Lines 324-329
INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `
Link Here
324 |
('OverdueNoticeBcc','','','Email address to bcc outgoing overdue notices sent by email','free'), |
324 |
('OverdueNoticeBcc','','','Email address to bcc outgoing overdue notices sent by email','free'), |
325 |
('OverdueNoticeCalendar',0,NULL,'Take the calendar into consideration when generating overdue notices','YesNo'), |
325 |
('OverdueNoticeCalendar',0,NULL,'Take the calendar into consideration when generating overdue notices','YesNo'), |
326 |
('OverduesBlockCirc','noblock','noblock|confirmation|block','When checking out an item should overdues block checkout, generate a confirmation dialogue, or allow checkout','Choice'), |
326 |
('OverduesBlockCirc','noblock','noblock|confirmation|block','When checking out an item should overdues block checkout, generate a confirmation dialogue, or allow checkout','Choice'), |
327 |
('OverduesBlockRenewing','allow','allow|blockitem|block','If any of patron checked out documents is late, should renewal be allowed, blocked only on overdue items or blocked on whatever checked out document','Choice'), |
327 |
('patronimages','0',NULL,'Enable patron images for the Staff Client','YesNo'), |
328 |
('patronimages','0',NULL,'Enable patron images for the Staff Client','YesNo'), |
328 |
('PatronSelfRegistration','0',NULL,'If enabled, patrons will be able to register themselves via the OPAC.','YesNo'), |
329 |
('PatronSelfRegistration','0',NULL,'If enabled, patrons will be able to register themselves via the OPAC.','YesNo'), |
329 |
('PatronSelfRegistrationAdditionalInstructions','','','A free text field to display additional instructions to newly self registered patrons.','free'), |
330 |
('PatronSelfRegistrationAdditionalInstructions','','','A free text field to display additional instructions to newly self registered patrons.','free'), |
Lines 355-360
INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `
Link Here
355 |
('ReservesControlBranch','PatronLibrary','ItemHomeLibrary|PatronLibrary','Branch checked for members reservations rights','Choice'), |
356 |
('ReservesControlBranch','PatronLibrary','ItemHomeLibrary|PatronLibrary','Branch checked for members reservations rights','Choice'), |
356 |
('ReservesMaxPickUpDelay','7','','Define the Maximum delay to pick up an item on hold','Integer'), |
357 |
('ReservesMaxPickUpDelay','7','','Define the Maximum delay to pick up an item on hold','Integer'), |
357 |
('ReservesNeedReturns','1','','If ON, a hold placed on an item available in this library must be checked-in, otherwise, a hold on a specific item, that is in the library & available is considered available','YesNo'), |
358 |
('ReservesNeedReturns','1','','If ON, a hold placed on an item available in this library must be checked-in, otherwise, a hold on a specific item, that is in the library & available is considered available','YesNo'), |
359 |
('RestrictionBlockRenewing','0',NULL,'If patron is restricted, should renewal be allowed or blocked','YesNo'), |
358 |
('ReturnBeforeExpiry','0',NULL,'If ON, checkout will be prevented if returndate is after patron card expiry','YesNo'), |
360 |
('ReturnBeforeExpiry','0',NULL,'If ON, checkout will be prevented if returndate is after patron card expiry','YesNo'), |
359 |
('ReturnLog','1',NULL,'If ON, enables the circulation (returns) log','YesNo'), |
361 |
('ReturnLog','1',NULL,'If ON, enables the circulation (returns) log','YesNo'), |
360 |
('ReturnToShelvingCart','0','','If set, when any item is \'checked in\', it\'s location code will be changed to CART.','YesNo'), |
362 |
('ReturnToShelvingCart','0','','If set, when any item is \'checked in\', it\'s location code will be changed to CART.','YesNo'), |