Lines 287-292
INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `
Link Here
287 |
('OverDriveLibraryID','','Library ID for OverDrive integration','','Integer'), |
287 |
('OverDriveLibraryID','','Library ID for OverDrive integration','','Integer'), |
288 |
('OverdueNoticeBcc','','','Email address to bcc outgoing overdue notices sent by email','free'), |
288 |
('OverdueNoticeBcc','','','Email address to bcc outgoing overdue notices sent by email','free'), |
289 |
('OverduesBlockCirc','noblock','noblock|confirmation|block','When checking out an item should overdues block checkout, generate a confirmation dialogue, or allow checkout','Choice'), |
289 |
('OverduesBlockCirc','noblock','noblock|confirmation|block','When checking out an item should overdues block checkout, generate a confirmation dialogue, or allow checkout','Choice'), |
290 |
('PatronEveryBranch','','Pipe delimited patron category codes which allow viewing hidden items for every branch','',''), |
290 |
('patronimages','0',NULL,'Enable patron images for the Staff Client','YesNo'), |
291 |
('patronimages','0',NULL,'Enable patron images for the Staff Client','YesNo'), |
291 |
('PatronSelfRegistration','0',NULL,'If enabled, patrons will be able to register themselves via the OPAC.','YesNo'), |
292 |
('PatronSelfRegistration','0',NULL,'If enabled, patrons will be able to register themselves via the OPAC.','YesNo'), |
292 |
('PatronSelfRegistrationAdditionalInstructions','','','A free text field to display additional instructions to newly self registered patrons.','free'), |
293 |
('PatronSelfRegistrationAdditionalInstructions','','','A free text field to display additional instructions to newly self registered patrons.','free'), |
Lines 295-300
INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `
Link Here
295 |
('PatronSelfRegistrationDefaultCategory','','','A patron registered via the OPAC will receive a borrower category code set in this system preference.','free'), |
296 |
('PatronSelfRegistrationDefaultCategory','','','A patron registered via the OPAC will receive a borrower category code set in this system preference.','free'), |
296 |
('PatronSelfRegistrationExpireTemporaryAccountsDelay','0',NULL,'If PatronSelfRegistrationDefaultCategory is enabled, this system preference controls how long a patron can have a temporary status before the account is deleted automatically. It is an integer value representing a number of days to wait before deleting a temporary patron account. Setting it to 0 disables the deleting of temporary accounts.','Integer'), |
297 |
('PatronSelfRegistrationExpireTemporaryAccountsDelay','0',NULL,'If PatronSelfRegistrationDefaultCategory is enabled, this system preference controls how long a patron can have a temporary status before the account is deleted automatically. It is an integer value representing a number of days to wait before deleting a temporary patron account. Setting it to 0 disables the deleting of temporary accounts.','Integer'), |
297 |
('PatronSelfRegistrationVerifyByEmail','0',NULL,'If enabled, any patron attempting to register themselves via the OPAC will be required to verify themselves via email to activate his or her account.','YesNo'), |
298 |
('PatronSelfRegistrationVerifyByEmail','0',NULL,'If enabled, any patron attempting to register themselves via the OPAC will be required to verify themselves via email to activate his or her account.','YesNo'), |
299 |
('PatronSingleBranch','',"Pipe delimited patron category codes which allow viewing hidden items for only the patron's home branch",'',''), |
298 |
('PatronsPerPage','20','20','Number of Patrons Per Page displayed by default','Integer'), |
300 |
('PatronsPerPage','20','20','Number of Patrons Per Page displayed by default','Integer'), |
299 |
('Persona','0','','Use Mozilla Persona for login','YesNo'), |
301 |
('Persona','0','','Use Mozilla Persona for login','YesNo'), |
300 |
('PrefillItem','0','','When a new item is added, should it be prefilled with last created item values?','YesNo'), |
302 |
('PrefillItem','0','','When a new item is added, should it be prefilled with last created item values?','YesNo'), |