Lines 475-480
INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `
Link Here
475 |
('ReturnToShelvingCart','0','','If set, when any item is \'checked in\', it\'s location code will be changed to CART.','YesNo'), |
475 |
('ReturnToShelvingCart','0','','If set, when any item is \'checked in\', it\'s location code will be changed to CART.','YesNo'), |
476 |
('reviewson','1','','If ON, enables patron reviews of bibliographic records in the OPAC','YesNo'), |
476 |
('reviewson','1','','If ON, enables patron reviews of bibliographic records in the OPAC','YesNo'), |
477 |
('RisExportAdditionalFields', '', NULL , 'Define additional RIS tags to export from MARC records in YAML format as an associative array with either a marc tag/subfield combination as the value, or a list of tag/subfield combinations.', 'textarea'), |
477 |
('RisExportAdditionalFields', '', NULL , 'Define additional RIS tags to export from MARC records in YAML format as an associative array with either a marc tag/subfield combination as the value, or a list of tag/subfield combinations.', 'textarea'), |
478 |
('RotationPreventTransfers','0',NULL,'If ON, prevent any transfers for items on stock rotation rotas, except for stock rotation transfers','YesNo'), |
478 |
('RoutingListAddReserves','1','','If ON the patrons on routing lists are automatically added to holds on the issue.','YesNo'), |
479 |
('RoutingListAddReserves','1','','If ON the patrons on routing lists are automatically added to holds on the issue.','YesNo'), |
479 |
('RoutingListNote','To change this note edit <a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/admin/\">RoutingListNote</a> system preference.','70|10','Define a note to be shown on all routing lists','Textarea'), |
480 |
('RoutingListNote','To change this note edit <a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/admin/\">RoutingListNote</a> system preference.','70|10','Define a note to be shown on all routing lists','Textarea'), |
480 |
('RoutingSerials','1',NULL,'If ON, serials routing is enabled','YesNo'), |
481 |
('RoutingSerials','1',NULL,'If ON, serials routing is enabled','YesNo'), |
Lines 522-527
INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `
Link Here
522 |
('StaffSerialIssueDisplayCount','3','','Number of serial issues to display per subscription in the Staff client','Integer'), |
523 |
('StaffSerialIssueDisplayCount','3','','Number of serial issues to display per subscription in the Staff client','Integer'), |
523 |
('StaticHoldsQueueWeight','0',NULL,'Specify a list of library location codes separated by commas -- the list of codes will be traversed and weighted with first values given higher weight for holds fulfillment -- alternatively, if RandomizeHoldsQueueWeight is set, the list will be randomly selective','Integer'), |
524 |
('StaticHoldsQueueWeight','0',NULL,'Specify a list of library location codes separated by commas -- the list of codes will be traversed and weighted with first values given higher weight for holds fulfillment -- alternatively, if RandomizeHoldsQueueWeight is set, the list will be randomly selective','Integer'), |
524 |
('StatisticsFields','location|itype|ccode', NULL, 'Define Fields (from the items table) used for statistics members','Free'), |
525 |
('StatisticsFields','location|itype|ccode', NULL, 'Define Fields (from the items table) used for statistics members','Free'), |
526 |
('StockRotation','0',NULL,'If ON, enables the stock rotation module','YesNo'), |
525 |
('StoreLastBorrower','0','','If ON, the last borrower to return an item will be stored in items.last_returned_by','YesNo'), |
527 |
('StoreLastBorrower','0','','If ON, the last borrower to return an item will be stored in items.last_returned_by','YesNo'), |
526 |
('SubfieldsToAllowForRestrictedBatchmod','','Define a list of subfields for which edition is authorized when items_batchmod_restricted permission is enabled, separated by spaces. Example: 995\$f 995\$h 995\$j',NULL,'Free'), |
528 |
('SubfieldsToAllowForRestrictedBatchmod','','Define a list of subfields for which edition is authorized when items_batchmod_restricted permission is enabled, separated by spaces. Example: 995\$f 995\$h 995\$j',NULL,'Free'), |
527 |
('SubfieldsToAllowForRestrictedEditing','','Define a list of subfields for which edition is authorized when edit_items_restricted permission is enabled, separated by spaces. Example: 995\$f 995\$h 995\$j',NULL,'Free'), |
529 |
('SubfieldsToAllowForRestrictedEditing','','Define a list of subfields for which edition is authorized when edit_items_restricted permission is enabled, separated by spaces. Example: 995\$f 995\$h 995\$j',NULL,'Free'), |
Lines 612-618
INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `
Link Here
612 |
('XSLTListsDisplay','default','','Enable XSLT stylesheet control over lists pages display on intranet','Free'), |
614 |
('XSLTListsDisplay','default','','Enable XSLT stylesheet control over lists pages display on intranet','Free'), |
613 |
('XSLTResultsDisplay','default','','Enable XSL stylesheet control over results page display on intranet','Free'), |
615 |
('XSLTResultsDisplay','default','','Enable XSL stylesheet control over results page display on intranet','Free'), |
614 |
('z3950AuthorAuthFields','701,702,700',NULL,'Define the MARC biblio fields for Personal Name Authorities to fill','free'), |
616 |
('z3950AuthorAuthFields','701,702,700',NULL,'Define the MARC biblio fields for Personal Name Authorities to fill','free'), |
615 |
('z3950NormalizeAuthor','0','','If ON, Personal Name Authorities will replace authors in','YesNo'), |
617 |
('z3950NormalizeAuthor','0','','If ON, Personal Name Authorities will replace authors in','YesNo') |
616 |
('StockRotation','0',NULL,'If ON, enables the stock rotation module','YesNo'), |
617 |
('RotationPreventTransfers','0',NULL,'If ON, prevent any transfers for items on stock rotation rotas, except for stock rotation transfers','YesNo') |
618 |
; |
618 |
; |