[patch] Bug 19889: Add exclude_from_local_holds_priority columns to item, deleteditems and categories tables
Bug-19889-Add-excludefromlocalholdspriority-column.patch (text/plain), 4.22 KB, created by Agustín Moyano on 2020-06-10 23:04:57 UTC
Creator: Agustín Moyano
Created: 2020-06-10 23:04:57 UTC
Size: 4.22 KB
Actions: View | Diff | Splinter Review
Attachments on bug 19889: 105715 | 105716 | 105717 | 105718 | 106435 | 106436 | 106437 | 106438 | 106439 | 106440 | 106441 | 106442 | 107180 | 107187 | 107188 | 107189 | 107190 | 107191 | 107192 | 107193 | 107194 | 107195 | 107196 | 107908 | 107909 | 107910 | 107911 | 107912 | 107913 | 107926 | 107927 | 107928 | 107929 | 107930 | 107931 | 107948 | 108213 | 108214 | 108215 | 108216 | 108217 | 108218 | 108219 | 108220 | 108593 | 108594 | 108595 | 108725 | 108726 | 108728 | 109131 | 109132 | 109285 | 109364 | 109419