Bugzilla – Attachment 144843 Details for
Bug 31797
Add DELETE endpoint for Items
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Bug 31797: Add DELETE /items/:item_id endpoint
Bug-31797-Add-DELETE-itemsitemid-endpoint.patch (text/plain), 8.74 KB, created by
Tomás Cohen Arazi (tcohen)
on 2022-12-26 19:05:35 UTC
Bug 31797: Add DELETE /items/:item_id endpoint
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Tomás Cohen Arazi (tcohen)
2022-12-26 19:05:35 UTC
8.74 KB
>From e1847e43dc23310e8ba6b96dc5005bfae7945019 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 >From: Tomas Cohen Arazi <tomascohen@theke.io> >Date: Mon, 26 Dec 2022 16:01:42 -0300 >Subject: [PATCH] Bug 31797: Add DELETE /items/:item_id endpoint > >This patch adds the mentioned endpoint. The controller relies on >Koha::Item->safe_to_delete for checks and uses `safe_delete` as >additem.pl does. > >The required permissions are edit_catalogue. > >To test: >1. Apply this patch >2. Run: > $ kshell > k$ prove t/db_dependent/api/v1/items.t >=> SUCCESS: Tests pass! >3. Play with item deletion using a REST tool like Postman >=> SUCCESS: All works as expected >4. Sign off :-D > >Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <tomascohen@theke.io> >--- > Koha/REST/V1/Items.pm | 66 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++- > api/v1/swagger/paths/items.yaml | 52 ++++++++++++++++++++++ > t/db_dependent/api/v1/items.t | 79 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- > 3 files changed, 195 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) > >diff --git a/Koha/REST/V1/Items.pm b/Koha/REST/V1/Items.pm >index 515fcd91bfe..70abdfeeb2b 100644 >--- a/Koha/REST/V1/Items.pm >+++ b/Koha/REST/V1/Items.pm >@@ -58,7 +58,6 @@ sub list { > }; > } > >- > =head3 get > > Controller function that handles retrieving a single Koha::Item >@@ -83,6 +82,71 @@ sub get { > }; > } > >+=head3 delete >+ >+Controller function that handles deleting a single Koha::Item >+ >+=cut >+ >+sub delete { >+ my $c = shift->openapi->valid_input or return; >+ >+ return try { >+ my $item = Koha::Items->find($c->validation->param('item_id')); >+ unless ( $item ) { >+ return $c->render( >+ status => 404, >+ openapi => { error => 'Item not found'} >+ ); >+ } >+ >+ my $safe_to_delete = $item->safe_to_delete; >+ >+ if ( !$safe_to_delete ) { >+ >+ # Pick the first error, if any >+ my ( $error ) = grep { $_->type eq 'error' } @{ $safe_to_delete->messages }; >+ >+ unless ( $error ) { >+ Koha::Exception->throw('Koha::Item->safe_to_delete returned false but carried no error message'); >+ } >+ >+ my $errors = { >+ book_on_loan => { code => 'checked_out', description => 'The item is checked out' }, >+ book_reserved => { code => 'found_hold', description => 'Waiting or in-transit hold for the item' }, >+ last_item_for_hold => { code => 'last_item_for_hold', description => 'The item is the last one on a record on which a biblio-level hold is placed' }, >+ linked_analytics => { code => 'linked_analytics', description => 'The item has linked analytic records' }, >+ not_same_branch => { code => 'not_same_branch', description => 'The item is blocked by independent branches' }, >+ }; >+ >+ if ( any { $error->message eq $_ } keys %{$errors} ) { >+ >+ my $code = $error->message; >+ >+ return $c->render( >+ status => 409, >+ openapi => { >+ error => $errors->{ $code }->{description}, >+ error_code => $errors->{ $code }->{code}, >+ } >+ ); >+ } else { >+ Koha::Exception->throw( 'Koha::Patron->safe_to_delete carried an unexpected message: ' . $error->message ); >+ } >+ } >+ >+ $item->safe_delete; >+ >+ return $c->render( >+ status => 204, >+ openapi => q{} >+ ); >+ } >+ catch { >+ $c->unhandled_exception($_); >+ }; >+} >+ > =head3 pickup_locations > > Method that returns the possible pickup_locations for a given item >diff --git a/api/v1/swagger/paths/items.yaml b/api/v1/swagger/paths/items.yaml >index 7c947f6e3fb..ce0f8bc028a 100644 >--- a/api/v1/swagger/paths/items.yaml >+++ b/api/v1/swagger/paths/items.yaml >@@ -93,6 +93,58 @@ > x-koha-authorization: > permissions: > catalogue: "1" >+ delete: >+ x-mojo-to: Items#delete >+ operationId: deleteItem >+ tags: >+ - items >+ summary: Delete item >+ parameters: >+ - $ref: "../swagger.yaml#/parameters/item_id_pp" >+ consumes: >+ - application/json >+ produces: >+ - application/json >+ responses: >+ "204": >+ description: Deleted item >+ "400": >+ description: Missing or wrong parameters >+ schema: >+ $ref: "../swagger.yaml#/definitions/error" >+ "403": >+ description: Access forbidden >+ schema: >+ $ref: "../swagger.yaml#/definitions/error" >+ "404": >+ description: Item not found >+ schema: >+ $ref: "../swagger.yaml#/definitions/error" >+ "409": >+ description: | >+ Conflict. Possible `error_code` attribute values: >+ >+ * book_on_loan: The item is checked out >+ * book_reserved: Waiting or in-transit hold for the item >+ * last_item_for_hold: The item is the last one on a record on which a biblio-level hold is placed >+ * linked_analytics: The item has linked analytic records >+ * not_same_branch: The item is blocked by independent branches >+ schema: >+ $ref: "../swagger.yaml#/definitions/error" >+ "500": >+ description: | >+ Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: >+ >+ * `internal_server_error` >+ schema: >+ $ref: "../swagger.yaml#/definitions/error" >+ "503": >+ description: Under maintenance >+ schema: >+ $ref: "../swagger.yaml#/definitions/error" >+ x-koha-authorization: >+ permissions: >+ editcatalogue: edit_catalogue > "/items/{item_id}/bundled_items": > post: > x-mojo-to: Items#add_to_bundle >diff --git a/t/db_dependent/api/v1/items.t b/t/db_dependent/api/v1/items.t >index 5dd047937da..aa012c532c0 100755 >--- a/t/db_dependent/api/v1/items.t >+++ b/t/db_dependent/api/v1/items.t >@@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ > > use Modern::Perl; > >-use Test::More tests => 3; >+use Test::More tests => 4; >+use Test::MockModule; > use Test::Mojo; > use Test::Warn; > >@@ -187,6 +188,82 @@ subtest 'get() tests' => sub { > $schema->storage->txn_rollback; > }; > >+subtest 'delete() tests' => sub { >+ >+ plan tests => 23; >+ >+ $schema->storage->txn_begin; >+ >+ my $fail = 0; >+ my $expected_error; >+ >+ # we want to control all the safe_to_delete use cases >+ my $item_class = Test::MockModule->new('Koha::Item'); >+ $item_class->mock( 'safe_to_delete', sub { >+ if ( $fail ) { >+ return Koha::Result::Boolean->new(0)->add_message({ message => $expected_error }); >+ } >+ else { >+ return Koha::Result::Boolean->new(1); >+ } >+ }); >+ >+ my $librarian = $builder->build_object( >+ { >+ class => 'Koha::Patrons', >+ value => { flags => 2**9 } # catalogue flag = 2 >+ } >+ ); >+ my $password = 'thePassword123'; >+ $librarian->set_password( { password => $password, skip_validation => 1 } ); >+ my $userid = $librarian->userid; >+ >+ my $item = $builder->build_sample_item; >+ >+ my $errors = { >+ book_on_loan => { code => 'checked_out', description => 'The item is checked out' }, >+ book_reserved => { code => 'found_hold', description => 'Waiting or in-transit hold for the item' }, >+ last_item_for_hold => { code => 'last_item_for_hold', description => 'The item is the last one on a record on which a biblio-level hold is placed' }, >+ linked_analytics => { code => 'linked_analytics', description => 'The item has linked analytic records' }, >+ not_same_branch => { code => 'not_same_branch', description => 'The item is blocked by independent branches' }, >+ }; >+ >+ $fail = 1; >+ >+ foreach my $error_code ( keys %{$errors} ) { >+ >+ $expected_error = $error_code; >+ >+ $t->delete_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/items/" . $item->id ) >+ ->status_is(409) >+ ->json_is( >+ { error => $errors->{$error_code}->{description}, >+ error_code => $errors->{$error_code}->{code}, >+ } >+ ); >+ } >+ >+ $expected_error = 'unknown_error'; >+ $t->delete_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/items/" . $item->id ) >+ ->status_is(500, 'unhandled error case generated default unhandled exception message') >+ ->json_is( >+ { error => 'Something went wrong, check Koha logs for details.', >+ error_code => 'internal_server_error', >+ } >+ ); >+ >+ $fail = 0; >+ >+ $t->delete_ok("//$userid:$password@/api/v1/items/" . $item->id) >+ ->status_is(204, 'SWAGGER3.2.4') >+ ->content_is('', 'SWAGGER3.3.4'); >+ >+ $t->delete_ok("//$userid:$password@/api/v1/items/" . $item->id) >+ ->status_is(404); >+ >+ $schema->storage->txn_rollback; >+}; >+ > subtest 'pickup_locations() tests' => sub { > > plan tests => 16; >-- >2.34.1
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