[patch] Bug 19368 - clearly state, in the pref's desc, that the comparison is done against unaccented title
Bug-19368---clearly-state-in-the-prefs-desc-that-t.patch (text/plain), 1.66 KB, created by Alexis Ripetti on 2021-08-26 12:25:05 UTC
Creator: Alexis Ripetti
Created: 2021-08-26 12:25:05 UTC
Size: 1.66 KB
Actions: View | Diff | Splinter Review
Attachments on bug 19368: 67373 | 67447 | 67580 | 67581 | 67612 | 69005 | 70051 | 70052 | 70053 | 70125 | 71962 | 71963 | 71964 | 71965 | 72043 | 72044 | 72045 | 72046 | 72047 | 72655 | 72656 | 72657 | 72658 | 72659 | 74262 | 74263 | 74264 | 74265 | 74266 | 90915 | 90916 | 90918 | 90919 | 90920 | 90921 | 113018 | 113019 | 113020 | 113021 | 113022 | 113023 | 113344 | 113345 | 113346 | 113347 | 113348 | 113349 | 118963 | 118964 | 118965 | 118966 | 118967 | 118968 | 124090 | 124091 | 124092 | 124093 | 124094 | 124095 | 124096 | 124097 | 124104 | 124105 | 124106 | 124107 | 124108 | 124109 | 124110 | 124111