Lines 824-829
CREATE TABLE `issuingrules` ( -- circulation and fine rules
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824 |
`hardduedate` date default NULL, -- hard due date |
824 |
`hardduedate` date default NULL, -- hard due date |
825 |
`hardduedatecompare` tinyint NOT NULL default "0", -- type of hard due date (1 = after, 0 = on, -1 = before) |
825 |
`hardduedatecompare` tinyint NOT NULL default "0", -- type of hard due date (1 = after, 0 = on, -1 = before) |
826 |
`renewalsallowed` smallint(6) NOT NULL default "0", -- how many renewals are allowed |
826 |
`renewalsallowed` smallint(6) NOT NULL default "0", -- how many renewals are allowed |
827 |
`unseen_renewals_allowed` smallint(6) default NULL, -- how many consecutive renewals are allowed without seeing the item in the library |
827 |
`renewalperiod` int(4) default NULL, -- renewal period in the unit set in issuingrules.lengthunit |
828 |
`renewalperiod` int(4) default NULL, -- renewal period in the unit set in issuingrules.lengthunit |
828 |
`norenewalbefore` int(4) default NULL, -- no renewal allowed until X days or hours before due date. |
829 |
`norenewalbefore` int(4) default NULL, -- no renewal allowed until X days or hours before due date. |
829 |
`auto_renew` BOOLEAN default FALSE, -- automatic renewal |
830 |
`auto_renew` BOOLEAN default FALSE, -- automatic renewal |
Lines 1668-1673
CREATE TABLE `issues` ( -- information related to check outs or issues
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1668 |
`returndate` datetime default NULL, -- date the item was returned, will be NULL until moved to old_issues |
1669 |
`returndate` datetime default NULL, -- date the item was returned, will be NULL until moved to old_issues |
1669 |
`lastreneweddate` datetime default NULL, -- date the item was last renewed |
1670 |
`lastreneweddate` datetime default NULL, -- date the item was last renewed |
1670 |
`renewals` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default 0, -- lists the number of times the item was renewed |
1671 |
`renewals` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default 0, -- lists the number of times the item was renewed |
1672 |
`unseen_renewals` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default 0, -- lists the number of consecutive times the item was renewed without being seen |
1671 |
`auto_renew` BOOLEAN default FALSE, -- automatic renewal |
1673 |
`auto_renew` BOOLEAN default FALSE, -- automatic renewal |
1672 |
`auto_renew_error` varchar(32) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL, -- automatic renewal error |
1674 |
`auto_renew_error` varchar(32) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL, -- automatic renewal error |
1673 |
`timestamp` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, -- the date and time this record was last touched |
1675 |
`timestamp` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, -- the date and time this record was last touched |
Lines 1700-1705
CREATE TABLE `old_issues` ( -- lists items that were checked out and have been r
Link Here
1700 |
`returndate` datetime default NULL, -- date the item was returned |
1702 |
`returndate` datetime default NULL, -- date the item was returned |
1701 |
`lastreneweddate` datetime default NULL, -- date the item was last renewed |
1703 |
`lastreneweddate` datetime default NULL, -- date the item was last renewed |
1702 |
`renewals` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default 0, -- lists the number of times the item was renewed |
1704 |
`renewals` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default 0, -- lists the number of times the item was renewed |
1705 |
`unseen_renewals` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default 0, -- lists the number of consecutive times the item was renewed without being seen |
1703 |
`auto_renew` BOOLEAN default FALSE, -- automatic renewal |
1706 |
`auto_renew` BOOLEAN default FALSE, -- automatic renewal |
1704 |
`auto_renew_error` varchar(32) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL, -- automatic renewal error |
1707 |
`auto_renew_error` varchar(32) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL, -- automatic renewal error |
1705 |
`timestamp` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, -- the date and time this record was last touched |
1708 |
`timestamp` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, -- the date and time this record was last touched |