[patch] Bug 25539: Strip items when adding new biblio to preserve previous behaviour of the script
Bug-25539-Strip-items-when-adding-new-biblio-to-pr.patch (text/plain), 2.04 KB, created by Michał on 2023-12-20 18:46:51 UTC
Creator: Michał
Created: 2023-12-20 18:46:51 UTC
Size: 2.04 KB
Actions: View | Diff | Splinter Review
Attachments on bug 25539: 105065 | 105066 | 109789 | 110260 | 110261 | 127599 | 127600 | 127601 | 127602 | 127603 | 127976 | 127977 | 127978 | 127979 | 127980 | 127981 | 133030 | 133031 | 133032 | 133034 | 133035 | 133036 | 140992 | 140993 | 140994 | 156224 | 156225 | 156226 | 160158 | 160159 | 160160 | 160489 | 160490 | 160491