[patch] Bug 28445: Use the task queue for the batch delete and update items tool
Bug-28445-Use-the-task-queue-for-the-batch-delete-.patch (text/plain), 151.57 KB, created by Jonathan Druart on 2021-10-13 06:49:08 UTC
Creator: Jonathan Druart
Created: 2021-10-13 06:49:08 UTC
Size: 151.57 KB
Actions: View | Diff | Splinter Review
Attachments on bug 28445: 121372 | 123221 | 123222 | 123223 | 123224 | 123225 | 123226 | 123227 | 123228 | 123229 | 123239 | 123240 | 125801 | 125802 | 125803 | 125804 | 125805 | 125808 | 125810 | 125811 | 125812 | 125817 | 125865 | 126046 | 126047 | 126136 | 126137 | 126138 | 126139 | 126140 | 126141 | 126142 | 126217 | 126218 | 126219 | 126223 | 126328 | 126329 | 126330 | 126331 | 126332 | 126333 | 126334 | 126335 | 126336 | 126337 | 126338 | 126339 | 126352 | 126353 | 126354 | 126355 | 126356 | 126357 | 126358 | 126359 | 126360 | 126361 | 126362 | 126363 | 126364 | 126365 | 126366 | 126367 | 126374 | 126375 | 126376 | 126377 | 126378 | 126379 | 126380 | 126381 | 126382 | 126383 | 126384 | 126385 | 126386 | 126387 | 126388 | 126389 | 127033 | 127037 | 127038 | 127039 | 128007 | 128008 | 128009