[patch] Bug 23019: Add koha_object_class and koha_objects_class methods to ImportBatch.pm schema
Bug-23019-Add-kohaobjectclass-and-kohaobjectsclass.patch (text/plain), 2.26 KB, created by Nick Clemens (kidclamp) on 2020-10-30 15:39:26 UTC
Creator: Nick Clemens (kidclamp)
Created: 2020-10-30 15:39:26 UTC
Size: 2.26 KB
Actions: View | Diff | Splinter Review
Attachments on bug 23019: 104972 | 104973 | 104974 | 104975 | 104976 | 105536 | 105537 | 105538 | 105539 | 105540 | 105541 | 105555 | 105600 | 105601 | 105602 | 105603 | 105604 | 106555 | 109265 | 109266 | 109637 | 112531 | 112532 | 112533 | 112534 | 112535 | 112536 | 112537 | 112715 | 112716 | 112717 | 112718 | 112719 | 112720 | 112721 | 112722 | 113276 | 113277 | 113311 | 113416 | 113421