Lines 82-87
INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `
Link Here
82 |
('BiblioDefaultView','normal','normal|marc|isbd','Choose the default detail view in the catalog; choose between normal, marc or isbd','Choice'), |
82 |
('BiblioDefaultView','normal','normal|marc|isbd','Choose the default detail view in the catalog; choose between normal, marc or isbd','Choice'), |
83 |
('BibtexExportAdditionalFields', '', NULL , 'Define additional BibTex tags to export from MARC records in YAML format as an associative array with either a marc tag/subfield combination as the value, or a list of tag/subfield combinations.', 'textarea'), |
83 |
('BibtexExportAdditionalFields', '', NULL , 'Define additional BibTex tags to export from MARC records in YAML format as an associative array with either a marc tag/subfield combination as the value, or a list of tag/subfield combinations.', 'textarea'), |
84 |
('BlockExpiredPatronOpacActions','1',NULL,'Set whether an expired patron can perform opac actions such as placing holds or renew books, can be overridden on a per patron-type basis','YesNo'), |
84 |
('BlockExpiredPatronOpacActions','1',NULL,'Set whether an expired patron can perform opac actions such as placing holds or renew books, can be overridden on a per patron-type basis','YesNo'), |
85 |
('BlockReturnOfLostItems','0','0','If enabled, items that are marked as lost cannot be returned.','YesNo'), |
85 |
('BlockReturnOfWithdrawnItems','1','0','If enabled, items that are marked as withdrawn cannot be returned.','YesNo'), |
86 |
('BlockReturnOfWithdrawnItems','1','0','If enabled, items that are marked as withdrawn cannot be returned.','YesNo'), |
86 |
('BorrowerMandatoryField','surname|cardnumber',NULL,'Choose the mandatory fields for a patron\'s account','free'), |
87 |
('BorrowerMandatoryField','surname|cardnumber',NULL,'Choose the mandatory fields for a patron\'s account','free'), |
87 |
('borrowerRelationship','father|mother','','Define valid relationships between a guarantor & a guarantee (separated by | or ,)','free'), |
88 |
('borrowerRelationship','father|mother','','Define valid relationships between a guarantor & a guarantee (separated by | or ,)','free'), |