Lines 96-101
INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `
Link Here
96 |
('decreaseLoanHighHoldsValue',NULL,'','Specifies a threshold for the minimum number of holds needed to trigger a reduction in loan duration (used with decreaseLoanHighHolds)','Integer'), |
96 |
('decreaseLoanHighHoldsValue',NULL,'','Specifies a threshold for the minimum number of holds needed to trigger a reduction in loan duration (used with decreaseLoanHighHolds)','Integer'), |
97 |
('DefaultClassificationSource','ddc',NULL,'Default classification scheme used by the collection. E.g., Dewey, LCC, etc.','ClassSources'), |
97 |
('DefaultClassificationSource','ddc',NULL,'Default classification scheme used by the collection. E.g., Dewey, LCC, etc.','ClassSources'), |
98 |
('DefaultLanguageField008','','','Fill in the default language for field 008 Range 35-37 of MARC21 records (e.g. eng, nor, ger, see <a href=\"\">MARC Code List for Languages</a>)','Free'), |
98 |
('DefaultLanguageField008','','','Fill in the default language for field 008 Range 35-37 of MARC21 records (e.g. eng, nor, ger, see <a href=\"\">MARC Code List for Languages</a>)','Free'), |
99 |
('defaultLongOverdueChargeValue', NULL, NULL, "Charge a lost item to the borrower's account when the LOST value of the item changes to n.", 'integer'), |
100 |
('defaultLongOverdueDays', NULL, NULL, "Set the LOST value of an item when the item has been overdue for more than n days.", 'integer'), |
101 |
('defaultLongOverdueLostValue', NULL, NULL, "Set the LOST value of an item to n when the item has been overdue for more than defaultlongoverduedays days.", 'integer'), |
99 |
('defaultSortField','relevance','relevance|popularity|call_number|pubdate|acqdate|title|author','Specify the default field used for sorting','Choice'), |
102 |
('defaultSortField','relevance','relevance|popularity|call_number|pubdate|acqdate|title|author','Specify the default field used for sorting','Choice'), |
100 |
('defaultSortOrder','dsc','asc|dsc|az|za','Specify the default sort order','Choice'), |
103 |
('defaultSortOrder','dsc','asc|dsc|az|za','Specify the default sort order','Choice'), |
101 |
('delimiter',';',';|tabulation|,|/|\\|#||','Define the default separator character for exporting reports','Choice'), |
104 |
('delimiter',';',';|tabulation|,|/|\\|#||','Define the default separator character for exporting reports','Choice'), |
Lines 110-117
INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `
Link Here
110 |
('EasyAnalyticalRecords','0','','If on, display in the catalogue screens tools to easily setup analytical record relationships','YesNo'), |
113 |
('EasyAnalyticalRecords','0','','If on, display in the catalogue screens tools to easily setup analytical record relationships','YesNo'), |
111 |
('emailLibrarianWhenHoldIsPlaced','0',NULL,'If ON, emails the librarian whenever a hold is placed','YesNo'), |
114 |
('emailLibrarianWhenHoldIsPlaced','0',NULL,'If ON, emails the librarian whenever a hold is placed','YesNo'), |
112 |
('EnableBorrowerFiles','0',NULL,'If enabled, allows librarians to upload and attach arbitrary files to a borrower record.','YesNo'), |
115 |
('EnableBorrowerFiles','0',NULL,'If enabled, allows librarians to upload and attach arbitrary files to a borrower record.','YesNo'), |
113 |
('EnableSearchHistory','0','','Enable or disable search history','YesNo'), |
114 |
('EnableOpacSearchHistory','1','YesNo','Enable or disable opac search history',''), |
116 |
('EnableOpacSearchHistory','1','YesNo','Enable or disable opac search history',''), |
117 |
('EnableSearchHistory','0','','Enable or disable search history','YesNo'), |
115 |
('EnhancedMessagingPreferences','0','','If ON, allows patrons to select to receive additional messages about items due or nearly due.','YesNo'), |
118 |
('EnhancedMessagingPreferences','0','','If ON, allows patrons to select to receive additional messages about items due or nearly due.','YesNo'), |
116 |
('expandedSearchOption','0',NULL,'If ON, set advanced search to be expanded by default','YesNo'), |
119 |
('expandedSearchOption','0',NULL,'If ON, set advanced search to be expanded by default','YesNo'), |
117 |
('ExpireReservesMaxPickUpDelay','0','','Enabling this allows holds to expire automatically if they have not been picked by within the time period specified in ReservesMaxPickUpDelay','YesNo'), |
120 |
('ExpireReservesMaxPickUpDelay','0','','Enabling this allows holds to expire automatically if they have not been picked by within the time period specified in ReservesMaxPickUpDelay','YesNo'), |
Lines 446-453
INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `
Link Here
446 |
('XSLTResultsDisplay','default','','Enable XSL stylesheet control over results page display on intranet','Free'), |
449 |
('XSLTResultsDisplay','default','','Enable XSL stylesheet control over results page display on intranet','Free'), |
447 |
('yuipath','local','local|','Insert the path to YUI libraries, choose local if you use koha offline','Choice'), |
450 |
('yuipath','local','local|','Insert the path to YUI libraries, choose local if you use koha offline','Choice'), |
448 |
('z3950AuthorAuthFields','701,702,700',NULL,'Define the MARC biblio fields for Personal Name Authorities to fill','free'), |
451 |
('z3950AuthorAuthFields','701,702,700',NULL,'Define the MARC biblio fields for Personal Name Authorities to fill','free'), |
449 |
('z3950NormalizeAuthor','0','','If ON, Personal Name Authorities will replace authors in','YesNo'), |
452 |
('z3950NormalizeAuthor','0','','If ON, Personal Name Authorities will replace authors in','YesNo') |
450 |
('defaultlongoverduechargevalue', NULL, NULL, "Charge a lost item to the borrower's account when the LOST value of the item changes to n.", 'integer'); |
451 |
('defaultlongoverduedays', NULL, NULL, "Set the LOST value of an item when the item has been overdue for more than n days.", 'integer'); |
452 |
('defaultlongoverduelostvalue', NULL, NULL, "Set the LOST value of an item to n when the item has been overdue for more than defaultlongoverduedays days.", 'integer'); |
453 |
; |
453 |
; |
454 |
- |