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Bug 24913
Add option to require users to enter email address twice during self-registration.
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Error when trying to submit self- reg. form with matching emails
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on 2020-04-15 13:21:31 UTC
Error when trying to submit self- reg. form with matching emails
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2020-04-15 13:21:31 UTC
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>Error trace >DBIx::Class::Row::store_column(): No such column 'repeat_email' on Koha::Schema::Result::Borrower at /kohadevbox/koha/Koha/Object.pm line 77 > at /usr/share/perl5/DBIx/Class/Exception.pm line 77 >in DBIx::Class::Exception::throw at /usr/share/perl5/DBIx/Class/Exception.pm line 77 > 74: my $self = { msg => $msg }; > 75: bless $self => $class; > 76: > 77: die $self; > 78: } > 79: > 80: =head2 rethrow >Show function arguments > >in DBIx::Class::ResultSource::throw_exception at /usr/share/perl5/DBIx/Class/ResultSource.pm line 2380 > 2377: my $self = shift; > 2378: > 2379: $self->{schema} > 2380: ? $self->{schema}->throw_exception(@_) > 2381: : DBIx::Class::Exception->throw(@_) > 2382: ; > 2383: } >Show function arguments > >in DBIx::Class::Row::throw_exception at /usr/share/perl5/DBIx/Class/Row.pm line 1569 > 1566: my $self=shift; > 1567: > 1568: if (ref $self && ref (my $rsrc = try { $self->result_source_instance } ) ) { > 1569: $rsrc->throw_exception(@_) > 1570: } > 1571: else { > 1572: DBIx::Class::Exception->throw(@_); >Show function arguments > >in DBIx::Class::Row::store_column at /usr/share/perl5/DBIx/Class/Row.pm line 1215 > 1212: sub store_column { > 1213: my ($self, $column, $value) = @_; > 1214: $self->throw_exception( "No such column '${column}' on " . ref $self ) > 1215: unless exists $self->{_column_data}{$column} || $self->result_source->has_column($column); > 1216: $self->throw_exception( "set_column called for ${column} without value" ) > 1217: if @_ < 3; > 1218: return $self->{_column_data}{$column} = $value; >Show function arguments > >in DBIx::Class::Row::new at /usr/share/perl5/DBIx/Class/Row.pm line 270 > 267: next; > 268: } > 269: } > 270: $new->store_column($key => $attrs->{$key}); > 271: } > 272: > 273: $new->{_relationship_data} = $related if $related; >Show function arguments > >in DBIx::Class::ResultSet::new_result at /usr/share/perl5/DBIx/Class/ResultSet.pm line 2593 > 2590: > 2591: my ($merged_cond, $cols_from_relations) = $self->_merge_with_rscond($values); > 2592: > 2593: my $new = $self->result_class->new({ > 2594: %$merged_cond, > 2595: ( @$cols_from_relations > 2596: ? (-cols_from_relations => $cols_from_relations) >Show function arguments > >in DBIx::Class::ResultSet::new at /usr/share/perl5/DBIx/Class/ResultSet.pm line 306 > 303: > 304: if (ref $class) { > 305: DBIx::Class::_ENV_::ASSERT_NO_INTERNAL_INDIRECT_CALLS and fail_on_internal_call; > 306: return $class->new_result(@_); > 307: } > 308: > 309: my ($source, $attrs) = @_; >Show function arguments > >in Koha::Object::new at /kohadevbox/koha/Koha/Object.pm line 77 > 74: } > 75: > 76: $self->{_result} = > 77: $schema->resultset( $class->_type() )->new($attributes); > 78: } > 79: > 80: croak("No _type found! Koha::Object must be subclassed!") >Show function arguments > >in Koha::Patron::new at /kohadevbox/koha/Koha/Patron.pm line 101 > 98: sub new { > 99: my ( $class, $params ) = @_; > 100: > 101: return $class->SUPER::new($params); > 102: } > 103: > 104: =head3 fixup_cardnumber >Show function arguments > >in (eval) at /kohadevbox/koha/opac/opac-memberentry.pl line 219 > 216: $borrower{categorycode} ||= C4::Context->preference('PatronSelfRegistrationDefaultCategory'); > 217: $borrower{password} ||= Koha::AuthUtils::generate_password; > 218: my $consent_dt = delete $borrower{gdpr_proc_consent}; > 219: my $patron = Koha::Patron->new( \%borrower )->store; > 220: Koha::Patron::Consent->new({ borrowernumber => $patron->borrowernumber, type => 'GDPR_PROCESSING', given_on => $consent_dt })->store if $consent_dt; > 221: if ( $patron ) { > 222: $patron->extended_attributes->filter_by_branch_limitations->delete; >in CGI::Compile::ROOT::kohadevbox_koha_opac_opac_2dmemberentry_2epl::__ANON__ at /kohadevbox/koha/opac/opac-memberentry.pl line 2 > 1: #!/usr/bin/perl > 2: > 3: # This file is part of Koha. > 4: # > 5: # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it >Show function arguments > >in CGI::Compile::__ANON__ at /usr/share/perl5/CGI/Compile.pm line 139 > 136: # this is necessary for MSWin32 > 137: my $orig_warn = $SIG{__WARN__} || sub { warn(@_) }; > 138: local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $orig_warn->(@_) unless $_[0] =~ /^No such signal/ }; > 139: $code->($self, $data, $path, $dir, \@args) > 140: }; > 141: }; > 142: >in CGI::Emulate::PSGI::__ANON__ at /usr/share/perl5/CGI/Emulate/PSGI.pm line 30 > 27: local *STDOUT = $stdout; > 28: local *STDERR = $env->{'psgi.errors'}; > 29: > 30: $code->(); > 31: } > 32: } > 33: >Show function arguments > >in Plack::App::WrapCGI::call at /usr/share/perl5/Plack/App/WrapCGI.pm line 90 > 87: > 88: sub call { > 89: my($self, $env) = @_; > 90: $self->_app->($env); > 91: } > 92: > 93: 1; >Show function arguments > >in Plack::Component::__ANON__ at /usr/share/perl5/Plack/Component.pm line 50 > 47: sub to_app { > 48: my $self = shift; > 49: $self->prepare_app; > 50: return sub { $self->call(@_) }; > 51: } > 52: > 53: >Show function arguments > >in Plack::App::CGIBin::serve_path at /usr/share/perl5/Plack/App/CGIBin.pm line 50 > 47: my $app = $self->{_compiled}->{$file} ||= Plack::App::WrapCGI->new( > 48: script => $file, execute => $self->would_exec($file), > 49: )->to_app; > 50: $app->($env); > 51: } > 52: > 53: 1; >Show function arguments > >in Plack::App::File::call at /usr/share/perl5/Plack/App/File.pm line 34 > 31: $env->{'plack.file.PATH_INFO'} = ''; > 32: } > 33: > 34: return $self->serve_path($env, $file); > 35: } > 36: > 37: sub locate_file { >Show function arguments > >in Plack::Component::__ANON__ at /usr/share/perl5/Plack/Component.pm line 50 > 47: sub to_app { > 48: my $self = shift; > 49: $self->prepare_app; > 50: return sub { $self->call(@_) }; > 51: } > 52: > 53: >Show function arguments > >in Plack::App::URLMap::call at /usr/share/perl5/Plack/App/URLMap.pm line 71 > 68: return $self->response_cb($app->($env), sub { > 69: $env->{PATH_INFO} = $orig_path_info; > 70: $env->{SCRIPT_NAME} = $orig_script_name; > 71: }); > 72: } > 73: > 74: DEBUG && warn "All matching failed.\n"; >Show function arguments > >in Plack::Component::__ANON__ at /usr/share/perl5/Plack/Component.pm line 50 > 47: sub to_app { > 48: my $self = shift; > 49: $self->prepare_app; > 50: return sub { $self->call(@_) }; > 51: } > 52: > 53: >Show function arguments > >in Koha::Middleware::RealIP::call at /kohadevbox/koha/Koha/Middleware/RealIP.pm line 64 > 61: } > 62: } > 63: > 64: return $self->app->($env); > 65: } > 66: > 67: =head2 get_real_ip >Show function arguments > >in Plack::Component::__ANON__ at /usr/share/perl5/Plack/Component.pm line 50 > 47: sub to_app { > 48: my $self = shift; > 49: $self->prepare_app; > 50: return sub { $self->call(@_) }; > 51: } > 52: > 53: >Show function arguments > >in Koha::Middleware::SetEnv::call at /kohadevbox/koha/Koha/Middleware/SetEnv.pm line 104 > 101: %setenvs > 102: }; > 103: > 104: return $self->app->($env); > 105: } > 106: > 107: =head1 AUTHOR >Show function arguments > >in Plack::Component::__ANON__ at /usr/share/perl5/Plack/Component.pm line 50 > 47: sub to_app { > 48: my $self = shift; > 49: $self->prepare_app; > 50: return sub { $self->call(@_) }; > 51: } > 52: > 53: >Show function arguments > >in Plack::Middleware::Static::call at /usr/share/perl5/Plack/Middleware/Static.pm line 18 > 15: return $res; > 16: } > 17: > 18: return $self->app->($env); > 19: } > 20: > 21: sub _handle_static { >Show function arguments > >in Plack::Component::__ANON__ at /usr/share/perl5/Plack/Component.pm line 50 > 47: sub to_app { > 48: my $self = shift; > 49: $self->prepare_app; > 50: return sub { $self->call(@_) }; > 51: } > 52: > 53: >Show function arguments > >in Plack::Middleware::ReverseProxy::call at /usr/share/perl5/Plack/Middleware/ReverseProxy.pm line 68 > 65: } > 66: } > 67: > 68: $self->app->($env); > 69: } > 70: > 71: 1; >Show function arguments > >in Plack::Component::__ANON__ at /usr/share/perl5/Plack/Component.pm line 50 > 47: sub to_app { > 48: my $self = shift; > 49: $self->prepare_app; > 50: return sub { $self->call(@_) }; > 51: } > 52: > 53: >Show function arguments > >in Plack::Middleware::Lint::call at /usr/share/perl5/Plack/Middleware/Lint.pm line 24 > 21: my $env = shift; > 22: > 23: $self->validate_env($env); > 24: my $res = $self->app->($env); > 25: return $self->validate_res($res); > 26: } > 27: >Show function arguments > >in Plack::Middleware::StackTrace::try {...} at /usr/share/perl5/Plack/Component.pm line 50 > 47: sub to_app { > 48: my $self = shift; > 49: $self->prepare_app; > 50: return sub { $self->call(@_) }; > 51: } > 52: > 53: >in (eval) at /usr/share/perl5/Try/Tiny.pm line 101 > 98: if ( $wantarray ) { > 99: @ret = $try->(); > 100: } elsif ( defined $wantarray ) { > 101: $ret[0] = $try->(); > 102: } else { > 103: $try->(); > 104: }; >in Plack::Middleware::StackTrace::call at /usr/share/perl5/Try/Tiny.pm line 94 > 91: > 92: # failed will be true if the eval dies, because 1 will not be returned > 93: # from the eval body > 94: my $failed = not eval { > 95: $@ = $prev_error; > 96: > 97: # evaluate the try block in the correct context >Show function arguments > >in Plack::Component::__ANON__ at /usr/share/perl5/Plack/Component.pm line 50 > 47: sub to_app { > 48: my $self = shift; > 49: $self->prepare_app; > 50: return sub { $self->call(@_) }; > 51: } > 52: > 53: >Show function arguments > >in Plack::Middleware::AccessLog::call at /usr/share/perl5/Plack/Middleware/AccessLog.pm line 27 > 24: my $self = shift; > 25: my($env) = @_; > 26: > 27: my $res = $self->app->($env); > 28: > 29: if ( ref($res) && ref($res) eq 'ARRAY' ) { > 30: my $content_length = Plack::Util::content_length($res->[2]); >Show function arguments > >in Plack::Component::__ANON__ at /usr/share/perl5/Plack/Component.pm line 50 > 47: sub to_app { > 48: my $self = shift; > 49: $self->prepare_app; > 50: return sub { $self->call(@_) }; > 51: } > 52: > 53: >Show function arguments > >in (eval) at /usr/share/perl5/Plack/Util.pm line 145 > 142: sub run_app($$) { > 143: my($app, $env) = @_; > 144: > 145: return eval { $app->($env) } || do { > 146: my $body = "Internal Server Error"; > 147: $env->{'psgi.errors'}->print($@); > 148: [ 500, [ 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain', 'Content-Length' => length($body) ], [ $body ] ]; >in Plack::Util::run_app at /usr/share/perl5/Plack/Util.pm line 145 > 142: sub run_app($$) { > 143: my($app, $env) = @_; > 144: > 145: return eval { $app->($env) } || do { > 146: my $body = "Internal Server Error"; > 147: $env->{'psgi.errors'}->print($@); > 148: [ 500, [ 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain', 'Content-Length' => length($body) ], [ $body ] ]; >Show function arguments > >in Starman::Server::dispatch_request at /usr/share/perl5/Starman/Server.pm line 195 > 192: my ($self, $env) = @_; > 193: > 194: # Run PSGI apps > 195: my $res = Plack::Util::run_app($self->{app}, $env); > 196: > 197: if (ref $res eq 'CODE') { > 198: $res->(sub { $self->_finalize_response($env, $_[0]) }); >Show function arguments > >in Starman::Server::process_request at /usr/share/perl5/Starman/Server.pm line 298 > 295: > 296: $self->_prepare_env($env); > 297: > 298: $self->dispatch_request($env); > 299: > 300: DEBUG && warn "[$$] Request done\n"; > 301: >Show function arguments > >in Net::Server::run_client_connection at /usr/share/perl5/Net/Server.pm line 74 > 71: $self->post_accept_hook($c); # user customizable hook > 72: > 73: my $ok = $self->allow_deny($c) && $self->allow_deny_hook($c); # do allow/deny check on client info > 74: if ($ok) { > 75: $self->process_request($c); # This is where the core functionality of a Net::Server should be. > 76: } else { > 77: $self->request_denied_hook($c); # user customizable hook >Show function arguments > >in (eval) at /usr/share/perl5/Net/Server/PreFork.pm line 229 > 226: $prop->{'connected'} = 1; > 227: print $write "$$ processing\n"; > 228: > 229: my $ok = eval { $self->run_client_connection; 1 }; > 230: if (! $ok) { > 231: print $write "$$ exiting\n"; > 232: die $@; >in Net::Server::PreFork::run_child at /usr/share/perl5/Net/Server/PreFork.pm line 229 > 226: $prop->{'connected'} = 1; > 227: print $write "$$ processing\n"; > 228: > 229: my $ok = eval { $self->run_client_connection; 1 }; > 230: if (! $ok) { > 231: print $write "$$ exiting\n"; > 232: die $@; >Show function arguments > >in Net::Server::PreFork::run_n_children at /usr/share/perl5/Net/Server/PreFork.pm line 187 > 184: if ($prop->{'child_communication'}) { > 185: $prop->{'parent_sock'} = $childsock; > 186: } > 187: $self->run_child; > 188: } > 189: } > 190: } >Show function arguments > >in Net::Server::PreFork::loop at /usr/share/perl5/Net/Server/PreFork.pm line 111 > 108: > 109: my $start = $prop->{'min_servers'}; > 110: $self->log(3, "Beginning prefork ($start processes)"); > 111: $self->run_n_children($start); > 112: > 113: $self->run_parent; > 114: } >Show function arguments > >in Net::Server::run at /usr/share/perl5/Net/Server.pm line 60 > 57: $self->post_bind; # allow for chrooting, becoming a different user and group > 58: > 59: $self->pre_loop_hook; # user customizable hook > 60: $self->loop; # repeat accept/process cycle > 61: > 62: $self->server_close; # close the server and release the port > 63: } >Show function arguments > >in Starman::Server::run at /usr/share/perl5/Starman/Server.pm line 106 > 103: max_requests => $options->{max_requests} || 1000, > 104: user => $options->{user} || $>, > 105: group => $options->{group} || $), > 106: listen => $options->{backlog} || 1024, > 107: check_for_waiting => 1, > 108: no_client_stdout => 1, > 109: %extra >Show function arguments > >in Plack::Handler::Starman::run at /usr/share/perl5/Plack/Handler/Starman.pm line 25 > 22: } > 23: $self->{net_server_args} = \%nsa if %nsa; > 24: > 25: Starman::Server->new->run($app, {%$self}); > 26: } > 27: > 28: 1; >Show function arguments > >in Plack::Loader::Delayed::run at /usr/share/perl5/Plack/Loader/Delayed.pm line 20 > 17: }; > 18: > 19: $server->{psgi_app_builder} = $self->{builder}; > 20: $server->run($app); > 21: } > 22: > 23: 1; >Show function arguments > >in Plack::Runner::run at /usr/share/perl5/Plack/Runner.pm line 277 > 274: $loader->preload_app($app); > 275: > 276: my $server = $self->load_server($loader); > 277: $loader->run($server); > 278: } > 279: > 280: 1; >Show function arguments > >at /usr/bin/starman line 38 > 35: } > 36: > 37: $runner->set_options(argv => \@argv); > 38: $runner->run; > 39: > 40: __END__ > 41:
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bug 24913