Lines 6-12
INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `
Link Here
6 |
('AcquisitionDetails', '1', '', 'Hide/Show acquisition details on the biblio detail page.', 'YesNo'), |
6 |
('AcquisitionDetails', '1', '', 'Hide/Show acquisition details on the biblio detail page.', 'YesNo'), |
7 |
('AcqViewBaskets','user','user|branch|all','Define which baskets a user is allowed to view: his own only, any within his branch or all','Choice'), |
7 |
('AcqViewBaskets','user','user|branch|all','Define which baskets a user is allowed to view: his own only, any within his branch or all','Choice'), |
8 |
('AcqWarnOnDuplicateInvoice','0','','Warn librarians when they try to create a duplicate invoice','YesNo'), |
8 |
('AcqWarnOnDuplicateInvoice','0','','Warn librarians when they try to create a duplicate invoice','YesNo'), |
9 |
('AddressFormat','us','','Choose format to display postal addresses', 'Choice'), |
9 |
('AddressFormat','us','us | de | fr','Choose format to display postal addresses', 'Choice'), |
10 |
('advancedMARCeditor','0','','If ON, the MARC editor won\'t display field/subfield descriptions','YesNo'), |
10 |
('advancedMARCeditor','0','','If ON, the MARC editor won\'t display field/subfield descriptions','YesNo'), |
11 |
('AdvancedSearchLanguages','','','ISO 639-2 codes of languages you wish to see appear as an Advanced search option. Example: eng|fre|ita','Textarea'), |
11 |
('AdvancedSearchLanguages','','','ISO 639-2 codes of languages you wish to see appear as an Advanced search option. Example: eng|fre|ita','Textarea'), |
12 |
('AdvancedSearchTypes','itemtypes','itemtypes|ccode','Select which set of fields comprise the Type limit in the advanced search','Choice'), |
12 |
('AdvancedSearchTypes','itemtypes','itemtypes|ccode','Select which set of fields comprise the Type limit in the advanced search','Choice'), |
Lines 234-239
INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `
Link Here
234 |
('LinkerModule','Default','Default|FirstMatch|LastMatch','Chooses which linker module to use (see documentation).','Choice'), |
234 |
('LinkerModule','Default','Default|FirstMatch|LastMatch','Chooses which linker module to use (see documentation).','Choice'), |
235 |
('LinkerOptions','','','A pipe-separated list of options for the linker.','free'), |
235 |
('LinkerOptions','','','A pipe-separated list of options for the linker.','free'), |
236 |
('LinkerRelink','1',NULL,'If ON the authority linker will relink headings that have previously been linked every time it runs.','YesNo'), |
236 |
('LinkerRelink','1',NULL,'If ON the authority linker will relink headings that have previously been linked every time it runs.','YesNo'), |
237 |
('LoadSearchHistoryToTheFirstLoggedUser', '1', NULL, 'If ON, the next user will automatically get the last seaches in his history', 'YesNo'), |
237 |
('LocalCoverImages','0','1','Display local cover images on intranet details pages.','YesNo'), |
238 |
('LocalCoverImages','0','1','Display local cover images on intranet details pages.','YesNo'), |
238 |
('LocalHoldsPriority', '0', NULL, 'Enables the LocalHoldsPriority feature', 'YesNo'), |
239 |
('LocalHoldsPriority', '0', NULL, 'Enables the LocalHoldsPriority feature', 'YesNo'), |
239 |
('LocalHoldsPriorityItemControl', 'holdingbranch', 'holdingbranch|homebranch', 'decides if the feature operates using the item''s home or holding library.', 'Choice'), |
240 |
('LocalHoldsPriorityItemControl', 'holdingbranch', 'holdingbranch|homebranch', 'decides if the feature operates using the item''s home or holding library.', 'Choice'), |