[patch] Attachment to Bug 32730 - Add patron lists tab to patron details and circulation pages
Bug-32730-Add-Patron-Lists-tab-to-patron-details-a.patch (text/plain), 18.03 KB, created by Lisette Scheer on 2023-09-12 20:31:51 UTC
Creator: Lisette Scheer
Created: 2023-09-12 20:31:51 UTC
Size: 18.03 KB
Actions: View | Diff | Splinter Review
Attachments on bug 32730: 145668 | 145710 | 145744 | 145745 | 145768 | 145977 | 146039 | 147981 | 147982 | 149477 | 154672 | 155575 | 155589 | 157992 | 158209 | 158210 | 158211