return 1;
ok( !defined $ret, 'UpdateTotalIssues returns carped warning if biblio record does not exist');
'Invalid boolean (reference) raises warning';
is( $result, undef, 'recognizes a reference as not a boolean' );
is ( $cal->is_holiday($holiday_for_another_branch), 1, 'Holiday defined for CPL should be defined as an holiday' );
'SetUTF8Flag sets the UTF-8 flag to all subfields' );
is( nsb_clean("Le Moyen Âge"), "Le Moyen Âge", "nsb_clean removes and " );
# ~ T, P or X followed by numeric characters
# ~ No checkdigit
is( $imagenumbers[4], undef, 'imagenumber undef' );
is($issns[0], 'abc', 'Original ISSN passed through even if invalid');
is(scalar(@issns), 1, 'zero additional variations returned of invalid ISSN');
is( $result, undef, 'Returns undef on error confition' );
'The \'lower_case\' normalizer only makes characters lower-case' );
is( $metadata_record, undef, 'record object mandatory')
$letter = C4::Letters::_parseletter( undef, 'reserves', {waitingdate => "2013-01-01"} );
is( ref($letter), 'HASH');
return $fn;
return $matchpoint;
is( $patron->privacy, '667789', 'privacy field set ok' );
'verify_cksum prints the expected warning for an invalid checksum';
is($invalidTest, 0, "Checksum: 1234567 is invalid as expected");
is( $send_sms, 1, 'send_sms returns 1' );
is( $report->{'without'}->[0]->{'isbn'}, '9780596526740',
'testing get_report' );
my $sysprefs_xml = C4::XSLT::get_xslt_sysprefs();
ok( $sysprefs_xml =~ m/$matching_string/, 'singleBranchMode has a value of 0');
is( $moved, $biblionumber, 'Found in deletedbiblio_metadata' );
is( Koha::Checkouts->find( $issue_id )->issue_id, $issue_id, 'The issues entry should not have been removed' );
$dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM issuingrules|);
is( $club->club_enrollments->count, 1, 'There is 1 enrollment for club' );
$version =~ s/XXX$/999/;
return $version;
ok( !$needsconfirmation->{HIGHHOLDS}, "High holds checkout does not need confirmation" );
is( Koha::LibraryCategories->search->count, $nb_of_categories + 2, 'Delete should have deleted the library category' );
return scalar( @{ C4::Log::GetLogs( undef, undef, undef, ['MEMBERS'] ) } );
is( int(Koha::Ratings->search( { biblionumber => $biblionumber } )->get_avg_rating), 0, 'get_avg_rating should return 0 if no rating exist' );
'holdingbranch not added to facets if DisplayLibraryFacets=home' );
my $del_results = $updated_layout->delete();
ok( ! defined($del_results) , "Layout->delete() success");
my $del_results = $updated_profile->delete();
ok($del_results ne -1, "Profile->delete() success");
my $del_results = $updated_template->delete();
ok($del_results ne -1, "Template->delete() success");
return $default_search_class;
#End transaction
is( C4::SIP::SIPServer::get_timeout( $server, { transport => 1 } ), 30, "Fallback again" );
# Make sure that following tests are not using our config settings
is( $template ? $template->output: '', '', 'Check output' );
'', ''
return $biblionumber;
return ( $user->{borrowernumber}, $session->id );
ok($id_to_del2 ne undef, "error, link to delete not working");
$jsonresponse = decode_json $agent->content;
is( $jsonresponse->{ aaData }[0]->{ status }, 'reverted', 'record marked as reverted' );
like( $history_page, qr/$encoded_latin_name/, "Latin characters with umlauts show correctly on the history page." );
like( $history_page, qr/$encoded_cyrillic_name/, "Cyrillic characters with umlauts show correctly on the history page." );