Bugzilla – Attachment 145494 Details for
Bug 32684
Implement SIP patron status field "too many items lost"
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Bug 32684: Implement SIP patron status field "too many items lost"
Bug-32684-Implement-SIP-patron-status-field-too-ma.patch (text/plain), 8.44 KB, created by
Kyle M Hall (khall)
on 2023-01-19 19:02:43 UTC
Bug 32684: Implement SIP patron status field "too many items lost"
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Kyle M Hall (khall)
2023-01-19 19:02:43 UTC
8.44 KB
>From 317b95db606437ef53d672463a7682bc731645a1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 >From: Kyle Hall <kyle@bywatersolutions.com> >Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2023 13:45:07 -0500 >Subject: [PATCH] Bug 32684: Implement SIP patron status field "too many items > lost" > >The SIP patron status and information responses always return false foe "too many items lost". It would be reasonable to check the count of lost items still checked out to the patron and compare that to a threshold set in the sip config file. Though not all libraries operate in this way, it seems like a good and reasonable implementation as long is it is properly documented. > >This patch adds the ability to set the SIP "too many items lost" flag >for a patron based on the number of lost checkouts the patron has where >the lost flag on those items is greater than the given flag value. > >For example, one could specify that the flag be set if the patron has >more than 2 items checked out where itemlost is greater than 3. > >By default the feature is disabled to retain the existing functionality. >If enabled, the default itemlost minimum flag value is 1 unless >specified. > >Test Plan: >1) Apply this patch >2) prove t/db_dependent/SIP/Message.t >--- > C4/SIP/Sip/MsgType.pm | 9 +++- > etc/SIPconfig.xml | 4 ++ > t/db_dependent/SIP/Message.t | 88 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- > 3 files changed, 98 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) > >diff --git a/C4/SIP/Sip/MsgType.pm b/C4/SIP/Sip/MsgType.pm >index cad82e0b35..c25f11bca3 100644 >--- a/C4/SIP/Sip/MsgType.pm >+++ b/C4/SIP/Sip/MsgType.pm >@@ -1714,6 +1714,13 @@ sub patron_status_string { > > my $patron_status; > >+ my $too_many_lost = 0; >+ if ( my $lost_block_checkout = $server->{account}->{lost_block_checkout} ) { >+ my $lost_block_checkout_value = $server->{account}->{lost_block_checkout_value} // 1; >+ my $lost_checkouts = Koha::Checkouts->search({ borrowernumber => $patron->borrowernumber, 'itemlost' => { '>=', $lost_block_checkout_value } }, { join => 'item'} )->count; >+ $too_many_lost = $lost_checkouts >= $lost_block_checkout; >+ } >+ > siplog( "LOG_DEBUG", "patron_status_string: %s charge_ok: %s", $patron->id, $patron->charge_ok ); > $patron_status = sprintf( > '%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s', >@@ -1726,7 +1733,7 @@ sub patron_status_string { > $server->{account}->{overdues_block_checkout} ? boolspace( $patron->too_many_overdue ) : q{ }, > boolspace( $patron->too_many_renewal ), > boolspace( $patron->too_many_claim_return ), >- boolspace( $patron->too_many_lost ), >+ boolspace( $too_many_lost ), > boolspace( $patron->excessive_fines ), > boolspace( $patron->excessive_fees ), > boolspace( $patron->recall_overdue ), >diff --git a/etc/SIPconfig.xml b/etc/SIPconfig.xml >index 8e0dcbef85..209a36ed95 100644 >--- a/etc/SIPconfig.xml >+++ b/etc/SIPconfig.xml >@@ -74,9 +74,13 @@ > holds_get_captured="1" > prevcheckout_block_checkout="0" > overdues_block_checkout="1" >+ lost_block_checkout="2" >+ lost_block_checkout_value="1" > format_due_date="0" > inhouse_item_types="" > inhouse_patron_categories=""> >+ <!-- lost_block_checkout sets flag if patron has more than the given current checkouts that are lost ( itemlost > 0 by default ) --> >+ <!-- lost_block_checkout_value determines the minimum lost item value to count ( that is, the value in items.itemlost ) --> > <!-- Refer to syspref SIP2SortBinMapping for full explanation of sort bin mapping --> > <sort_bin_mapping mapping="CPL:itype:eq:BK:1"/> > <sort_bin_mapping mapping="CPL:location:eq:OFFICE:2"/> >diff --git a/t/db_dependent/SIP/Message.t b/t/db_dependent/SIP/Message.t >index e985c3e27a..4c6fe1326c 100755 >--- a/t/db_dependent/SIP/Message.t >+++ b/t/db_dependent/SIP/Message.t >@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ > # along with Koha; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>. > > use Modern::Perl; >-use Test::More tests => 15; >+use Test::More tests => 16; > use Test::Exception; > use Test::MockObject; > use Test::MockModule; >@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ use t::lib::Mocks; > use t::lib::TestBuilder; > > use C4::Reserves qw( AddReserve ); >-use C4::Circulation qw( AddReturn ); >+use C4::Circulation qw( AddIssue AddReturn ); > use Koha::Database; > use Koha::AuthUtils qw(hash_password); > use Koha::DateUtils qw( dt_from_string output_pref ); >@@ -237,6 +237,90 @@ subtest 'Lastseen response' => sub { > > }; > >+subtest "Test patron_status_string" => sub { >+ my $schema = Koha::Database->new->schema; >+ $schema->storage->txn_begin; >+ >+ plan tests => 9; >+ >+ my $builder = t::lib::TestBuilder->new(); >+ my $branchcode = $builder->build({ source => 'Branch' })->{branchcode}; >+ my $patron = $builder->build({ >+ source => 'Borrower', >+ value => { >+ branchcode => $branchcode, >+ }, >+ }); >+ my $sip_patron = C4::SIP::ILS::Patron->new( $patron->{cardnumber} ); >+ >+ t::lib::Mocks::mock_userenv({ branchcode => $branchcode }); >+ >+ my $item1 = $builder->build_sample_item( >+ { >+ damaged => 0, >+ withdrawn => 0, >+ itemlost => 0, >+ restricted => 0, >+ homebranch => $branchcode, >+ holdingbranch => $branchcode, >+ permanent_location => "PERMANENT_LOCATION" >+ } >+ ); >+ AddIssue( $patron, $item1->barcode ); >+ >+ my $item2 = $builder->build_sample_item( >+ { >+ damaged => 0, >+ withdrawn => 0, >+ itemlost => 0, >+ restricted => 0, >+ homebranch => $branchcode, >+ holdingbranch => $branchcode, >+ permanent_location => "PERMANENT_LOCATION" >+ } >+ ); >+ AddIssue( $patron, $item2->barcode ); >+ >+ is( Koha::Checkouts->search({ borrowernumber => $patron->{borrowernumber} })->count, 2, "Found 2 checkouts for this patron" ); >+ >+ $item1->itemlost(1)->store(); >+ $item2->itemlost(2)->store(); >+ >+ is( Koha::Checkouts->search({ borrowernumber => $patron->{borrowernumber}, 'itemlost' => { '>', 0 } }, { join => 'item'} )->count, 2, "Found 2 lost checkouts for this patron" ); >+ >+ my $server->{account}->{lost_block_checkout} = undef; >+ my $patron_status_string = C4::SIP::Sip::MsgType::patron_status_string( $sip_patron, $server ); >+ is( substr($patron_status_string, 9, 1), q{ }, "lost_block_checkout = 0 does not block checkouts with 2 lost checkouts" );; >+ >+ $server->{account}->{lost_block_checkout} = 0; >+ $patron_status_string = C4::SIP::Sip::MsgType::patron_status_string( $sip_patron, $server ); >+ is( substr($patron_status_string, 9, 1), q{ }, "lost_block_checkout = 0 does not block checkouts with 2 lost checkouts" );; >+ >+ $server->{account}->{lost_block_checkout} = 1; >+ $patron_status_string = C4::SIP::Sip::MsgType::patron_status_string( $sip_patron, $server ); >+ is( substr($patron_status_string, 9, 1), q{Y}, "lost_block_checkout = 1 does block checkouts with 2 lost checkouts" );; >+ >+ $server->{account}->{lost_block_checkout} = 2; >+ $patron_status_string = C4::SIP::Sip::MsgType::patron_status_string( $sip_patron, $server ); >+ is( substr($patron_status_string, 9, 1), q{Y}, "lost_block_checkout = 2 does block checkouts with 2 lost checkouts" );; >+ >+ $server->{account}->{lost_block_checkout} = 3; >+ $patron_status_string = C4::SIP::Sip::MsgType::patron_status_string( $sip_patron, $server ); >+ is( substr($patron_status_string, 9, 1), q{ }, "lost_block_checkout = 3 does not block checkouts with 2 lost checkouts" );; >+ >+ $server->{account}->{lost_block_checkout} = 2; >+ $server->{account}->{lost_block_checkout_value} = 2; >+ $patron_status_string = C4::SIP::Sip::MsgType::patron_status_string( $sip_patron, $server ); >+ is( substr($patron_status_string, 9, 1), q{ }, "lost_block_checkout = 2, lost_block_checkout_value = 2 does not block checkouts with 2 lost checkouts where only 1 has itemlost = 2" ); >+ >+ $server->{account}->{lost_block_checkout} = 1; >+ $server->{account}->{lost_block_checkout_value} = 2; >+ $patron_status_string = C4::SIP::Sip::MsgType::patron_status_string( $sip_patron, $server ); >+ is( substr($patron_status_string, 9, 1), q{Y}, "lost_block_checkout = 2, lost_block_checkout_value = 2 does block checkouts with 2 lost checkouts where only 1 has itemlost = 2" ); >+ >+ $schema->storage->txn_rollback; >+}; >+ > subtest "Test build_additional_item_fields_string" => sub { > my $schema = Koha::Database->new->schema; > $schema->storage->txn_begin; >-- >2.30.2
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