[patch] Bug 28787: Send a notice with the TOTP token
Bug-28787-Send-a-notice-with-the-TOTP-token.patch (text/plain), 18.82 KB, created by Kyle M Hall (khall) on 2022-08-05 14:24:20 UTC
Creator: Kyle M Hall (khall)
Created: 2022-08-05 14:24:20 UTC
Size: 18.82 KB
Actions: View | Diff | Splinter Review
Attachments on bug 28787: 135287 | 136571 | 136572 | 136573 | 137251 | 137330 | 137331 | 137369 | 137370 | 137371 | 137379 | 137380 | 137381 | 137391 | 137392 | 137393 | 137394 | 137395 | 137396 | 137397 | 137398 | 137399 | 137400 | 138146 | 138149 | 138150 | 138151 | 138152 | 138153 | 138154 | 138155 | 138156 | 138157 | 138158 | 138159 | 138689 | 138696 | 138697 | 138698 | 138699 | 138700 | 138701 | 138702 | 138703 | 138704 | 138705 | 138706 | 138707 | 138931 | 138932