[patch] Bug 29810: Add summary of x-koha-embed header to api spec
Bug-29810-Add-summary-of-x-koha-embed-header-to-ap.patch (text/plain), 1.95 KB, created by Martin Renvoize (ashimema) on 2022-01-06 13:27:49 UTC
Creator: Martin Renvoize (ashimema)
Created: 2022-01-06 13:27:49 UTC
Size: 1.95 KB
Actions: View | Diff | Splinter Review
Attachments on bug 29810: 129063 | 129064 | 129067 | 129068 | 129069 | 129070 | 129071 | 129072 | 129073 | 132131 | 132132 | 132133 | 132134 | 132135 | 132136 | 132137 | 132160 | 132161 | 132162 | 132163 | 132164 | 132165 | 132166 | 132167 | 132223 | 132224 | 132225 | 132226 | 132227 | 132228 | 132229 | 132230 | 132255 | 132256 | 132257 | 132258 | 132259 | 132260 | 132261 | 132262 | 132341 | 132342 | 132343 | 132344 | 132345 | 132346 | 132347 | 132348 | 133063 | 133064 | 133065 | 133066 | 133067 | 133068 | 133069 | 133070 | 133285