Lines 41-46
INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `
Link Here
41 |
('AmazonLocale','US','US|CA|DE|FR|JP|UK','Use to set the Locale of your Web Services','Choice'), |
41 |
('AmazonLocale','US','US|CA|DE|FR|JP|UK','Use to set the Locale of your Web Services','Choice'), |
42 |
('AnonSuggestions','0',NULL,'Set to enable Anonymous suggestions to AnonymousPatron borrowernumber','YesNo'), |
42 |
('AnonSuggestions','0',NULL,'Set to enable Anonymous suggestions to AnonymousPatron borrowernumber','YesNo'), |
43 |
('AnonymousPatron','0',NULL,'Set the identifier (borrowernumber) of the anonymous patron. Used for Suggestion and reading history privacy',''), |
43 |
('AnonymousPatron','0',NULL,'Set the identifier (borrowernumber) of the anonymous patron. Used for Suggestion and reading history privacy',''), |
44 |
('AudioAlerts','0','','Enable circulation sounds during checkin and checkout in the staff interface. Not supported by all web browsers yet.','YesNo'), |
44 |
('AuthDisplayHierarchy','0','','Display authority hierarchies','YesNo'), |
45 |
('AuthDisplayHierarchy','0','','Display authority hierarchies','YesNo'), |
45 |
('AuthoritiesLog','1',NULL,'If ON, log edit/create/delete actions on authorities.','YesNo'), |
46 |
('AuthoritiesLog','1',NULL,'If ON, log edit/create/delete actions on authorities.','YesNo'), |
46 |
('AuthoritySeparator','--','10','Used to separate a list of authorities in a display. Usually --','free'), |
47 |
('AuthoritySeparator','--','10','Used to separate a list of authorities in a display. Usually --','free'), |
Lines 383-389
INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `
Link Here
383 |
('SlipCSS','',NULL,'Slips CSS url.','free'), |
384 |
('SlipCSS','',NULL,'Slips CSS url.','free'), |
384 |
('SMSSendDriver','','','Sets which SMS::Send driver is used to send SMS messages.','free'), |
385 |
('SMSSendDriver','','','Sets which SMS::Send driver is used to send SMS messages.','free'), |
385 |
('SocialNetworks','0','','Enable/Disable social networks links in opac detail pages','YesNo'), |
386 |
('SocialNetworks','0','','Enable/Disable social networks links in opac detail pages','YesNo'), |
386 |
('soundon','0','','Enable circulation sounds during checkin and checkout in the staff interface. Not supported by all web browsers yet.','YesNo'), |
387 |
('SpecifyDueDate','1','','Define whether to display \"Specify Due Date\" form in Circulation','YesNo'), |
387 |
('SpecifyDueDate','1','','Define whether to display \"Specify Due Date\" form in Circulation','YesNo'), |
388 |
('SpecifyReturnDate',1,'','Define whether to display \"Specify Return Date\" form in Circulation','YesNo'), |
388 |
('SpecifyReturnDate',1,'','Define whether to display \"Specify Return Date\" form in Circulation','YesNo'), |
389 |
('SpineLabelAutoPrint','0','','If this setting is turned on, a print dialog will automatically pop up for the quick spine label printer.','YesNo'), |
389 |
('SpineLabelAutoPrint','0','','If this setting is turned on, a print dialog will automatically pop up for the quick spine label printer.','YesNo'), |