Lines 499-505
INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `
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499 |
('template','prog','','Define the preferred staff interface template','Themes'), |
499 |
('template','prog','','Define the preferred staff interface template','Themes'), |
500 |
('ThingISBN','0','','Use with FRBRizeEditions. If ON, Koha will use the ThingISBN web service in the Editions tab on the detail pages.','YesNo'), |
500 |
('ThingISBN','0','','Use with FRBRizeEditions. If ON, Koha will use the ThingISBN web service in the Editions tab on the detail pages.','YesNo'), |
501 |
('TimeFormat','24hr','12hr|24hr','Defines the global time format for visual output.','Choice'), |
501 |
('TimeFormat','24hr','12hr|24hr','Defines the global time format for visual output.','Choice'), |
502 |
('timeout','12000000',NULL,'Inactivity timeout for cookies authentication (in seconds)','Integer'), |
502 |
('timeout','1d',NULL,'Inactivity timeout for cookies authentication','Free'), |
503 |
('todaysIssuesDefaultSortOrder','desc','asc|desc','Specify the sort order of Todays Issues on the circulation page','Choice'), |
503 |
('todaysIssuesDefaultSortOrder','desc','asc|desc','Specify the sort order of Todays Issues on the circulation page','Choice'), |
504 |
('TraceCompleteSubfields','0','0','Force subject tracings to only match complete subfields.','YesNo'), |
504 |
('TraceCompleteSubfields','0','0','Force subject tracings to only match complete subfields.','YesNo'), |
505 |
('TraceSubjectSubdivisions','0','1','Create searches on all subdivisions for subject tracings.','YesNo'), |
505 |
('TraceSubjectSubdivisions','0','1','Create searches on all subdivisions for subject tracings.','YesNo'), |