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INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `type` ) VALUES |
1 |
INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `type` ) VALUES |
2 |
('AccountAutoReconcile','0',NULL,'If enabled, patron balances will get reconciled automatically on each transaction.','YesNo'), |
2 |
('AcqCreateItem','ordering','ordering|receiving|cataloguing','Define when the item is created : when ordering, when receiving, or in cataloguing module','Choice'), |
3 |
('AcqCreateItem','ordering','ordering|receiving|cataloguing','Define when the item is created : when ordering, when receiving, or in cataloguing module','Choice'), |
3 |
('AcqEnableFiles','0',NULL,'If enabled, allows librarians to upload and attach arbitrary files to invoice records.','YesNo'), |
4 |
('AcqEnableFiles','0',NULL,'If enabled, allows librarians to upload and attach arbitrary files to invoice records.','YesNo'), |
4 |
('AcqItemSetSubfieldsWhenReceiptIsCancelled','', '','Upon cancelling a receipt, update the items subfields if they were created when placing an order (e.g. o=5|a="bar foo")', 'Free'), |
5 |
('AcqItemSetSubfieldsWhenReceiptIsCancelled','', '','Upon cancelling a receipt, update the items subfields if they were created when placing an order (e.g. o=5|a="bar foo")', 'Free'), |
5 |
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