[patch] Bug 28180: Reintroduce and adjust Baker and Taylor
Bug-28180-Reintroduce-and-adjust-Baker-and-Taylor.patch (text/plain), 3.24 KB, created by Jonathan Druart on 2021-05-04 13:40:06 UTC
Creator: Jonathan Druart
Created: 2021-05-04 13:40:06 UTC
Size: 3.24 KB
Actions: View | Diff | Splinter Review
Attachments on bug 28180: 119918 | 119919 | 119920 | 119921 | 119922 | 119923 | 119924 | 120444 | 120445 | 120446 | 120447 | 120448 | 120449 | 120450 | 120464 | 120465 | 120466 | 120467 | 120468 | 120469 | 120470 | 120753 | 120754 | 120805 | 122783 | 122784 | 123178 | 123790 | 123792 | 123793 | 123794 | 124819 | 125666 | 126041 | 126042 | 126506 | 126507 | 126508 | 126509 | 126510 | 126511 | 126512 | 126513 | 126514 | 126515 | 126516 | 126517 | 126518 | 126519 | 126520 | 126596 | 126597 | 126598 | 126599 | 126600 | 126601 | 126602 | 126603 | 126604 | 126605 | 126606 | 126607 | 126608 | 126609 | 126610