Lines 26-37
INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `
Link Here
26 |
('AllowNotForLoanOverride','0','','If ON, Koha will allow the librarian to loan a not for loan item.','YesNo'), |
26 |
('AllowNotForLoanOverride','0','','If ON, Koha will allow the librarian to loan a not for loan item.','YesNo'), |
27 |
('AllowOfflineCirculation','0','','If on, enables HTML5 offline circulation functionality.','YesNo'), |
27 |
('AllowOfflineCirculation','0','','If on, enables HTML5 offline circulation functionality.','YesNo'), |
28 |
('AllowOnShelfHolds','0','','Allow hold requests to be placed on items that are not on loan','YesNo'), |
28 |
('AllowOnShelfHolds','0','','Allow hold requests to be placed on items that are not on loan','YesNo'), |
29 |
('AllowPatronToSetCheckoutsVisibilityForGuarantor', '0', NULL, 'If enabled, the patron can set checkouts to be visible to his or her guarantor', 'YesNo'), |
29 |
('AllowPKIAuth','None','None|Common Name|emailAddress','Use the field from a client-side SSL certificate to look a user in the Koha database','Choice'), |
30 |
('AllowPKIAuth','None','None|Common Name|emailAddress','Use the field from a client-side SSL certificate to look a user in the Koha database','Choice'), |
30 |
('AllowPurchaseSuggestionBranchChoice','0','1','Allow user to choose branch when making a purchase suggestion','YesNo'), |
31 |
('AllowPurchaseSuggestionBranchChoice','0','1','Allow user to choose branch when making a purchase suggestion','YesNo'), |
31 |
('AllowRenewalIfOtherItemsAvailable','0',NULL,'If enabled, allow a patron to renew an item with unfilled holds if other available items can fill that hold.','YesNo'), |
32 |
('AllowRenewalIfOtherItemsAvailable','0',NULL,'If enabled, allow a patron to renew an item with unfilled holds if other available items can fill that hold.','YesNo'), |
32 |
('AllowRenewalLimitOverride','0',NULL,'if ON, allows renewal limits to be overridden on the circulation screen','YesNo'), |
33 |
('AllowRenewalLimitOverride','0',NULL,'if ON, allows renewal limits to be overridden on the circulation screen','YesNo'), |
33 |
('AllowReturnToBranch','anywhere','anywhere|homebranch|holdingbranch|homeorholdingbranch','Where an item may be returned','Choice'), |
34 |
('AllowReturnToBranch','anywhere','anywhere|homebranch|holdingbranch|homeorholdingbranch','Where an item may be returned','Choice'), |
34 |
('AllowSelfCheckReturns','0','','If enabled, patrons may return items through the Web-based Self Checkout','YesNo'), |
35 |
('AllowSelfCheckReturns','0','','If enabled, patrons may return items through the Web-based Self Checkout','YesNo'), |
36 |
('AllowStaffToSetCheckoutsVisibilityForGuarantor','0',NULL,'If enabled, library staff can set a patron''s checkouts to be visible to linked patrons from the opac.', 'YesNo'), |
35 |
('AllowTooManyOverride','1','','If on, allow staff to override and check out items when the patron has reached the maximum number of allowed checkouts','YesNo'), |
37 |
('AllowTooManyOverride','1','','If on, allow staff to override and check out items when the patron has reached the maximum number of allowed checkouts','YesNo'), |
36 |
('alphabet','A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z',NULL,'Alphabet than can be expanded into browse links, e.g. on Home > Patrons','free'), |
38 |
('alphabet','A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z',NULL,'Alphabet than can be expanded into browse links, e.g. on Home > Patrons','free'), |
37 |
('AlternateHoldingsField','',NULL,'The MARC field/subfield that contains alternate holdings information for bibs taht do not have items attached (e.g. 852abchi for libraries converting from MARC Magician).','free'), |
39 |
('AlternateHoldingsField','',NULL,'The MARC field/subfield that contains alternate holdings information for bibs taht do not have items attached (e.g. 852abchi for libraries converting from MARC Magician).','free'), |