[patch] Bug 17385: (Fix) Add custum export format option to the cart and the lists and fix tests for CustomXSLTExportList
Bug-17385-Fix-Add-custum-export-format-option-to-t.patch (text/plain), 30.92 KB, created by Hammat wele on 2023-05-11 20:40:15 UTC
Creator: Hammat wele
Created: 2023-05-11 20:40:15 UTC
Size: 30.92 KB
Actions: View | Diff | Splinter Review
Attachments on bug 17385: 55961 | 58308 | 64033 | 64034 | 67357 | 67579 | 74660 | 74661 | 79055 | 79056 | 80675 | 81385 | 81386 | 84388 | 84389 | 84390 | 86875 | 86876 | 86877 | 86878 | 86879 | 86880 | 97076 | 97101 | 97102 | 97103 | 97104 | 97105 | 100289 | 100290 | 100291 | 100292 | 100293 | 100663 | 100670 | 100671 | 100672 | 100673 | 100674 | 100675 | 112671 | 112672 | 112673 | 112674 | 112675 | 112676 | 112677 | 112678 | 112679 | 112680 | 112681 | 112682 | 112956 | 112957 | 112958 | 112959 | 130283 | 130284 | 130285 | 130286 | 130287 | 130691 | 130692 | 130693 | 130694 | 130695 | 131492 | 132488 | 132489 | 132490 | 132491 | 132492 | 132493 | 132581 | 133498 | 133499 | 133500 | 133501 | 133502 | 133503 | 133504 | 138031 | 138032 | 138033 | 138034 | 138035 | 138036 | 138037 | 138082 | 138083 | 138084 | 138085 | 138086 | 138087 | 138088 | 138132 | 139277 | 139278 | 139279 | 139280 | 139281 | 139282 | 139283 | 139284 | 141157 | 141158 | 141159 | 141160 | 141161 | 141162 | 141163 | 141164 | 144335 | 144336 | 144380 | 144384 | 151095 | 151096 | 151097 | 151098 | 151099 | 151102 | 151103 | 151104 | 151105 | 151106 | 151377 | 151378 | 151379 | 151380 | 151381 | 154379 | 154380 | 154381 | 154382 | 154383 | 156815 | 156816 | 156817 | 156818 | 156819 | 159142 | 159143 | 159144 | 159145 | 159146 | 159147 | 159148 | 163623 | 170014 | 170015 | 170016 | 170017 | 170018 | 170019 | 170026 | 170027 | 170028 | 170029 | 170030 | 170031 | 170983 | 170984 | 170985 | 170986 | 170987 | 170988