[patch] BUG 7621 [ENH] Circulation: Match age restriction of title with borrower's age without using categories
BUG-7621-ENH-Circulation-Match-age-restriction-of-.patch (text/plain), 11.65 KB, created by Marc Véron on 2012-07-15 08:07:48 UTC
Creator: Marc Véron
Created: 2012-07-15 08:07:48 UTC
Size: 11.65 KB
Actions: View | Diff | Splinter Review
Attachments on bug 7621: 9176 | 9219 | 9979 | 10072 | 10136 | 10141 | 10142 | 10143 | 10144 | 10395 | 10550 | 10650 | 10657 | 10658 | 10859 | 10866 | 10896 | 11130 | 11550 | 11938 | 11939 | 12132 | 12133 | 12547 | 12558 | 12559 | 12563