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Bug 29494
html-template-to-template-toolkit.pl no longer required
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Bug 29494: html-template-to-template-toolkit.pl no longer required
Bug-29494-html-template-to-template-toolkitpl-no-l.patch (text/plain), 11.87 KB, created by
Tomás Cohen Arazi (tcohen)
on 2021-11-16 12:20:45 UTC
Bug 29494: html-template-to-template-toolkit.pl no longer required
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Tomás Cohen Arazi (tcohen)
2021-11-16 12:20:45 UTC
11.87 KB
>From 34fd98228d366e1a09e9ecc403b4b862e454ca8a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 >From: Tomas Cohen Arazi <tomascohen@theke.io> >Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2021 09:18:58 -0300 >Subject: [PATCH] Bug 29494: html-template-to-template-toolkit.pl no longer > required > >This helper script was used to transition from HTML::Template to >Template::Toolkit, which happened 11 (?) years ago. > >The file is part of Koha history, but we don't need it in current >master. > >Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <tomascohen@theke.io> >--- > .../html-template-to-template-toolkit.pl | 238 ------------------ > 1 file changed, 238 deletions(-) > delete mode 100755 installer/html-template-to-template-toolkit.pl > >diff --git a/installer/html-template-to-template-toolkit.pl b/installer/html-template-to-template-toolkit.pl >deleted file mode 100755 >index f76c87c904..0000000000 >--- a/installer/html-template-to-template-toolkit.pl >+++ /dev/null >@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@ >-#!/usr/bin/perl >- >-use Modern::Perl; >-use Carp qw( croak ); >- >-use Getopt::Long qw( GetOptions ); >-use File::Copy qw( copy ); >- >-my $help_msg = <<EOH; >-This script does a first-cut conversion of koha HTML::Template template files (.tmpl). >-It creates a mirror of koha-tmpl called koha-tt where converted files will be placed. >-By default all files will be converted: use the --file (-f) argument to specify >- individual files to process. >- >-Options: >- --koharoot (-r): Root directory of koha installation. >- --type (-t): template file extenstions to match >- (defaults to tmpl|inc|xsl). >- --copyall (-c): Also copy across all files in template directory >- --file (-f): specify individual files to process >- --debug (-d): output more information. >-EOH >- >-my $tmpl_in_dir = 'koha-tmpl'; >-my $tmpl_out_dir = 'koha-tt'; >- >-# template toolkit variables NOT to scope, in other words, variables that need to remain global (case sensitive) >-my @globals = ( "themelang","JacketImages","OPACAmazonCoverImages","GoogleJackets","BakerTaylorEnabled", >- "SyndeticsEnabled", "OpacRenewalAllowed", "item_level_itypes","noItemTypeImages", >- "virtualshelves", "OPACHoldRequests", "COinSinOPACResults", "OPACXSLTResultsDisplay", >- "OPACItemsResultsDisplay", "LibraryThingForLibrariesID", "opacuserlogin", "TagsEnabled", >- "TagsShowOnList", "TagsInputOnList","loggedinusername","opacbookbag", >- "OPACAmazonEnabled", "SyndeticsCoverImages" ); >- >-# Arguments: >-my $KOHA_ROOT; >-my $tmpl_extn_match = "tmpl|inc|xsl"; # Type match defaults to *.tmpl plus *.inc if not specified >-my $copy_other_files = 0; >-my @template_files; >-my @files_w_tmpl_loops; >-my $verbose = 0; >-GetOptions ( >- "koharoot=s" => \$KOHA_ROOT, >- "type|t=s" => \$tmpl_extn_match, >- "copyall|c" => \$copy_other_files, >- "file|f=s" => \@template_files, # array of filenames >- "verbose+" => \$verbose, # incremental flag >-) or die $help_msg; >- >-if ( ! $KOHA_ROOT || ! -d $KOHA_ROOT ) { >- croak "Koha root not passed or is not correct."; >-} >-if ( ! -d "$KOHA_ROOT/$tmpl_in_dir" ) { >- croak "Cannot find template dir ($tmpl_in_dir)"; >-} >- >-# Attempt to create koha-tt dir.. >-if ( ! -d "$KOHA_ROOT/$tmpl_out_dir" ) { >- mkdir("$KOHA_ROOT/$tmpl_out_dir") #, '0755' >- or croak "Cannot create $tmpl_out_dir directory in $KOHA_ROOT: $!"; >-} >- >-# Obtain list of files to process - go recursively through tmpl_in_dir and subdirectories.. >-unless ( scalar(@template_files) ) { >- @template_files = mirror_template_dir_structure_return_files("$KOHA_ROOT/$tmpl_in_dir", "$tmpl_extn_match"); >-} >-foreach my $file (@template_files) { >- (my $new_path = $file) =~ s/$tmpl_in_dir/$tmpl_out_dir/; >- $new_path =~ s/\.tmpl/.tt/; >- $new_path = "$KOHA_ROOT/$new_path" unless ( $new_path =~ m/^$KOHA_ROOT/ ); >- >- open my $ITMPL, '<', $file or croak "Can't open $file for input: $!"; >- open my $OTT, '>', $new_path or croak "Can't open $new_path for output: $!"; >- >- # allows 'proper' handling of for loop scope >- # cur_scope is a stack of scopes, the last being the current >- # when opening a for loop push scope onto end, when closing for loop pop >- my @cur_scope = (""); >- # flag representing if we've found a for loop this iteration >- my $for_loop_found = 0; >- >- for my $input_tmpl(<$ITMPL>){ >- my @parts = split "<", $input_tmpl; >- for( my $i=0; $i<=$#parts; ++$i ){ >- my $input_tmpl = $i ? "<" . $parts[$i] : $parts[$i]; # add < sign back in to every part except the first >- $for_loop_found = 0; >- >- # handle poorly names variable such as f1!, f1+, f1-, f1| and mod >- $input_tmpl =~ s/"(\w+)\|"/"$1pipe"/ig; >- $input_tmpl =~ s/"(\w+)\+"/"$1plus"/ig; >- $input_tmpl =~ s/"(\w+)\-"/"$1minus"/ig; >- $input_tmpl =~ s/"(\w+)!"/"$1exclamation"/ig; >- $input_tmpl =~ s/"(\w+),(\w+)"/"$1comma$2"/ig; #caused a problem in patron search >- $input_tmpl =~ s/NAME="mod"/NAME="modname"/ig; >- # handle 'naked' TMPL_VAR "parameter" by turning them into what they should be, TMPL_VAR NAME="parameter" >- $input_tmpl =~ s/TMPL_VAR\s+"(\w+)"/TMPL_VAR NAME="$1"/ig; >- # make an end (ESCAPE NAME DEFAULT) into a ned (NAME ESCAPE DEFAULT) >- $input_tmpl =~ s/ESCAPE="(\w+?)"\s+NAME=['"](\w+?)['"]\s+DEFAULT=['"](.+?)['"]/NAME="$2" ESCAPE="$1" DEFAULT="$3"/ig; >- >- # Process.. >- # NB: if you think you're seeing double, you probably are, *some* (read:most) patterns appear twice: once with quotations marks, once without. >- # trying to combine them into a single pattern proved troublesome as a regex like ['"]?(.*?)['"]? was causing problems and fixing the problem caused (a lot) more complex regex >- >- # variables >- $input_tmpl =~ s/<[!-]*\s*TMPL_VAR\s+NAME\s?=\s?['"]?\s*(\w*?)\s*['"]?\s+ESCAPE=['"](\w*?)['"]\s+DEFAULT=['"]?(.*?)['"]?\s*-*>/[% DEFAULT $cur_scope[-1]$1="$3" |$2 %]/ig; >- $input_tmpl =~ s/<[!-]*\s*TMPL_VAR\s+NAME\s?=\s?['"]\s*(\w*?)\s*['"]\s+ESCAPE=['"]?(\w*?)['"]?\s*-*>/[% $cur_scope[-1]$1 |$2 %]/ig; >- $input_tmpl =~ s/<[!-]*\s*TMPL_VAR\s+NAME\s?=\s?(\w*?)\s+ESCAPE=['"]?(\w*?)['"]?\s*-*>/[% $cur_scope[-1]$1 |$2 %]/ig; >- $input_tmpl =~ s/<[!-]*\s*TMPL_VAR\s+ESCAPE=['"]?(\w*?)['"]?\s+NAME\s?=\s?['"]?([\w-]*?)['"]?\s*-*>/[% $cur_scope[-1]$2 |$1 %]/ig; >- $input_tmpl =~ s/<[!-]*\s*TMPL_VAR\s+NAME\s?=\s?['"]?(\w*?)['"]?\s+DEFAULT=['"](.*?)['"]\s*-*>/[% DEFAULT $cur_scope[-1]$1="$2" %]/ig; >- $input_tmpl =~ s/<[!-]*\s*TMPL_VAR\s+NAME\s?=\s?['"]?\s*(\w*?)\s*['"]?\s+DEFAULT=(.*?)\s*-*>/[% DEFAULT $cur_scope[-1]$1=$2 %]/ig; >- $input_tmpl =~ s/<[!-]*\s*TMPL[_\s]VAR\s+NAME\s?=\s?['"]?\s*(\w*?)\s*['"]?\s*-*>/[% $cur_scope[-1]$1 %]/ig; >- $input_tmpl =~ s/<[!-]*\s*TMPL[_\s]VAR\s+EXPR\s?=\s?['"](.*?)['"]\s*-*>/[% $1 %]/ig; # TMPL_VAR NAME and TMPL_VAR EXPR are logically equiv >- $input_tmpl =~ s/<[!-]*\s*TMPL[_\s]VAR\s+EXPR\s?=\s?(.*?)\s*-*>/[% $1 %]/ig; >- >- # if, elseif and unless blocks >- $input_tmpl =~ s/<[!-]*\s*TMPL_IF\s+EXPR\s?=\s?['"](.*?)['"]\s*-*>/[% IF ( $1 ) %]/ig; >- $input_tmpl =~ s/<[!-]*\s*TMPL_IF\s+EXPR\s?=\s?(.*?)\s*-*>/[% IF ( $1 ) %]/ig; >- $input_tmpl =~ s/<[!-]*\s*TMPL_IF\s+NAME\s?=\s?['"]\s*(\w*?)\s*['"]\s*-*>/[% IF ( $cur_scope[-1]$1 ) %]/ig; >- $input_tmpl =~ s/<[!-]*\s*TMPL_IF\s+NAME\s?=\s?(\w*?)\s*-*>/[% IF ( $cur_scope[-1]$1 ) %]/ig; >- $input_tmpl =~ s/<[!-]*\s*TMPL_IF\s+['"](.*?)['"]\s*-*>/[% IF ( $cur_scope[-1]$1 ) %]/ig; >- $input_tmpl =~ s/<[!-]*\s*TMPL_IF\s+([\w\s]*?)\s*-*>/[% IF ( $cur_scope[-1]$1 ) %]/ig; >- >- $input_tmpl =~ s/<[!-]*\s*TMPL_ELSIF\s+EXPR\s?=\s?['"](.*?)['"]\s*-*>/[% ELSIF ( $1 ) %]/ig; >- $input_tmpl =~ s/<[!-]*\s*TMPL_ELSIF\s+EXPR\s?=\s?(.*?)\s*-*>/[% ELSIF ( $1 ) %]/ig; >- $input_tmpl =~ s/<[!-]*\s*TMPL_ELSIF\s+NAME\s?=\s?['"](\w*?)['"]\s*-*>/[% ELSIF ( $cur_scope[-1]$1 ) %]/ig; >- $input_tmpl =~ s/<[!-]*\s*TMPL_ELSIF\s+NAME\s?=\s?(\w*?)\s*-*>/[% ELSIF ( $cur_scope[-1]$1 ) %]/ig; >- $input_tmpl =~ s/<[!-]*\s*TMPL_ELSIF\s+['"](\w*?)['"]\s*-*>/[% ELSIF ( $cur_scope[-1]$1 ) %]/ig; >- $input_tmpl =~ s/<[!-]*\s*TMPL_ELSIF\s+(\w*?)\s*-*>/[% ELSIF ( $cur_scope[-1]$1 ) %]/ig; >- >- $input_tmpl =~ s/<[!-]*\s*TMPL_ELSE\s*-*>/[% ELSE %]/ig; >- $input_tmpl =~ s/<[!-]*\s*\/TMPL_IF\s*-*>/[% END %]/ig; >- >- $input_tmpl =~ s/<[!-]*\s*TMPL_UNLESS\s+NAME\s?=\s?['"]?(\w*?)['"]?\s*-*>/[% UNLESS ( $cur_scope[-1]$1 ) %]/ig; >- $input_tmpl =~ s/<[!-]*\s*\/TMPL_UNLESS\s*-*>/[% END %]/ig; >- # includes >- $input_tmpl =~ s/<[!-]*\s*TMPL_INCLUDE\s+NAME\s?=\s?"(.*?\.inc)"\s*-*>/[% INCLUDE '$1' %]/ig; >- $input_tmpl =~ s/<[!-]*\s*TMPL_INCLUDE\s+NAME\s?=\s?"(.*?)"\s*-*>/[% INCLUDE $1 %]/ig; >- >- #reverse scoping bug fix >- for my $tag (@globals){ >- next unless $cur_scope[-1]; >- $input_tmpl =~ s/$cur_scope[-1]$tag/$tag/g; >- } >- >- if ($input_tmpl =~ m/<[!-]*\s*TMPL_LOOP/i ){ >- $for_loop_found = 1; >- } >- >- $input_tmpl =~ s/<[!-]*\s*TMPL_LOOP\s+NAME\s?=\s?['"](?<SCOPE>.*?)['"]\s*-*>/"[% FOREACH " . substr($+{SCOPE}, 0, -1) . " IN $cur_scope[-1]$1 %]"/ieg; >- $input_tmpl =~ s/<[!-]*\s*TMPL_LOOP\s+NAME\s?=\s?(?<SCOPE>.*?)\s*-*>/"[% FOREACH " . substr($+{SCOPE}, 0, -1) . " IN $cur_scope[-1]$1 %]"/ieg; >- >- # handle new scope >- if($for_loop_found){ >- my $scope = substr($+{SCOPE}, 0, -1) . "."; >- push(@cur_scope, $scope); >- $for_loop_found = 0; >- } >- >- # handle loops and old scope >- if ( $input_tmpl =~ m/<!--[\s\/]*TMPL_LOOP\s*-->/i ) { >- push(@files_w_tmpl_loops, $new_path); >- pop(@cur_scope); >- } >- >- $input_tmpl =~ s/<[!-]*\s*\/TMPL_LOOP\s*-*>/[% END %]/ig; >- >- # misc 'patches' >- $input_tmpl =~ s/\seq\s/ == /ig; >- $input_tmpl =~ s/HTML/html/g; >- $input_tmpl =~ s/URL/url/g; >- $input_tmpl =~ s/dhtmlcalendar_dateformat/DHTMLcalendar_dateformat/ig; >- $input_tmpl =~ s/\w*\.__first__/loop.first/ig; >- $input_tmpl =~ s/\w*\.__last__/loop.last/ig; >- $input_tmpl =~ s/\w*\.__odd__/loop.odd/ig; >- $input_tmpl =~ s/\w*\.__even__/loop.even/ig; >- $input_tmpl =~ s/\w*\.__counter__/loop.count/ig; #loop.count gives the range (0..max) whereas loop.index gives the range (1..max+1), __counter__ is unknown >- >- # hack to get around lack of javascript filter >- $input_tmpl =~ s/\|\s*JS/|replace("'", "\\'") |replace('"', '\\"') |replace('\\n', '\\\\n') |replace('\\r', '\\\\r')/ig; >- >- # Write out.. >- print $OTT $input_tmpl; >- } >- } >- close $ITMPL; >- close $OTT; >-} >- >-if ( scalar(@files_w_tmpl_loops) && $verbose ) { >- print "\nThese files contain TMPL_LOOPs that need double checking:\n"; >- foreach my $file (@files_w_tmpl_loops) { >- print "$file\n"; >- } >-} >- >-## SUB-ROUTINES ## >- >-# Create new directory structure and return list of template files >-sub mirror_template_dir_structure_return_files { >- my($dir, $type) = @_; >- >- my @files = (); >- if ( opendir(DIR, $dir) ) { >- my @dirent = readdir DIR; # because DIR is shared when recursing >- closedir DIR; >- for my $dirent (@dirent) { >- my $path = "$dir/$dirent"; >- if ( $dirent =~ /^\./ ) { >- ; >- } >- elsif ( -f $path ) { >- (my $new_path = $path) =~ s/$tmpl_in_dir/$tmpl_out_dir/; >- $new_path = "$KOHA_ROOT/$new_path" unless ( $new_path =~ m/^$KOHA_ROOT/ ); >- if ( !defined $type || $dirent =~ /\.(?:$type)$/) { >- push(@files, $path); >- } >- elsif ( $copy_other_files ) { >- copy($path, $new_path) >- or croak "Failed to copy $path to $new_path: $!"; >- } >- } >- elsif ( -d $path ) { >- (my $new_path = $path) =~ s/$tmpl_in_dir/$tmpl_out_dir/; >- $new_path = "$KOHA_ROOT/$new_path" unless ( $new_path =~ m/^$KOHA_ROOT/ ); >- if ( ! -d $new_path ) { >- mkdir($new_path) #, '0755' >- or croak "Failed to create " . $new_path ." directory: $!"; >- } >- my @sub_files = mirror_template_dir_structure_return_files($path, $type); >- push(@files, @sub_files) if ( scalar(@sub_files) ); >- } >- } >- } else { >- warn("Cannot open $dir: $! ... skipping"); >- } >- >- return @files; >-} >-- >2.32.0
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bug 29494