Lines 1188-1193
CREATE TABLE `issuingrules` ( -- circulation and fine rules
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1188 |
`reservesallowed` smallint(6) NOT NULL default "0", -- how many holds are allowed |
1188 |
`reservesallowed` smallint(6) NOT NULL default "0", -- how many holds are allowed |
1189 |
`branchcode` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '', -- the branch this rule is for (branches.branchcode) |
1189 |
`branchcode` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '', -- the branch this rule is for (branches.branchcode) |
1190 |
overduefinescap decimal(28,6) default NULL, -- the maximum amount of an overdue fine |
1190 |
overduefinescap decimal(28,6) default NULL, -- the maximum amount of an overdue fine |
1191 |
cap_fine_to_replacement_price BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', -- cap the fine based on item's replacement price |
1191 |
onshelfholds tinyint(1) NOT NULL default 0, -- allow holds for items that are on shelf |
1192 |
onshelfholds tinyint(1) NOT NULL default 0, -- allow holds for items that are on shelf |
1192 |
opacitemholds char(1) NOT NULL default 'N', -- allow opac users to place specific items on hold |
1193 |
opacitemholds char(1) NOT NULL default 'N', -- allow opac users to place specific items on hold |
1193 |
PRIMARY KEY (`branchcode`,`categorycode`,`itemtype`), |
1194 |
PRIMARY KEY (`branchcode`,`categorycode`,`itemtype`), |
1194 |
- |