[patch] Bug 27876: added sr-only to caption of table in Charges page
Bug-27876-added-sr-only-to-caption-of-table-in-Cha.patch (text/plain), 1.45 KB, created by Wainui Witika-Park on 2021-04-25 03:33:27 UTC
Creator: Wainui Witika-Park
Created: 2021-04-25 03:33:27 UTC
Size: 1.45 KB
Actions: View | Diff | Splinter Review
Attachments on bug 27876: 120148 | 120149 | 120150 | 120151 | 120152 | 120153 | 120199 | 120200 | 120201 | 120716 | 120717 | 120718