[patch] Bug 22818: Add generation and sending of notices
Bug-22818-Add-generation-and-sending-of-notices.patch (text/plain), 23.56 KB, created by Martin Renvoize (ashimema) on 2020-07-09 07:46:02 UTC
Creator: Martin Renvoize (ashimema)
Created: 2020-07-09 07:46:02 UTC
Size: 23.56 KB
Actions: View | Diff | Splinter Review
Attachments on bug 22818: 89831 | 89832 | 89833 | 89834 | 89835 | 90063 | 90064 | 90065 | 90066 | 90067 | 90715 | 90716 | 90717 | 90718 | 90719 | 92898 | 92899 | 92900 | 92901 | 92902 | 100234 | 100235 | 100236 | 100237 | 100238 | 103268 | 103269 | 103270 | 103271 | 103272 | 106424 | 106425 | 106426 | 106427 | 106428 | 106675 | 106676 | 106677 | 106678 | 106679 | 106680 | 106681 | 106691 | 106693 | 106694 | 106704 | 106705 | 106706 | 106707 | 106708 | 106709 | 106710 | 106711 | 106712 | 106713 | 110196 | 110197 | 110198 | 110199 | 110201 | 110202 | 110203 | 110204 | 110205 | 110206 | 110207 | 110208 | 111837 | 111838 | 111839 | 111840 | 111841 | 111842 | 111843 | 111844 | 111845 | 111846 | 111847 | 111848 | 111874 | 111880 | 111881 | 111883 | 111884 | 111885 | 111886 | 111887 | 111888 | 111889 | 111890 | 111891 | 111892 | 111893 | 111897 | 111899 | 111900 | 111901 | 111902 | 111903 | 111904 | 111905 | 111906 | 111907 | 111908 | 111909 | 111910 | 111911 | 111912 | 111913 | 113398 | 113399 | 113400 | 113401 | 113402 | 113403 | 113404 | 113405 | 113406 | 113407 | 113408 | 113409 | 113410 | 113411 | 113412 | 113413 | 113463 | 113464 | 113465 | 113466 | 113467 | 113468 | 113469 | 113470 | 113471 | 113472 | 113473 | 113474 | 113475 | 113476 | 113477 | 113478 | 113479 | 113522 | 113549 | 113584