITEM + barcode); |
68 |
} else { |
69 |
if (typeof item.materials !== 'undefined' && item.materials != null) { |
70 |
alerts.push(ALERT_MATERIALS + item.materials); |
71 |
} |
72 |
} |
73 |
return alerts; |
74 |
} |
75 |
76 |
function synchronize() { |
77 |
kohadb.saveSetting("userid", "[% loggedinusername %]"); |
78 |
kohadb.saveSetting("branchcode", "[% LoginBranchcode %]"); |
79 |
kohadb.loadSetting("item-timestamp", showTimestamp); |
80 |
kohadb.loadSetting("patron-timestamp", showTimestamp); |
81 |
kohadb.loadSetting("issue-timestamp", showTimestamp); |
82 |
[% UNLESS (AllowOfflineCirculation) %] |
83 |
reloadRecords(); |
84 |
[% END %] |
85 |
$('#download-records').click(reloadRecords); |
86 |
$('#upload-transactions').click(function () { |
87 |
$('.loading-overlay div').text(_("Uploading transactions, please wait...")); |
88 |
$('.loading-overlay').show(); |
89 |
var uploadIter = $.indexedDB("koha").objectStore("transactions").each(uploadTransaction); |
90 |
uploadIter.done(function() { |
91 |
$('.loading-overlay').hide(); |
92 |
}); |
93 |
}); |
94 |
95 |
} |
96 |
97 |
function showTimestamp(key, value) { |
98 |
if (typeof value !== 'undefined') { |
99 |
var ts = new Date(value); |
100 |
$('#' + key).text($.datepicker.formatDate(dateformat, ts) + ' ' + ts.toTimeString()); |
101 |
} else { |
102 |
$('#' + key).text('(never)'); |
103 |
} |
104 |
} |
105 |
106 |
function reloadRecords(ev) { |
107 |
$(".loading-overlay div").text(_("Loading records, please wait...")); |
108 |
$(".loading-overlay").show(); |
109 |
start = new Date(); |
110 |
$.indexedDB("koha").transaction(["patrons", "items", "issues"]).then(function(){ |
111 |
loadRecords(0); |
112 |
}, function(err, e){ |
113 |
}, function(transaction){ |
114 |
transaction.objectStore("patrons").clear(); |
115 |
transaction.objectStore("items").clear(); |
116 |
transaction.objectStore("issues").clear(); |
117 |
}); |
118 |
if (typeof ev !== 'undefined') { |
119 |
ev.stopPropagation(); |
120 |
} |
121 |
} |
122 |
123 |
function uploadTransaction(transaction) { |
124 |
$.ajax({ |
125 |
type: "GET", |
126 |
url: "/cgi-bin/koha/offline_circ/", |
127 |
data: { "userid" : kohadb.settings.userid, |
128 |
"branchcode" : kohadb.settings.branchcode, |
129 |
"timestamp" : transaction.value.timestamp, |
130 |
"action" : transaction.value.action, |
131 |
"barcode" : transaction.value.barcode, |
132 |
"cardnumber" : transaction.value.cardnumber, |
133 |
"pending" : true, |
134 |
}, |
135 |
}).done(function () { |
136 |
transaction.delete(); |
137 |
}); |
138 |
} |
139 |
140 |
function finishedLoading() { |
141 |
kohadb.saveSetting('item-timestamp', start.toISOString()) |
142 |
kohadb.saveSetting('patron-timestamp', start.toISOString()) |
143 |
kohadb.saveSetting('issue-timestamp', start.toISOString()) |
144 |
showTimestamp('item-timestamp', start.toISOString()); |
145 |
showTimestamp('patron-timestamp', start.toISOString()); |
146 |
showTimestamp('issue-timestamp', start.toISOString()); |
147 |
$(".loading-overlay").hide(); |
148 |
} |
149 |
150 |
function loadRecords(page) { |
151 |
[% IF (AllowOfflineCirculation) %] |
152 |
$(".loading-overlay div").text(_("Loading page " + page + ", please wait...")); |
153 |
$(".loading-overlay").show(); |
154 |
$.ajax({ |
155 |
type: "GET", |
156 |
url: "/cgi-bin/koha/offline_circ/", |
157 |
data: { "data": "all", |
158 |
"page": page |
159 |
}, |
160 |
dataType: "json", |
161 |
}).done(function (data) { |
162 |
$.indexedDB("koha").transaction(["patrons", "items", "issues"]).then(function(){ |
163 |
if ($.isEmptyObject(data.patrons) && $.isEmptyObject(data.items)) { |
164 |
finishedLoading(); |
165 |
} else { |
166 |
setTimeout(function () { loadRecords(page + 1); }, 200); |
167 |
} |
168 |
}, function(err, e){ |
169 |
}, function(transaction){ |
170 |
if (data.patrons) { |
171 |
var patrons = transaction.objectStore("patrons"); |
172 |
$.each(data.patrons, function () { |
173 |
patrons.put(this); |
174 |
}); |
175 |
} |
176 |
if (data.items) { |
177 |
var items = transaction.objectStore("items"); |
178 |
$.each(data.items, function () { |
179 |
items.put(this); |
180 |
}); |
181 |
} |
182 |
if (data.issues) { |
183 |
var issues = transaction.objectStore("issues"); |
184 |
$.each(data.issues, function () { |
185 |
issues.put(this); |
186 |
}); |
187 |
} |
188 |
}); |
189 |
}); |
190 |
[% END %] |
191 |
} |
192 |
193 |
function validate1(date) { |
194 |
var today = new Date(); |
195 |
if ( date < today ) { |
196 |
return true; |
197 |
} else { |
198 |
return false; |
199 |
} |
200 |
}; |
201 |
202 |
function loadPatron(barcode) { |
203 |
$('#oldissues').hide(); |
204 |
$('#session-issues').hide(); |
205 |
$('#session-payments').hide(); |
206 |
$.indexedDB("koha").transaction(["patrons", "issues"]).then(function() { |
207 |
}, function(err, e){ |
208 |
}, function(transaction){ |
209 |
var patrons = transaction.objectStore("patrons"); |
210 |
patrons.get(barcode).done(function (patron, error) { |
211 |
showPatron(barcode, patron, error); |
212 |
}); |
213 |
var issuesidx = transaction.objectStore("issues").index("cardnumber"); |
214 |
$('#oldissuest tbody').empty(); |
215 |
issuesidx.each(function (item) { |
216 |
$('#oldissues').show(); |
217 |
$('#oldissuest tbody').append("<tr><td>" + item.value.date_due + "</td><td>" + item.value.barcode + "</td><td>" + item.value.title + "</td><td>" + item.value.itype + "</td><td>" + item.value.issuedate + "</td><td>" + item.value.issuebranch + "</td><td>" + item.value.callnumber + "</td><td>" + "" + "</td></tr>"); |
218 |
}, barcode); |
219 |
}); |
220 |
} |
221 |
222 |
function checkout(barcode, item, error) { |
223 |
var alerts = checkAlerts(barcode, item); |
224 |
if (typeof item === 'undefined') { |
225 |
item = { }; |
226 |
} |
227 |
item.title = item.title || ""; |
228 | = || ""; |
229 |
item.homebranch = item.homebranch || ""; |
230 |
item.holdingbranch = item.holdingbranch || ""; |
231 |
item.callnumber = item.callnumber || ""; |
232 |
item.itemtype = item.itemtype || ""; |
233 |
if ($('#duedatespec').val().length === 0) { |
234 |
alert(_("You must set a due date in order to use offline circulation!")); |
235 |
$('#duedatespec').focus(); |
236 |
return; |
237 |
} |
238 |
var date_due = new Date($('#duedatespec').datepicker('getDate')); |
239 |
var trans = { "timestamp" : new Date().toMySQLString(), |
240 |
"barcode" : barcode, |
241 |
"cardnumber" : curpatron.cardnumber, |
242 |
"date_due" : date_due.toMySQLString(), |
243 |
"action" : "issue" |
244 |
}; |
245 |
$('#alerts').empty(); |
246 |
kohadb.recordTransaction(trans, function () { |
247 |
$('#session-issues').show(); |
248 |
$('#issuest tbody').prepend('<tr><td>' + $.datepicker.formatDate(dateformat, date_due) + date_due.toTimeString() + '</td><td>' + item.title + '</td><td>' + barcode + '</td><td>' + item.itemtype + '</td><td>' + $.datepicker.formatDate(dateformat, new Date()) + '</td><td>' + kohadb.settings.branchcode + '</td><td>' + item.callnumber + '</td><td></td></tr>'); |
249 |
if (alerts.length > 0) { |
250 |
$('#alerts').append('<div class="dialog alert"><h3>Check out message</h3></div>'); |
251 |
for (var msg in alerts) { |
252 |
$('#alerts .dialog').append('<p>' + alerts[msg] + '</p'); |
253 |
} |
254 |
} |
255 |
}); |
256 |
} |
257 |
258 |
function recordFine(amount) { |
259 |
var timestamp = new Date() |
260 |
var trans = { "timestamp" : timestamp.toMySQLString(), |
261 |
"cardnumber" : curpatron.cardnumber, |
262 |
"amount" : amount, |
263 |
"action" : "payment", |
264 |
}; |
265 |
kohadb.recordTransaction(trans, function () { |
266 |
$('#session-payments').show(); |
267 |
$('#session-payments tbody').prepend('<tr><td>' + amount + '</td><td>' + $.datepicker.formatDate(dateformat, timestamp) + timestamp.toTimeString() + '</td></tr>'); |
268 |
}); |
269 |
} |
270 |
271 |
function checkPatronAlerts(cardnumber, patron) { |
272 |
var alerts = []; |
273 |
if (typeof patron === 'undefined') { |
274 |
alerts.push(ALERT_NO_MATCHING_PATRON + cardnumber); |
275 |
} else { |
276 |
if (patron.gonenoaddress !== '0') { |
277 |
278 |
} |
279 |
if (patron.lost !== '0') { |
280 |
alerts.push(ALERT_PATRON_CARD_LOST); |
281 |
} |
282 |
if (patron.debarred !== null) { |
283 |
if (patron.debarred != '9999-12-31') { |
284 |
alerts.push(ALERT_PATRON_BLOCKED_TEMPORARY + $.datepicker.formatDate(dateformat, patron.debarred)); |
285 |
} else { |
286 |
287 |
} |
288 |
} |
289 |
if (parseInt(patron.fine) > [% maxoutstanding %]) { |
290 |
alerts.push(ALERT_PATRON_FINE_OVER_LIMIT + patron.fine); |
291 |
} else if (parseInt(patron.fine) > 0) { |
292 |
alerts.push(ALERT_PATRON_FINE + patron.fine); |
293 |
} |
294 |
} |
295 |
return alerts; |
296 |
} |
297 |
298 |
var curpatron; |
299 |
300 |
function showPatron(barcode, patron, error) { |
301 |
var alerts = checkPatronAlerts(barcode, patron); |
302 |
if (typeof patron === 'undefined') { |
303 |
patron = { }; |
304 |
} |
305 |
patron.surname = patron.surname || ""; |
306 |
patron.firstname = patron.firstname || ""; |
307 |
patron.othernames = patron.othernames || ""; |
308 |
patron.address = patron.address || ""; |
309 |
patron.address2 = patron.address2 || ""; |
310 | = || ""; |
311 |
patron.state = patron.state || ""; |
312 | = || ""; |
313 |
patron.zipcode = patron.zipcode || ""; |
314 | = || ""; |
315 | = || ""; |
316 |
patron.phonepro = patron.phonepro || ""; |
317 | = || ""; |
318 |
patron.emailpro = patron.emailpro || ""; |
319 |
patron.categorycode = patron.categorycode || ""; |
320 |
patron.branchcode = patron.branchcode || ""; |
321 |
patron.cardnumber = barcode; |
322 |
patron.fine = patron.fine || "0"; |
323 |
324 | = patron.firstname + (patron.othernames.length > 0 ? " (" + patron.othernames + ") " : " ") + patron.surname + " (" + barcode + ")"; |
325 |
if ( > 0) { |
326 |
$('.patron-title').text(; |
327 |
} else { |
328 |
$('.patron-title').text(_("Unrecognized patron") + " (" + barcode + ")"); |
329 |
} |
330 |
if (patron.address.length > 0 || patron.address2.length > 0) { |
331 |
$('#patron-address-1').text(patron.address); |
332 |
$('#patron-address-2').text(patron.address2); |
333 |
} else { |
334 |
$('#patron-address-1').html('<span class="empty" id="noaddressstored">' + _("No address stored.") + '</span></li>'); |
335 |
$('#patron-address-2').text(''); |
336 |
} |
337 |
if ( > 0) { |
338 |
$('#patron-address-parts').text( + (patron.state.length > 0 ? ", " + patron.state : "") + " " + patron.zipcode + ( > 0 ? ", " + : "")); |
339 |
} else { |
340 |
$('#patron-address-parts').html('<span class="empty" id="nocitystored">' + _("No city stored.") + '</span></li>'); |
341 |
} |
342 |
if ( > 0 || > 0 || patron.phonepro.length > 0) { |
343 |
$('#patron-phone').text(( > 0 ? : ( > 0 ? : (patron.phonepro.length > 0 ? patron.phonepro : '')))); |
344 |
} else { |
345 |
$('#patron-phone').html('<span class="empty" id="nophonestored">' + _("No phone stored.") + '</span></li>'); |
346 |
} |
347 |
if ( > 0 || patron.emailpro.length > 0) { |
348 |
$('#patron-email').text(( > 0 ? : (patron.emailpro.length > 0 ? patron.emailpro : ""))); |
349 |
} else { |
350 |
$('#patron-email').html('<span class="empty" id="noemailstored">' + _("No email stored.") + '</span></li>'); |
351 |
} |
352 |
if (patron.categorycode.length > 0) { |
353 |
$('#patron-category').text(_("Category: ") + patron.categorycode); |
354 |
} else { |
355 |
$('#patron-category').html('<span class="empty" id="unknowncategory">' + _("Category code unknown.") + '</span></li>'); |
356 |
} |
357 |
if (patron.branchcode.length > 0) { |
358 |
$('#patron-library').text(_("Home library: ") + patron.branchcode); |
359 |
} else { |
360 |
$('#patron-library').html('<span class="empty" id="unknowncategory">' + _("Home library unknown.") + '</span></li>'); |
361 |
} |
362 |
$('.fine-amount').text(patron.fine); |
363 |
$('#alerts').empty(); |
364 |
if (alerts.length > 0) { |
365 |
$('#alerts').append('<div class="dialog alert"><h3>Check out message</h3></div>'); |
366 |
for (var msg in alerts) { |
367 |
$('#alerts .dialog').append('<p>' + alerts[msg] + '</p'); |
368 |
} |
369 |
} |
370 |
curpatron = patron; |
371 |
$('#yui-main').show(); |
372 |
$('#barcode').focus(); |
373 |
} |
374 |
375 |
// This next bit of code is to deal with the updated session issue |
376 |
window.addEventListener('load', function(e) { |
377 |
window.applicationCache.addEventListener('updateready', function(e) { |
378 |
if (window.applicationCache.status == window.applicationCache.UPDATEREADY) { |
379 |
// Browser downloaded a new app cache. |
380 |
// Swap it in and reload the page to get the new hotness. |
381 |
window.applicationCache.swapCache(); |
382 |
if (confirm('A new version of this site is available. Load it?')) { |
383 |
window.location.reload(); |
384 |
} |
385 |
} else { |
386 |
// Manifest didn't changed. Nothing new to server. |
387 |
} |
388 |
}, false); |
389 |
}, false); |
390 |
391 |
392 |
$(document).ready(function () { |
393 |
kohadb.initialize(); |
394 |
395 |
// Returns code |
396 |
$('#checkin-form, #checkin_search form').submit(function (event) { |
397 |
event.preventDefault(); |
398 |
var barcode = $('input[name="barcode"]', this).val(); |
399 |
$('input[name="barcode"]', this).val(''); |
400 |
$.indexedDB("koha").transaction(["items"]).then(function() { |
401 |
}, function(err, e){ |
402 |
}, function(transaction){ |
403 |
var items = transaction.objectStore("items"); |
404 |
items.get(barcode).done(function (item, error) { |
405 |
checkin(barcode, item, error); |
406 |
}); |
407 |
}); |
408 |
}); |
409 |
410 |
$('#go-to-home').click(function () { |
411 |
$('.offline-sync').hide(); |
412 |
$('.offline-circulation').hide(); |
413 |
$('.offline-returns').hide(); |
414 |
$('.offline-home').show(); |
415 |
}); |
416 |
417 |
$('#go-to-returns').click(function () { |
418 |
$('.offline-home').hide(); |
419 |
$('.offline-sync').hide(); |
420 |
$('.offline-circulation').hide(); |
421 |
$('.offline-returns').show(); |
422 |
$('#checkin-form input[name="barcode"]').focus(); |
423 |
}); |
424 |
425 |
$('#go-to-circ').click(function () { |
426 |
$('.offline-home').hide(); |
427 |
$('.offline-sync').hide(); |
428 |
$('.offline-returns').hide(); |
429 |
$('.offline-circulation').hide(); |
430 |
$('#header_search').tabs("option", "active", 0); |
431 |
$('#circ_search input[name="findborrower"]').focus(); |
432 |
}); |
433 |
434 |
$('#go-to-sync').click(function () { |
435 |
$.ajax({ |
436 |
type: "GET", |
437 |
url: "/cgi-bin/koha/offline_circ/", |
438 |
success: function () { |
439 |
$('.offline-home').hide(); |
440 |
$('.offline-returns').hide(); |
441 |
$('.offline-circulation').hide(); |
442 |
$('.offline-sync').show(); |
443 |
synchronize(); |
444 |
}, |
445 |
error: function () { |
446 |
alert("You are offline and therefore cannot sync your database"); |
447 |
} |
448 |
}); |
449 |
}); |
450 |
451 |
$('#patronsearch').submit(function (event) { |
452 |
event.preventDefault(); |
453 |
loadPatron($('#findborrower').val()); |
454 |
$('.offline-home').hide(); |
455 |
$('.offline-returns').hide(); |
456 |
$('.offline-sync').hide(); |
457 |
$('.offline-circulation').show(); |
458 |
$('#findborrower').val(''); |
459 |
$('#barcode').focus(); |
460 |
}); |
461 |
462 |
$('#pay-fine').click(function (event) { |
463 |
event.preventDefault(); |
464 |
recordFine($('#pay-fine-amount').val()); |
465 |
}); |
466 |
467 |
$('#patronlists').tabs(); |
468 |
469 |
$("#newduedate").datetimepicker({ |
470 |
minDate: 1, // require that renewal date is after today |
471 |
hour: 23, |
472 |
minute: 59 |
473 |
}); |
474 |
$("#duedatespec").datetimepicker({ |
475 |
onClose: function(dateText, inst) { $("#barcode").focus(); }, |
476 |
hour: 23, |
477 |
minute: 59 |
478 |
}); |
479 |
$('#mainform').submit(function (event) { |
480 |
event.preventDefault(); |
481 |
var barcode = $('#barcode').val(); |
482 |
$.indexedDB("koha").transaction(["items"]).then(function() { |
483 |
}, function(err, e){ |
484 |
}, function(transaction){ |
485 |
var items = transaction.objectStore("items"); |
486 |
items.get(barcode).done(function (item, error) { |
487 |
checkout(barcode, item, error); |
488 |
}); |
489 |
}); |
490 |
}); |
491 |
}); |
492 |
//]]> |
493 |
</script> |
494 |
</head> |
495 |
<body id="circ_offline" class="circ"> |
496 |
[% INCLUDE '' %] |
497 |
[% INCLUDE '' %] |
498 |
<div class="loading-overlay" style="display: none;"> |
499 |
<div>Downloading records, please wait...</div> |
500 |
</div> |
501 |
502 |
<div id="breadcrumbs"><a href="/cgi-bin/koha/">Home</a> › <a id="go-to-home" href="#offline-home">Offline circulation</a></div> |
503 |
504 |
<div id="doc3" class="yui-t2"> |
505 |
506 |
<div id="bd"> |
507 |
<div id="yui-main"> |
508 |
<audio id="alert_sound" src="/intranet-tmpl/prog/sound/critical.ogg" autobuffer="autobuffer"></audio> |
509 |
<audio id="success_sound" src="/intranet-tmpl/prog/sound/beep.ogg" autobuffer="autobuffer"></audio> |
510 |
511 |
<div id="alerts" class="yui-b"> |
512 |
</div> |
513 |
[% UNLESS (AllowOfflineCirculation) %] |
514 |
<div id="noofflinecircwarning" class="dialog alert"> |
515 |
<p><strong>Warning:</strong> Offline Circulation has been disabled. You may continue and record transactions, but patron and item information will not be available.</p> |
516 |
</div> |
517 |
[% END %] |
518 |
519 |
<div id="offline-home" class="yui-b offline-home"> |
520 |
<div class="yui-g"> |
521 |
<h1>Offline circulation</h1> |
522 |
<div class="yui-u first"> |
523 |
<ul> |
524 |
<li><a id="go-to-circ" href="#offline-circulation">Check out</a></li> |
525 |
<li><a id="go-to-returns" href="#offline-returns">Check in</a></li> |
526 |
<li><a id="go-to-sync" href="#offline-sync">Synchronize (must be online)</a></li> |
527 |
</ul> |
528 |
</div> |
529 |
530 |
<div class="yui-u"> |
531 |
<p><strong>Note:</strong> You must be online to use these options.</p> |
532 |
<ul> |
533 |
<li><a href="/cgi-bin/koha/offline_circ/">Pending offline circulation actions</a> |
534 |
</ul> |
535 |
</div> |
536 |
</div> |
537 |
</div> |
538 |
539 |
<div id="offline-sync" style="display: none;" class="yui-b offline-sync"> |
540 |
<div id="toolbar" class="btn-toolbar"> |
541 |
[% IF (AllowOfflineCirculation) %] |
542 |
<a href="#" id="download-records" class="btn btn-small"><i class="icon-arrow-down"></i>Download records</a> |
543 |
[% END %] |
544 |
<a href="#" id="upload-transactions" class="btn btn-small"><i class="icon-arrow-up"></i>Upload transactions</a> |
545 |
</div> |
546 |
<div class="yui-g"> |
547 |
<h1>Offline circulation</h1> |
548 |
<div class="yui-u first"> |
549 |
<div id="download-message"> |
550 |
You have records in the offline circulation database on this |
551 |
computer, but they may not be current: |
552 |
<ul> |
553 |
<li>Patron records were last synced on: <span id="patron-timestamp">(checking)</span></li> |
554 |
<li>Item records were last synced on: <span id="item-timestamp">(checking)</span></li> |
555 |
<li>Circulation records were last synced on: <span id="issue-timestamp">(checking)</span></li> |
556 |
</ul> |
557 |
</div> |
558 |
</div> |
559 |
560 |
<div class="yui-u"> |
561 |
<div id="upload-message">You have transactions in the offline |
562 |
circulation database on this computer that have not been |
563 |
uploaded. |
564 |
</div> |
565 |
</div> |
566 |
</div> |
567 |
</div> |
568 |
569 |
<div id="offline-returns" style="display: none;" class="yui-b offline-returns"> |
570 |
<div class="yui-g"> |
571 |
<form id="checkin-form" method="post" action="/cgi-bin/koha/circ/" autocomplete="off" > |
572 |
<div class="yui-u first"> |
573 |
<fieldset> |
574 |
<legend>Check In</legend> |
575 |
<label for="barcode">Enter item barcode: </label> |
576 |
<input name="barcode" id="barcode" size="14" class="focus"/> |
577 |
<input type="submit" class="submit" value="Submit" /> |
578 |
</fieldset> |
579 |
</div> |
580 |
</form> |
581 |
</div> |
582 |
583 |
<div id="session-returned" style="display: none;"> |
584 |
<h2>Checked-in items</h2> |
585 |
<table id="already-checked-in"> |
586 |
<thead> |
587 |
<tr><th>Title</th><th>Author</th><th>Barcode</th><th>Home library</th><th>Holding library</th><th>Shelving location</th><th>Call number</th><th>Type</th></tr> |
588 |
</thead> |
589 |
<tbody> |
590 |
</tbody> |
591 |
</table> |
592 |
</div> |
593 |
</div> |
594 |
595 |
<div id="offline-circulation" style="display: none;" class="yui-b offline-circulation"> |
596 |
<div class="yui-g"> |
597 |
<form method="post" action="/cgi-bin/koha/circ/" id="mainform" name="mainform" autocomplete="off"> |
598 |
<fieldset id="circ_circulation_issue"> |
599 |
<span id="clearscreen"><a href="/cgi-bin/koha/circ/" title="Clear screen">x</a></span> |
600 |
<label for="barcode">Checking out to <span class="patron-title"></span></label> |
601 |
<div class="hint">Enter item barcode:</div> |
602 |
<input type="text" name="barcode" id="barcode" class="barcode focus" size="14" /> |
603 |
<input type="submit" value="Check Out" /> |
604 |
605 |
<div class="date-select"> |
606 |
<div class="hint">Specify due date [% INCLUDE '' %]: </div> |
607 |
<input type="text" size="13" id="duedatespec" name="duedatespec" value="[% duedatespec %]" readonly="readonly" /> |
608 |
<label for="stickyduedate"> Remember for session:</label> |
609 |
<input type="checkbox" id="stickyduedate" onclick="this.form.barcode.focus();" name="stickyduedate" checked="checked" /> |
610 |
<input type="button" class="action" id="cleardate" value="Clear" name="cleardate" onclick="this.checked = false; this.form.duedatespec.value = ''; this.form.stickyduedate.checked = false; this.form.barcode.focus(); return false;" /> |
611 |
</div> |
612 |
</fieldset> |
613 |
</form> |
614 |
</div> |
615 |
616 |
<div class="yui-g"><div id="patronlists" class="toptabs"> |
617 |
<ul> |
618 |
<li><a href="#checkouts"><span class="checkout-count">0</span> Checkouts</a></li> |
619 |
<li><a href="#fines"><span class="fine-amount">0</span> in fines</a></li> |
620 |
</ul> |
621 |
622 |
623 |
<div id="checkouts"> |
624 |
<div id="session-issues"> |
625 |
<table id="issuest"> |
626 |
<thead><tr> |
627 |
<th scope="col">Due date</th> |
628 |
<th scope="col">Title</th> |
629 |
<th scope="col">Barcode</th> |
630 |
<th scope="col">Item type</th> |
631 |
<th scope="col">Checked out on</th> |
632 |
<th scope="col">Checked out from</th> |
633 |
<th scope="col">Call no</th> |
634 |
<th scope="col">Charge</th> |
635 |
</tr></thead> |
636 |
<tbody> |
637 |
</tbody> |
638 |
</table> |
639 |
</div> |
640 |
641 |
<div id="oldissues"> |
642 |
<h5>Previous checkouts</h5> |
643 |
<table id="oldissuest"> |
644 |
<thead><tr> |
645 |
<th scope="col">Due date</th> |
646 |
<th scope="col">Title</th> |
647 |
<th scope="col">Barcode</th> |
648 |
<th scope="col">Item type</th> |
649 |
<th scope="col">Checked out on</th> |
650 |
<th scope="col">Checked out from</th> |
651 |
<th scope="col">Call no</th> |
652 |
<th scope="col">Charge</th> |
653 |
</tr></thead> |
654 |
<tbody> |
655 |
</tbody> |
656 |
</table> |
657 |
</div> |
658 |
</div> |
659 |
660 |
<div id="fines"> |
661 |
<span class="patron-title"></span> has <span class="fine-amount">0</span> in fines. If you would like you can record payments. |
662 |
<fieldset><legend>Pay fines</legend> |
663 |
<label for="pay-fine-amount">Fine amount: </label><input type="text" name="pay-fine-amount" id="pay-fine-amount"/> |
664 |
<button id="pay-fine" class="submit">Pay fine</button> |
665 |
666 |
<table id="session-payments" style="display: none;"> |
667 |
<thead><tr><th>Amount</th><th>Timestamp</th></tr></thead> |
668 |
<tbody></tbody> |
669 |
</table> |
670 |
</fieldset> |
671 |
</div> |
672 |
</div> |
673 |
</div> |
674 |
</div> |
675 |
</div> |
676 |
677 |
<div class="yui-b offline-circulation" style="display: none;"> |
678 |
<div class="patroninfo"><h5 class="patron-title"></h5> |
679 |
<ul> |
680 |
<li id="patron-address-1"></li> |
681 |
<li id="patron-address-2"></li> |
682 |
<li id="patron-address-parts"><!-- city, state, zipcode, country --></li> |
683 |
<li id="patron-phone"></li> |
684 |
<li id="patron-email"></li> |
685 |
<li id="patron-category"></li> |
686 |
<li id="patron-library"></li> |
687 |
</ul> |
688 |
</div> |
689 |
690 |
[% INCLUDE '' %] |